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A native neovim extension for Codeium

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A native neovim extension for Codeium






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# codeium.nvim

Native [Codeium]( plugin for Neovim.

## Contributing

Feel free to create an issue/PR if you want to see anything else implemented.

## Screenshots

[Completion in Action](

## Installation

### [packer.nvim](

use {
requires = {
config = function()

### [lazy.nvim](

dependencies = {
config = function()

## Usage

After installation and configuration, you will need to authenticate with
Codeium. This can be done by running `:Codeium Auth`, copying the token from
your browser and pasting it into API token request.

## Options

- `config_path`: the path to the config file, used to store the API key.
- `bin_path`: the path to the directory where the Codeium server will be downloaded to.
- `api`: information about the API server to use:
- `host`: the hostname. Example: `""`. Required when using enterprise mode
- `port`: the port. Defaults to `443`
- `path`: the path prefix to the API server. Default for enterprise: `"/_route/api_server"`
- `portal_url`: the portal URL to use (for enterprise mode). Defaults to `host:port`
- `enterprise_mode`: enable enterprise mode
- `detect_proxy`: enable or disable proxy detection
- `enable_chat`: enable chat functionality
- `tools`: paths to binaries used by the plugin:

- `uname`: not needed on Windows, defaults given.
- `uuidgen`
- `curl`:
- `gzip`: not needed on Windows, default implemenation given using powershell.exe Expand-Archive instead

- `language_server`: The path to the language server downloaded from the [official source.](

- `wrapper`: the path to a wrapper script/binary that is used to execute any
binaries not listed under `tools`. This is primarily useful for NixOS, where
a FHS wrapper can be used for the downloaded codeium server.

### [nvim-cmp](

After calling `setup`, this plugin will register a source in nvim-cmp. nvim-cmp
can then be set up to use this source using the `sources` configuration:

-- ...
sources = {
-- ...
{ name = "codeium" }

If you are seeing the `codeium` source as unused in `:CmpStatus`, make sure that `nvim-cmp` setup happens before the `codeium.nvim` setup.

To set a symbol for codeium using lspkind, use the `Codeium` keyword. Example:

-- ...
formatting = {
format = require('lspkind').cmp_format({
mode = "symbol",
maxwidth = 50,
ellipsis_char = '...',
symbol_map = { Codeium = "", }

## Troubleshooting

The plugin log is written to `~/.cache/nvim/codeium.log`.

You can set the logging level to one of `trace`, `debug`, `info`, `warn`,
`error` by exporting the `DEBUG_CODEIUM` environment variable.

## Credits

This plugin was initially developed by [@jcdickinson](