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Open the current word with custom openers, GitHub shorthands for example.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Open the current word with custom openers, GitHub shorthands for example.




# open.nvim
Open the current word (or other text) with custom openers, extensible.

E.g: Open GitHub shorthand `"ofirgall/open.nvim"` at your default browser.

## Installation
use { 'ofirgall/open.nvim', requires = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }

You can install `` wrapper to change the ui for selecting multiple results:
* [stevearc/dressing.nvim](
* [nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim](

### Troubleshoot
- [Timeout/write error on Termux](

## Usage
-- Leave empty for default values
require('open').setup {

require('open').setup {
config = {
-- Override system opener, the defaults should work out of the box
system_open = {
cmd = "",
args = {},
-- Options to pass to plenary.curl
curl_opts = {
-- compressed = false -- Uncomment this line to disable curl compression
-- List of disabled openers, 'github' for example see `:help open.default_openers`
disabled_openers = {
-- fallback function if no opener succeeds
fallback = function(text)
-- Override `config` per opener
openers_config = {
-- Override `jira` browser for example
['jira'] = {
system_open = {
cmd = 'chromium-browser',

By default, no keymaps are set, you have to set your own keymap:
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gx', require('open').open_cword)

### Register a custom opener
Please share awesome custom openers with PR.
name = 'Example Opener',
open_fn = function(text)
return { '' }

## List of Custom Openers
* [ofirgall/open-jira.nvim]( - Open Jira tickets shorthand.

Feel free to add your opener to the list.

# Credits
* [nvim-tree]( for the system opener module.