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Neovim plugin for tagging important files

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Neovim plugin for tagging important files




# Grapple.nvim


Theme: [kanagawa](



## Introduction

Grapple is a plugin that aims to provide immediate navigation to important files. See the [quickstart](#quickstart) section to get started.

## Goals

While Grapple shares similarities to Harpoon (and other file navigation plugins), it aims to differentiate itself in the following ways:

- Frictionless first time configuration and usage (no setup, just define your keymaps and go)
- Fine-grained customization of project spaces in the form of project [scopes](#scopes)
- Improved tag and scope management UI to compliment Grapple's tag/select navigation model
- Ensure Grapple's public API is well-documented

## Features

- **Persistent** tags on file paths to track and restore cursor location
- **Scoped** tags for fine-grained, per-project tagging (i.e. git branch)
- **Rich** well-defined [Grapple](#grapple-api) and [Scope](#scope-api) APIs
- **Toggleable** windows to manage tags and scopes as a regular vim buffer
- **Integration** with [telescope.nvim](#telescope)
- **Integration** with [portal.nvim]( for additional jump options

## Requirements

- [Neovim >= 0.9](
- [nvim-web-devicons]( (optional)

## Quickstart

- [Install](#installation) Grapple.nvim using your preferred package manager
- Add a keybind to `tag`, `untag`, or `toggle` a path. For example,

-- Lua
vim.keymap.set("n", "m", require("grapple").toggle)
vim.keymap.set("n", "M", require("grapple").toggle_tags)

-- User command
vim.keymap.set("n", "1", "Grapple select index=1")

**Next steps**

- Check out the [example setups](#example-setups)
- Check out the default [settings](#settings)
- View your [tags](#tags-window) with `:Grapple toggle_tags`
- Choose a [scope](#scopes-window) with `:Grapple toggle_scopes`
- Manage your [loaded scopes](#loaded-scopes-window) with `:Grapple toggle_loaded`
- Add a [statusline component](#statusline)
- Explore the [Grapple](#grapple-api) and [Scope](#scope-api) APIs

## Installation


dependencies = {
{ "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", lazy = true }


use {
requires = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }


Plug "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"
Plug "cbochs/grapple.nvim"

## Example Setups

Note, these examples assume you are using the [lazy.nvim]( package manager.


opts = {
scope = "git", -- also try out "git_branch"
event = { "BufReadPost", "BufNewFile" },
cmd = "Grapple",
keys = {
{ "m", "Grapple toggle", desc = "Grapple toggle tag" },
{ "M", "Grapple toggle_tags", desc = "Grapple open tags window" },
{ "n", "Grapple cycle_tags next", desc = "Grapple cycle next tag" },
{ "p", "Grapple cycle_tags prev", desc = "Grapple cycle previous tag" },


Example configuration similar to [harpoon.nvim]( (based off of this [example setup](

opts = {
scope = "git", -- also try out "git_branch"
icons = false, -- setting to "true" requires "nvim-web-devicons"
status = false,
keys = {
{ "a", "Grapple toggle", desc = "Tag a file" },
{ "", "Grapple toggle_tags", desc = "Toggle tags menu" },

{ "", "Grapple select index=1", desc = "Select first tag" },
{ "", "Grapple select index=2", desc = "Select second tag" },
{ "", "Grapple select index=3", desc = "Select third tag" },
{ "", "Grapple select index=4", desc = "Select fourth tag" },

{ "", "Grapple cycle_tags next", desc = "Go to next tag" },
{ "", "Grapple cycle_tags prev", desc = "Go to previous tag" },


Example configuration similar to [arrow.nvim](

dependencies = {
{ "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }
opts = {
scope = "git_branch",
icons = true,
quick_select = "123456789",
keys = {
{ ";", "Grapple toggle_tags", desc = "Toggle tags menu" },

{ "", "Grapple toggle", desc = "Toggle tag" },
{ "H", "Grapple cycle_tags next", desc = "Go to next tag" },
{ "L", "Grapple cycle_tags prev", desc = "Go to previous tag" },

## Settings

The following are the default settings for Grapple. **Setup is not required**, but settings may be overridden by passing them as table arguments to the `Grapple.setup` function.

Default Settings

---Grapple save location
---@type string
save_path = vim.fs.joinpath(vim.fn.stdpath("data"), "grapple"),

---Default scope to use when managing Grapple tags
---For more information, please see the Scopes section
---@type string
scope = "git",

---User-defined scopes or overrides
---For more information about scopes, please see the Scope API section
---@type grapple.scope_definition[]
scopes = {},

---Default scopes provided by Grapple
---For more information about default scopes, please see the Scopes section
---Disable by setting scope to "false". For example, { lsp = false }
---@type table
default_scopes = { ... }

---Show icons next to tags or scopes in Grapple windows
---Requires "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"
---@type boolean
icons = true,

---Highlight the current selection in Grapple windows
---Also, indicates when a tag path does not exist
---@type boolean
status = true,

---Position a tag's name should be shown in Grapple windows
---@type "start" | "end"
name_pos = "end",

---How a tag's path should be rendered in Grapple windows
--- "relative": show tag path relative to the scope's resolved path
--- "basename": show tag path basename and directory hint
---@type "basename" | "relative"
style = "relative",

---A string of characters used for quick selecting in Grapple windows
---An empty string or false will disable quick select
---@type string | boolean
quick_select = "123456789",

---Default command to use when selecting a tag
---@type fun(path: string)
command = vim.cmd.edit,

---Time limit used for pruning unused scope (IDs). If a scope's save file
---modified time exceeds this limit, then it will be deleted when a prune
---requested. Can be an integer (in seconds) or a string time limit
---(e.g. "30d" or "2h" or "15m")
---@type integer | string
prune = "30d",

---User-defined tags title function for Grapple windows
---By default, uses the resolved scope's ID
---@type fun(scope: grapple.resolved_scope): string?
tag_title = nil,

---User-defined scopes title function for Grapple windows
---By default, renders "Grapple Scopes"
---@type fun(): string?
scope_title = nil,

---User-defined loaded scopes title function for Grapple windows
---By default, renders "Grapple Loaded Scopes"
---@type fun(): string?
loaded_title = nil,

---Additional window options for Grapple windows
---See :h nvim_open_win
---@type grapple.vim.win_opts
win_opts = {
-- Can be fractional
width = 80,
height = 12,
row = 0.5,
col = 0.5,

relative = "editor",
border = "single",
focusable = false,
style = "minimal",
title_pos = "center",

-- Custom: fallback title for Grapple windows
title = "Grapple",

-- Custom: adds padding around window title
title_padding = " ",

## Usage

In general, the API is as follows:

**Lua**: `require("grapple").{method}(...)`

**Command**: `:Grapple [method] [opts...]`

Where `opts` in the user command is a list of `value` arguments and `key=value` keyword arguments. For example,

:Grapple cycle_tags next scope=cwd

Has the equivalent form

require("grapple").cycle_tags("next", { scope = "cwd" })

### Grapple API

Grapple API and Examples

#### `Grapple.tag`

Create a grapple tag.

**Command**: `:Grapple tag [buffer={buffer}] [path={path}] [index={index}] [name={name}] [scope={scope}]`

**API**: `require("grapple").tag(opts)`

**`opts?`**: [`grapple.options`](#grappleoptions)

- **`buffer?`**: `integer` (default: `0`)
- **`path?`**: `string`
- **`index?`**: `integer`
- **`name?`**: `string`
- **`scope?`**: `string`

**Note**: only one tag can be created _per scope per file_. If a tag already exists for the given file or buffer, it will be overridden with the new tag.


-- Tag the current buffer

-- Tag a file by its file path
require("grapple").tag({ path = "some_file.lua" })

-- Tag the current buffer in a different scope
require("grapple").tag({ scope = "global" })

-- Tag the file path under the cursor
require("grapple").tag({ path = "" })

#### `Grapple.untag`

Remove a Grapple tag.

**API**: `require("grapple").untag(opts)`

**`opts?`**: [`grapple.options`](#grappleoptions) (one of)

**Note**: Tag is removed based on one of (in order): `index`, `name`, `path`, `buffer`


-- Remove a tag on the current buffer

-- Remove a tag on a file
require("grapple").untag({ file_path = "{file_path}" })

-- Remove a tag on the current buffer in a different scope
require("grapple").untag({ scope = "global" })

#### `Grapple.toggle`

Toggle a Grapple tag.

**API**: `require("grapple").toggle(opts)`

**`opts?`**: [`grapple.options`](#grappleoptions)


-- Toggle a tag on the current buffer

#### ``

Select a Grapple tag.

**API**: `require("grapple").select(opts)`

**`opts?`**: [`grapple.options`](#grappleoptions) (one of)

**Note**: Tag is selected based on one of (in order): `index`, `name`, `path`, `buffer`


-- Select the third tag
require("grapple").select({ index = 3 })

#### `Grapple.cycle_tags`

Cycle through and select the next or previous available tag for a given scope.

**API**: `require("grapple").cycle_tags(direction, opts)`


- **`direction`**: `"next"` | `"prev"`
- **`opts?`**: [`grapple.options`](#grappleoptions) (one of)

**Note**: Starting tag is searched based on one of (in order): `index`, `name`, `path`, `buffer`


-- Cycle to the previous tagged file

-- Cycle to the next tagged file

#### `Grapple.unload`

Unload tags for a give (scope) name or loaded scope (id).

**API**: `require("grapple").unload(opts)`

**`opts?`**: `table`

- **`scope?`**: `string` scope name (default: `settings.scope`)
- **`id?`**: `string` the ID of a resolved scope


-- Unload the current scope

-- Unload a scope (dynamic)
require("grapple").unload({ scope = "git" })

-- Unload a specific resolved scope ID
require("grapple").unload({ id = "~/git" })

#### `Grapple.reset`

Reset tags for a given (scope) name or loaded scope (id).

**API**: `require("grapple").reset(opts)`

**`opts?`**: `table`

- **`scope?`**: `string` scope name (default: `settings.scope`)
- **`id?`**: `string` the ID of a resolved scope


-- Reset the current scope

-- Reset a scope (dynamic)
require("grapple").reset({ scope = "git" })

-- Reset a specific resolved scope ID
require("grapple").reset({ id = "~/git" })

#### `Grapple.prune`

Prune save files based on their last modified time.

**API**: `require("grapple").prune(opts)`

**`opts?`**: `table`

- **`limit?`**: `integer` | `string` modified time limit (default: `settings.prune`)


-- Prune using the default time limit

-- Prune longer than 30 days
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "30d" })

-- Prune longer than 6 hours
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "6h" })

-- Prune longer than 15 minutes
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "15m" })

-- Prune longer than 120 seconds
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "120s" })
require("grapple").prune({ limit = 120 })

#### `Grapple.quickfix`

Open the quickfix window populated with paths from a given scope

**API**: `require("grapple").quickfix(opts)`

**`opts?`**: `table`

- **`scope?`**: `string` scope name (default: `settings.scope`)
- **`id?`**: `string` the ID of a resolved scope


-- Open the quickfix window for the current scope

-- Open the quickfix window for a specified scope

#### `Grapple.exists`

Return if a tag exists. Used for statusline components

**API**: `require("grapple").exists(opts)`

**`returns`**: `boolean`

**`opts?`**: [`grapple.options`](#grappleoptions) (one of)

**Note**: Tag is searched based on one of (in order): `index`, `name`, `path`, `buffer`


-- Check whether the current buffer is tagged or not

-- Check for a tag in a different scope
require("grapple").exists({ scope = "global" })

#### `Grapple.find`

Search for a tag in a given scope.

**API**: `require("grapple").find(opts)`

**`opts?`**: [`grapple.options`](#grappleoptions) (one of)

**`returns`**: [`grapple.tag`](#grappletag) | `nil`, `string?` error

**Note**: Tag is searched based on one of (in order): `index`, `name`, `path`, `buffer`


-- Search for a tag by index in the current scope
require("grapple").find({ index = 1 })

-- Search for a named tag in a different scope
require("grapple").find({ name = "bob", scope = "global" })

### Scope API

Scopes API and Examples

#### `Grapple.define_scope`

Create a user-defined scope.

**API**: `require("grapple").define_scope(definition)`

**`definition`**: [`grapple.scope_definition`](#grapplescope_definition)


For more examples, see [settings.lua](./lua/grapple/settings.lua)

-- Define a scope during setup
scope = "cwd_branch",

scopes = {
name = "cwd_branch",
desc = "Current working directory and git branch",
fallback = "cwd",
cache = {
event = { "BufEnter", "FocusGained" },
debounce = 1000, -- ms
resolver = function()
local git_files = vim.fs.find(".git", {
upward = true,
stop = vim.loop.os_homedir(),

if #git_files == 0 then

local root = vim.loop.cwd()

local result = vim.fn.system({ "git", "symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD" })
local branch = vim.trim(string.gsub(result, "\n", ""))

local id = string.format("%s:%s", root, branch)
local path = root

return id, path

-- Define a scope outside of setup
name = "projects",
desc = "Project directory"
fallback = "cwd",
cache = { event = "DirChanged" },
resolver = function()
local projects_dir = vim.fs.find("projects", {
upwards = true,
stop = vim.loop.os_homedir()

if #projects_dir == 0 then
return nil, nil, "Not in projects dir"

local path = projects_dir[1]
local id = path
return id, path, nil

-- Use the scope

#### `Grapple.delete_scope`

Delete a default or user-defined scope.

**API**: `require("grapple").delete_scope(scope)`

**`scope`**: `string` scope name

**`returns`**: `string?` error

#### `Grapple.use_scope`

Change the currently selected scope.

**API**: `require("grapple").use_scope(scope)`

**`scope`**: `string` scope name


-- Clear the cached value (if any) for the "git" scope

#### `Grapple.clear_cache`

Clear any cached value for a given scope.

**API**: `require("grapple").clear_cache(scope)`

**`scope?`**: `string` scope name (default: `settings.scope`)


-- Clear the cached value for the initial working directory scope

## Tags

A **tag** is a persistent tag on a file path or URL. It is a means of indicating a file you want to return to. When a file is tagged, Grapple will save your cursor location so that when you jump back, your cursor is placed right where you left off. In a sense, tags are like file-level marks ([`:h mark`](

Once a tag has been added to a [scope](#scopes), it may be selected by index or name, cycled through, or even jumped to using plugins such as [portal.nvim](

## Scopes

A **scope** is a means of namespacing tags to a specific project. Scopes are resolved dynamically to produce a unique identifier for a set of tags (i.e. a root directory). This identifier determines where tags are created and deleted. **Note**, different scopes may resolve the same identifier (i.e. `lsp` and `git` scopes may share the same root directory).

Scopes can also be _cached_. Each scope may define a set of `events` and/or `patterns` for an autocommand ([`:h autocmd`](, an `interval` for a timer, or to be cached indefinitely (unless invalidated explicitly). Some examples of this are the `cwd` scope which only updates on `DirChanged`.

The following scopes are made available by default:

- `global`: tags are scoped to a global namespace
- `static`: tags are scoped to neovim's initial working directory
- `cwd`: tags are scoped to the current working directory
- `lsp`: tags are scoped to the root directory of the current buffer's attached LSP server, **fallback**: `cwd`
- `git`: tags are scoped to the current git repository, **fallback**: `cwd`
- `git_branch`: tags are scoped to the current git directory **and** git branch, **fallback**: `cwd`

It is also possible to create your own **custom scope**. See the [Scope API](#scope-api) for more information.


-- Use a builtin scope
scope = "git_branch",

-- Define and use a custom scope
scope = "custom",

scopes = {
name = "custom",
fallback = "cwd",
cache = { event = "DirChanged" },
resolver = function()
local path = vim.env.HOME
local id = path
return id, path

-- Disable a default scope
-- Note: be careful to disable default scopes that are used as fallbacks
default_scopes = {
lsp = false

## Grapple Windows

Popup windows are made available to enable easy management of tags and scopes. The opened buffer is given its own syntax (`grapple`) and file type (`grapple`) and can be modified like a regular buffer; meaning items can be selected, modified, reordered, or deleted with well-known vim motions. The floating window can be toggled or closed with either `q` or ``.

### Tags Window


Open a floating window with all the tags for a given scope. This buffer is modifiable. Several actions are available by default:

- **Selection** (``): select the tag under the cursor
- **Split (horizontal)** (``): select the tag under the cursor (`split`)
- **Split (vertical)** (`|`): select the tag under the cursor (`vsplit`)
- **Quick select** (default: `1-9`): select the tag at a given index
- **Deletion**: delete a line to delete the tag
- **Reordering**: move a line to move a tag
- **Renaming** (`R`): rename the tag under the cursor
- **Quickfix** (``): send all tags to the quickfix list ([`:h quickfix`](
- **Go up** (`-`): navigate up to the [scopes window](#scopes-window)
- **Help** (`?`): open the help window


- `require("grapple").open_tags(opts)`
- `require("grapple").toggle_tags(opts)`

**`opts?`**: `table`

- **`scope?`**: `string` scope name
- **`id?`**: `string` the ID of a resolved scope
- **`style?`**: the [style](#settings) to use for the tags window


-- Open the tags window for the current scope

-- Open the tags window for a different scope

### Scopes Window


Open a floating window with all defined scopes. This buffer is not modifiable. Some basic actions are available by default:

- **Selection** (``): open the [tags window](#tags-window) for the scope under the cursor
- **Quick select** (default: `1-9`): open the tags window for the scope at a given index
- **Change** (``): change the current scope to the one under the cursor
- **Go up** (`-`): navigate across to the [loaded scopes window](#loaded-scopes-window)
- **Toggle** (`g.`): toggle showing both hidden and unhidden scopes
- **Help** (`?`): open the help window


- `require("grapple").open_scopes()`
- `require("grapple").toggle_scopes()`


-- Open the scopes window

### Loaded Scopes Window


Open a floating window with all loaded scope IDs. This buffer is not modifiable. Some basic actions are available by default:

- **Selection** (``): open the [tags window](#tags-window) for the loaded scope ID under the cursor
- **Quick select** (default: `1-9`): open tags window for the loaded scope ID at a given index
- **Unload** (`x`): unload the tags for the scope ID under the cursor
- **Deletion** (`X`): reset the tags for the scope ID under the cursor
- **Go up** (`-`): navigate across to the [scopes window](#scopes-window)
- **Toggle** (`g.`): toggle showing both loaded and unloaded scope IDs
- **Help** (`?`): open the help window


- `require("grapple").open_loaded(opts)`
- `require("grapple").toggle_loaded(opts)`

**`opts?`**: `table`

- **`all`**: `boolean` (default: `false`)


-- Open the loaded scopes window, show only loaded scopes

-- Open the loaded scopes window, show both loaded and unloaded scopes
require("grapple").open_loaded({ all = true })

### Window Highlights

| Highlight | Default Link | Style | Used in |
| ---------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------- |
| `GrappleBold` | N/A | `gui=bold` | Scopes window for scope names |
| `GrappleHint` | `Comment` | N/A | Tags window for directory hints |
| `GrappleName` | `DiagnosticHint` | N/A | Tags window for tag name |
| `GrappleNoExist` | `DiagnosticError` | N/A | Tags window for tag status |
| `GrappleCurrent` | `SpecialChar` | `gui=bold` | All windows for current status |

## Persistent State

Grapple saves all scopes to a common directory. The default directory is named `grapple` and lives in Neovim's `"data"` directory ([`:h standard-path`]( Each scope will be saved as its own individually serialized JSON blob.

By default, no scopes are loaded on startup. When `require("grapple").setup()` is called, the default scope will be loaded. Otherwise, scopes will be loaded on demand.

## Integrations

### Telescope

You can use [telescope.nvim]( to search through your tagged files instead of the built in popup windows.

Load the extension with


Then use this command to see the grapple tags for the project in a telescope window

:Telescope grapple tags

### Statusline

A statusline component can be easily added to show whether a buffer is tagged.


- `require("grapple").statusline(opts)`

**`opts?`**: `grapple.statusline.options` (default: `settings.statusline`)

- **`icon`**: `string` (default: `"󰛢"`)
- **`active`**: `string` (default: `[%s]`)
- **`inactive`**: `string` (default: `" %s"`)
- **`include_icon`**: `boolean` (default: `true`)

**Also available**:

- `require("grapple").name_or_index()`
- `require("grapple").exists()`
- `require("grapple").find()`
- `require("grapple").tags()`


-- Returns "󰛢 [1] 2 3 4"

-- Returns "1" or "bob"

-- Modify the statusline options
statusline = {
icon = "G",
active = "|%s|",
inactive = " %s "

#### Lualine Component


sections = {
lualine_b = { "grapple" }


sections = {
lualine_b = {
return require("grapple").name_or_index()
cond = function()
return package.loaded["grapple"] and require("grapple").exists()


## Grapple Types

Type Definitions

### `grapple.options`

Options available for most top-level tagging actions (e.g. tag, untag, select, toggle, etc).

**Type**: `table`

- **`buffer`**: `integer` (default: `0`)
- **`path`**: `string` file path or `` (overrides `buffer`)
- **`name`**: `string` tag name
- **`index`**: `integer` tag insertion or deletion index (default: end of list)
- **`scope`**: `string` scope name (default `settings.scope`)

### `grapple.tag`

Data object for a tagged file.

**Type**: `table`

- **`path`**: `string` absolute file path
- **`name`**: `string` (optional) tag name
- **`cursor`**: `integer[]` (1, 0)-indexed cursor position

### `grapple.cache.options`

Options available for defining how a scope should be cached. Using the value of `true` will indicate a value should be cached indefinitely and is equivalent to providing an empty set of options (`{}`).

**Type**: `table` | `boolean`

- **`event?`**: `string` | `string[]` autocmd event ([`:h autocmd`](
- **`pattern?`**: `string` autocmd pattern, useful for `User` events
- **`interval?`**: `integer` timer interval
- **`debounce?`**: `integer` debounce interval

### `grapple.scope_definition`

Used for defining new scopes.

**Type**: `table`

- **`name`**: `string` scope name
- **`resolver`**: [`grapple.scope_resolver`](#grapplescope_resolver)
- **`desc?`**: `string` scope description (default: `""`)
- **`force?`**: `boolean` scope fallback
- **`fallback?`**: `string` fallback scope name
- **`cache?`**: [`grapple.cache.options`](#grapplecacheoptions) | `boolean`
- **`priority?`**: `integer` scope priority, higher scopes are loaded first
- **`hidden?`**: `boolean` do not show the scope in the [Scopes Window](#scopes-window)

**Note**: Scopes are given a `priority` based on their fallback ordering. By default, scopes without a fallback are given a priority of `1000`; scopes with a fallback, but are also fallbacks themselves, are given a priority of `100`; and all other scopes are given a priority of `1`. Higher priority scopes are loaded first. This can be overridden by setting a scope's `priority` manually in the [settings](#settings).

### `grapple.scope_resolver`

Used for defining new scopes. Must return a tuple of `(id, path, err)`. If successful, an `id` must be provided with an optional absolute path `path`. If unsuccessful, `id` must be `nil` with an optional `err` explaining what when wrong.

**Type**: `function`

**Returns**: `string? id, string? path, string? err`

### `grapple.resolved_scope`

Result from observing a scope at a point in time.

**Type** `class`

- **`name`**: `string` scope name
- **`id`**: `string` resolved scope ID
- **`path`**: `string` | `nil` resolved scope path
- **`:tags()`**: returns all tags for the given ID

### Contributors

Thanks to these wonderful people for their contributions!

## Inspiration and Thanks

- ThePrimeagen's [harpoon](
- stevearc's [oil.nvim](