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A NeoVim plugin which remembers where you've been

lua memento neovim neovim-plugin nvim vim

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A NeoVim plugin which remembers where you've been




# Memento.nvim

A NeoVim plugin which remembers where you've been


When a buffer is deleted (e.g.: `:q`, `:bd`) `memento.nvim` stores the filepath, and current line number so
you can check your history and easily go back to a file. The history is persistent across sessions.

> Imagine, you are editing 3 files and in the heat of development you close `nvim` to open it up
> in another directory (happened with me to many times).
> Still, you'd like to use those files, so you'd need to open them up one-by-one knowing the path of the file.
> With this plugin you just hit the right keys (or call `:lua require("memento").toggle()`)
> and you can check your history and open them up again easily from a popup menu.

*(The plugin is mostly for my personal use, but PRs are welcome)*

# Install

Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' -- if you already have this you don't need to include it again
Plug 'gaborvecsei/memento.nvim'

# Usage

-- Open up history popup menu
:lua require("memento").toggle()

-- Clear history
:lua require("memento").clear_history()

When the popup is visible, you can **close it with `q`** and **open up any file at any line by hitting ``**

## Keybinding

nnoremap mh lua require('memento').toggle()

# Configuration

| Variable | Description | Type | Default |
| `memento_history` | Length of the history | `int` | `20` |
| `memento_shorten_path` | Compact representation of the filepath. (e.g.: `/t/i/a/t/` instead of `/this/is/a/test/` | `bool` | `true` |
| `memento_window_width` | Popup window's width | `int` | `80` |
| `memento_window_height` | Popup window's height | `int` | `14` |

vim.g.memento_history = 20
vim.g.memento_shorten_path = true
vim.g.memento_window_width = 80
vim.g.memento_window_height = 14