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:monocle_face: A Neovim search and replace plugin that builds on the native search and replace experience.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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:monocle_face: A Neovim search and replace plugin that builds on the native search and replace experience.




# :monocle_face: search-replace.nvim


Supercharge the native Neovim search and replace experience!

## :sparkles: Features

* Quick opening of `:%s///gcI`
* Quick opening of `:%s///` where `` refers to a
predefined selection under the cursor. Please see: [What are Special Selections?](
* A UI to preview the current special selections under the cursor
* Quick opening of `:%s///gcI` where `` is a
visual-charwise selection
* Configuration of the default flags passed to search and replace, e.g: `gcI` when
searching across a buffer with `:%s///gcI`
* Support for search and replace over multiple buffers
* A command to search and replace over a visual-block/visual-linewise/visual-charwise
* Example key mappings

## :movie_camera: Demos

Most of the following examples use `which-key` and `leader` key bindings but the available plugin commands can
be bound to any keymapping, for example replacement opening is bound to `ro` but could
just as easily be mapped to `` for faster access.

### Search and Replace

![Search and Replace](

``` lua
ro # - open which-key 'replace' sub-menu, then 'open' a search
lvim # - term to search
example_replacement # - term to replace with
yyyynnyy # - since 'c' flag is supplied to search/replace, confirm which
# matches to search and replace
uuuuuu # - undo changes
h # - finish by disabling search term highlighting

### Search and Replace with Special Keys

![Search and Replace with Special Keys](

``` lua
rw # - open which-key 'replace' sub-menu, then use '[w]ord' under
# cursor as search term
example_replacement # - term to replace with
yyyynnyy # - since 'c' flag is supplied to search/replace, confirm which
# matches to search and replace
uuuuuu # - undo changes
h # - finish by disabling search term highlighting

### Search and Replace with Special Keys and Search Hinting UI

![Search and Replace with Special Keys and Search Hinting UI

``` lua
# - move to end of expression to replace
rs # - open which-key 'replace' sub-menu, then 'selections' UI
e # - specify '[e]xpr' special key to use as search term
example.replacement # - term to replace with
yyyy # - since 'c' flag is supplied to search/replace, confirm which
# matches to search and replace
uuuuuu # - undo changes
h # - finish by disabling search term highlighting

### Search and Replace Visual Charwise as Search String

![Search and Replace Visual Charwise as Search String

``` lua
v # - highlight the string to be replaced with visual-charwise mode
# - key binding to replace with selection
example_replacement # - term to replace with
yyyynnyy # - since 'c' flag is supplied to search/replace, confirm which
# matches to search and replace
uuuuuu # - undo changes
h # - finish by disabling search term highlighting

### Search and Replace Across Visual (Blockwise/Linewise) Selection

![Search and Replace Across Visual Selection](

``` lua
V # - highlight multiple lines with a visual-linewise selection
# - key binding to open search across block
# - move cursor to highlight search term
example_replacement # - term to replace with
yynn # - since 'c' flag is supplied to search/replace, confirm which
# matches to search and replace
uu # - undo changes
h # - finish by disabling search term highlighting

## :zap: What are Special Selections?

With the following example text:

``` lua

And the cursor position shown as `|`

The following examples are `true`.

### CWord

`CWord` is replaced with the `word` under the cursor (like `*`)

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:


`CWORD` is replaced with the `WORD` under the cursor (like greedy `word`)

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

### CExpr

`CExpr` is replaced with the `word` under the cursor, including more to form a C expression.

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:|pings["r"]["w"]
# Value:

### CFile

`CFile` is replaced with the path name under the cursor (like what `gf` uses)

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:
# Value:

``` lua
# Selection:|pings["r"]["w"]
# Value:

## :microscope: Available Commands

### Single Buffer - Open Search

* `SearchReplaceSingleBufferOpen`
* `SearchReplaceMultiBufferOpen`

### Single Buffer - Open Search with Special Key as Search Term

* `SearchReplaceSingleBufferCWord`
* `SearchReplaceSingleBufferCWORD`
* `SearchReplaceSingleBufferCExpr`
* `SearchReplaceSingleBufferCFile`

### Multi Buffer - Open Search with Special Key as Search Term

* `SearchReplaceMultiBufferCWord`
* `SearchReplaceMultiBufferCWORD`
* `SearchReplaceMultiBufferCExpr`
* `SearchReplaceMultiBufferCFile`

### Single/Multi Buffer UI - Show Special Key Values and Shortcuts to Open Search Replace

* `SearchReplaceSingleBufferSelections`
* `SearchReplaceMultiBufferSelections`

### Single Buffer - Visual Charwise as Search Term

* `SearchReplaceSingleBufferWithinBlock`

### Search over Visual (Blockwise/Linewise) Selection

* `SearchReplaceVisualSelection`
* `SearchReplaceVisualSelectionCWord`
* `SearchReplaceVisualSelectionCWORD`
* `SearchReplaceVisualSelectionCExpr`
* `SearchReplaceVisualSelectionCFile`

## :rocket: Installation

### Lazy.nvim

``` lua
config = function()
-- optionally override defaults
default_replace_single_buffer_options = "gcI",
default_replace_multi_buffer_options = "egcI",

### Packer.nvim

``` lua
config = function()
-- optionally override defaults
default_replace_single_buffer_options = "gcI",
default_replace_multi_buffer_options = "egcI",

## :hammer_and_wrench: Usage

### Standard Neovim

``` lua
local opts = {}
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "", "SearchReplaceSingleBufferVisualSelection", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "", "SearchReplaceWithinVisualSelection", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "", "SearchReplaceWithinVisualSelectionCWord", opts)

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rs", "SearchReplaceSingleBufferSelections", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "ro", "SearchReplaceSingleBufferOpen", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rw", "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCWord", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rW", "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCWORD", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "re", "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCExpr", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rf", "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCFile", opts)

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rbs", "SearchReplaceMultiBufferSelections", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rbo", "SearchReplaceMultiBufferOpen", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rbw", "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCWord", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rbW", "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCWORD", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rbe", "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCExpr", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "rbf", "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCFile", opts)

-- show the effects of a search / replace in a live preview window
vim.o.inccommand = "split"

### Lunarvim / Which-Key

``` lua
keymap = lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings

keymap["r"] = { name = "SearchReplaceSingleBuffer" }

keymap["r"]["s"] =
{ "SearchReplaceSingleBufferSelections", "SearchReplaceSingleBuffer [s]elction list" }
keymap["r"]["o"] = { "SearchReplaceSingleBufferOpen", "[o]pen" }
keymap["r"]["w"] = { "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCWord", "[w]ord" }
keymap["r"]["W"] = { "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCWORD", "[W]ORD" }
keymap["r"]["e"] = { "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCExpr", "[e]xpr" }
keymap["r"]["f"] = { "SearchReplaceSingleBufferCFile", "[f]ile" }

keymap["r"]["b"] = { name = "SearchReplaceMultiBuffer" }

keymap["r"]["b"]["s"] =
{ "SearchReplaceMultiBufferSelections","SearchReplaceMultiBuffer [s]elction list" }
keymap["r"]["b"]["o"] = { "SearchReplaceMultiBufferOpen", "[o]pen" }
keymap["r"]["b"]["w"] = { "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCWord", "[w]ord" }
keymap["r"]["b"]["W"] = { "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCWORD", "[W]ORD" }
keymap["r"]["b"]["e"] = { "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCExpr", "[e]xpr" }
keymap["r"]["b"]["f"] = { "SearchReplaceMultiBufferCFile", "[f]ile" }

lvim.keys.visual_block_mode[""] = [[SearchReplaceSingleBufferVisualSelection]]
lvim.keys.visual_block_mode[""] = [[SearchReplaceWithinVisualSelection]]
lvim.keys.visual_block_mode[""] = [[SearchReplaceWithinVisualSelectionCWord]]

-- show the effects of a search / replace in a live preview window
vim.o.inccommand = "split"