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Simple plugin to add Highlights based on diagnostics

highlight nvim nvim-plugin

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Simple plugin to add Highlights based on diagnostics




# nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight

A simple plugin to apply a highlight group to unused variables and functions similar to what [coc-nvim][coc] does.

It can also apply any custom highlight to other diagnostics


Note that the _unused_ fields are darkened and other diagnostics are not changed.

By default it works for _unused_ fields, but the plugin is configurable for whatever diagnostics you want

## Installation

Simply import the plugin with your favorite package manager and call `.setup` on it

-- Packer
use {
config = function()
require('nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight').setup {}

-- Plug
Plug 'Kasama/nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight'
require('nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight').setup {}

-- ...etc

## Basic Usage

By default this plugin registers a diagnostics handler to highlight unused-diagnosed variables, functions, imports, etc.

The most basic usage is to have `require('nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight').setup {}` in your configurations.

## Configuration

The most up-to-date default configuration can be found at `./lua/nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight.lua`

The default configuration includes:
local final_opts = {
register_handler = true, -- Wether to register the handler automatically
handler_name = 'kasama/nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight', -- The name of the handler to be registered (has no effect if register_handler = false)
highlight_group = 'Conceal', -- The Highlight group to set at the diagnostic
patterns_override = { -- Lua patterns to be tested against the diagnostic message. Overrides default behavior
'%sunused', '^unused', 'not used', 'never used',
'not read', 'never read', 'empty block', 'not accessed'
extra_patterns = {}, -- Extra lua patterns to add. Does NOT override and will be added to the above
diagnostic_handler_namespace = 'unused_hl_ns', -- Name of the handler namespace that will contain the highlight (needs to be unique)
defer_until_n_lines_away = false, -- If set to a number, then highlighting is deferred until the cursor is N lines away from
-- diagnostics. Useful to avoid unwanted highlights in the currently edited position.
defer_highlight_update_events = {'CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI'}, -- Events on which deferred highlights will be updated (passed to nvim_create_autocmd)

Note that both `handler_name` and `diagnostic_handler_namespace` must be unique values

## Advanced usage

This plugin by default is setup to highlight unused variables, but it can be used to add _any_ highlight to _any_ diagnostic.

It can also be used multiple times. The example below sets up once with the default behavior and another highlighting `import` related diagnostics with a custom highlight group.

local unused_handler = require('nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight').setup {
register_handler = false,
diagnostic_handler_namespace = 'unused_handler'
local import_handler = require('nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight').setup {
register_handler = false,
highlight_group = 'MyCustomHighlightGroup',
patterns_override = { 'import' },
diagnostic_handler_namespace = 'import_handler'

vim.cmd [[highlight MyCustomHighlightGroup ctermfg=168 ctermbg=16 guifg=#e06c75 guibg=#282c34]]

vim.diagnostic.handlers['my/unused'] = unused_handler
vim.diagnostic.handlers['my/import'] = import_handler

There are many possibilities.
