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Populate the quickfix with json entries

lua neovim

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Populate the quickfix with json entries







Populate the quickfix with json entries


If only one could easily browse and preview json files in neovim. Oh wait, `nvim-jqx` does just that!

## Installation

Install it using your favourite plugin manager: for instance

- with [lazy.nvim](

ft = { "json", "yaml" },

Notice that `jq` is a prerequisite, as this plugin executes `jq` queries internally.

## Usage

`nvim-jqx` exposes two commands: `JqxList` and `JqxQuery`.
Open a json file and issue `JqxList`: the json is prettified and the quickfix window is populated with the first level keys. Press `X` on a key to query its values and show the results in a floating window; alternatively `` takes you to its location in the file.


`JqxList` also accepts an optional argument representing the json type you want to subselect: for example `JqxList number` populates the quickfix with entries of type number only, so do `JqxList string`, `JqxList boolean` and so forth, respectively: this is quite useful for big files where you want to have a quick peek at, say, some numerical values only or similar. For a full list of available types see `h: jqx-usage` or simply hit `` to show the autocomplete for available types.

To execute more complicated and generic `jq` commands use `JqxQuery` instead; the prompt helps autocomplete with the file keys for easy typing. Open a json file `test.json` and issue `JqxQuery `: this translates into `jq "." test.json` as shown below

# JqxQuery grammar
JqxQuery friends[2].name
"Michael Marquez"

# jq equivalent
jq '.friends[2].name' test.json
"Michael Marquez"


Default commands

| command | description |
| :--------------- | :------------------------------------------------ |
| `JqxList` | populate the quickfix window with json keys |
| `JqxList string` | populate the quickfix window with string values |
| `JqxQuery` | executes a generic `jq` query in the current file |
| `` | go to key location in file |
| X | query values of key under cursor |
| `` | close floating window |

Try it out directly with `nvim examples/test.json -c JqxList`.

For more in-depth description and explanations check the documentation `:h nvim-jqx` and links therein.

### Yaml files

`nvim-jqx` works on `yaml` files too. It requires, however, to install [yq]( Try it out directly with `nvim examples/test.yaml -c JqxList`, or execute `JqxQuery` on a `yaml` file.

> ⚠️ this plugin works with the Python implementation of yq by @kislyuk, not to be confused
> with the Go implementation of yq by @mikefarah.

## Customisation

If you prefer key-mappings rather than commands simply bind

nmap ... JqxList

The configurable options are exposed in [nvim-jqx/config.lua]( and can be overridden at will. For example, with `lazy.nvim` you can configure them as

init = function()
local jqx = require("nvim-jqx.config")
jqx.geometry.border = "single"
jqx.geometry.width = 0.7

jqx.query_key = "X" -- keypress to query jq on keys
jqx.sort = false -- show the json keys as they appear instead of sorting them alphabetically
jqx.show_legend = true -- show key queried as first line in the jqx floating window
jqx.use_quickfix = false -- if you prefer the location list

Why not automatically formatting your `json` files as you open them? Set up the autogroup


local jqx = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Jqx", {})
vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = jqx })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWinEnter", {
pattern = { "*.json", "*.yaml" },
desc = "preview json and yaml files on open",
group = jqx,
callback = function()

## Feedback

If you find this plugin useful consider awarding it a ⭐, it is a great way to give feedback! Otherwise, any additional suggestions or merge request is warmly welcome!