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Write LÖVE 2D projects with TypeScript

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Write LÖVE 2D projects with TypeScript




TypeScriptToLua + LÖVE 2D

LÖVE 2D TypeScript Definitions


Contains declaration files to build [LÖVE 2D]( projects with TypeScript!

Built for use with [TypeScriptToLua]( Check out [love-typescript-template]( to get a sample project to build off.

Or run the following in a terminal to try it out:

# Requires NPX and Love2D to be available via cli
npm init -y
npm install -D typescript-to-lua typescript love-typescript-definitions
echo '{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "ESNext", "lib": ["ESNext"], "moduleResolution": "Node", "types": ["love-typescript-definitions", "@typescript-to-lua/language-extensions"] }, "tstl": { "luaTarget": "JIT" } }' > tsconfig.json
echo "love.draw = () => {'Hello World') };" > main.ts
npx tstl -p tsconfig.json
love .

> TIP: Use _tstl_'s watch mode (`--watch`) if you're after fast and automatic transpilation as files are updated.

Available on NPM.

npm install love-typescript-definitions

## Other Definitions / Tools to Help

- [lua-types]( declarations for the various Lua environments. Allows LuaJIT specific functions to be used.
- [peachy-types]( for using [peachy](, a parser/renderer for Aseprite animations in LÖVE.
- [encompass-ecs](, a powerful engine-agnostic framework to help you code games, or other kinds of simulations.
- [vscode-typescript-to-lua]( plugin for VSCode. Highlights errors you'd encounter with TypeScriptToLua and gives _tsconfig.json_ information all within the editor.
- [local-lua-debugger-vscode](, a simple Lua debugger which requires no additional dependencies. Works with TypeScriptToLua and LÖVE.
- [TypeScriptGame](, an example game made with these declarations by [@yancouto](
- [tstl-lurker]( declarations for [lurker]( Allows code TypeScript code to be hotswapped with a running Lua game.
- [UTF-8]( the utf8 module included with LÖVE 2D.
- [tstl-anim8]( declarations for anim8, a small animation library for LÖVE.
- [tstl-flux]( declarations for flux, a fast, lightweight tweening library for Lua.
- [tstl-roomy]( declarations for roomy, a small screen-management lua module.
- [bump-types]( declarations for bump.lua, a collision detection library for Lua.
- [lovebird-types]( declarations for lovebird, a browser-based debug console for the LÖVE framework.
- [bitser-types]( declarations for bitser, a library helps (de)serialization of Lua values with LuaJIT
- [cartographer-types]( declarations for cartographer, a small library for loading, reading, and drawing Tiled maps in LÖVE