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The simple directory tree viewer for Neovim written in Lua

file-explorer lua neovim nvim-tree

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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The simple directory tree viewer for Neovim written in Lua




# sfm.nvim

The simple directory tree viewer for Neovim written in Lua.

I created the `sfm` plugin because I wanted to write my own simple and lightweight file management options for NeoVim. I wanted a plugin that would allow me to easily browse and open files in my project without being weighed down by unnecessary features or complexity.

Please note that the `sfm` plugin is still in development and may not be fully stable. Use at your own risk.

## Demonstration

Here is a short demonstration of the `sfm` plugin in action:

## Extensions

The `sfm` plugin allows users to extend its functionality by installing extensions. Extensions are independent plugins that can add new features or customize the behavior of the `sfm` plugin.

The extensions must be written under `lua/sfm/extensions/` folder.

### Available Extensions

Here is a list of available extensions for the `sfm` plugin:

- [sfm-bookmark]( Adds bookmarking functionality to the `sfm` plugin.
- [sfm-filter]( Allows users to filter entries in the `sfm` explorer tree.
- [sfm-git]( Adds git icon support to the `sfm` plugin's file and folder explorer view, indicating the git status of the file or folder.
- [sfm-telescope]( Allows users to search for entries in the `sfm` explorer tree.
- [sfm-paste]( Provides a convenient way to paste text or images into new files within the sfm file explorer.
- [sfm-focus]( Adds the command `SFMFocus`. This command change current focus to explorer and open it if closed.
## Installation

Install `sfm` on Neovim using your favorite plugin manager. For example, the below example shows how to install `sfm` using [packer.nvim](

use {
config = function()

## Configuration

`sfm` provides the following configuration options:

local default_config = {
view = {
side = "left", -- side of the tree, can be `left`, `right`. this setting will be ignored if view.float.enable is set to true,
width = 30, -- this setting will be ignored if view.float.enable is set to true,
float = {
enable = false,
config = {
relative = "editor",
border = "rounded",
width = 30, -- int or function
height = 30, -- int or function
row = 1, -- int or function
col = 1 -- int or function
selection_render_method = "icon" -- render method of selected entries, can be `icon`, `sign`, `highlight`.
mappings = {
custom_only = false,
list = {
-- user mappings go here
renderer = {
icons = {
file = {
default = "",
symlink = "",
folder = {
default = "",
open = "",
symlink = "",
symlink_open = "",
indicator = {
folder_closed = "",
folder_open = "",
file = " ",
selection = "",
file_nesting = {
enabled = false,
expand = false,
patterns = {},
misc = {
trash_cmd = nil,
system_open_cmd = nil,

You can override the default configuration by calling the setup method and passing in your customizations:

require("sfm").setup {
--- your customization configuration

## File nesting

The `sfm` now supports nesting related files based on their names. There are several settings to control this behavior:

file_nesting = {
enabled = true, -- controls whether file nesting is enabled
expand = true, -- controls whether nested files are expanded by default
patterns = {
{ "*.cs", { "$(capture).*.cs" } },
{ "*.ts", { "$(capture).js", "$(capture)", "$(capture).*.ts", "$(capture)_*.js", "$(capture)_*.ts" } },
{ "go.mod", { "go.sum" } },
}, -- controls how files get nested

The default mapping to expand/collapse nested files is `a`.

The idea of how to parse the file nesting pattern is highly inspired by VS Code. That why you can use the patterns that configure from VS Code.
However, Currently I just only support `$(capture)` substitute as I find it not unnecessary to support `basename`, `dirname`, `extname`.

## Commands

`:SFMToggle` Open or close the explorer.

## Mappings

To use the functionalities provided by the `sfm` plugin, you can use the following key bindings:

| Key | Action | Description |
| ------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| cr | edit | Open a file or directory |
| ctr-v | vsplit | Open a file in a vertical split window |
| ctr-h | split | Open a file in a horizontal split window |
| ctr-t | tabnew | Open a file in a new tab |
| s-tab | close_entry | Close current opened directory or parent |
| K | first_sibling | Navigate to the first sibling of current file or directory |
| J | last_sibling | Navigate to the last sibling of current file or directory |
| P | parent_entry | Move cursor to the parent directory |
| ctr-] | change_root_to_parent | Change the root directory to the parent directory of the current root |
| ] | change_root_to_entry | Change the root directory to the current folder entry or to the parent directory of the current file entry |
| R | reload | Reload the explorer |
| q | close | Close the explorer window |
| n | create | Create a new file/directory in the current folder |
| c | copy | Copy current/selected file/s directory/ies |
| x | move | Move/Rename current/selected file/s directory/ies |
| d | delete | Delete current/selected file/s directory/ies |
| a | toggle_entry | Expand or collapse a entry with children, which may be a directory or a nested file. |
| space | toggle_selection | Toggle the selection of the current file or directory |
| c-space | clear_selections | Clear all selections |
| | trash | Trash current/selected file/s directory/ies |
| | system_open | Open current/selected file/s directory/ies using system default program |

Below is a list of deprecated actions that should not be used anymore and might be removed anytime:

| Action |
| ---------------------- |
| copy_selections |
| move_selections |
| delete_selections |
| trash_selections |
| system_open_selections |

You can customize these key bindings by defining custom functions or action names in the `mappings` configuration option. For example, you can assign a custom function to the `t` key:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {
mappings = {
list = {
key = "c",
action = function()
print("Custom function executed")
key = "x",
action = "close",

In this example, when the user presses the `c` key in the explorer, the custom function `function() print("Custom function executed") end` will be executed. Pressing the `x` key will perform the default action `close`.
Please note that if the action for a key is set to `nil` or an empty string, the default key binding for that key will be disabled. Also, ensure that the action provided is a valid function or action name, as listed in the above table.

## Highlighting

The `sfm` plugin uses the following highlight values:

- `SFMRootFolder`: This highlight value is used to highlight the root folder in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is `purple`.
- `SFMSymlink`: This highlight value is used to highlight symbolic links in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is `cyan`.
- `SFMFileIndicator` and `SFMFolderIndicator` : These highlight values are used to highlight file and folder indicators in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is `fg=#3b4261`.
- `SFMFolderName` and `SFMFolderIcon` : These highlight values are used to highlight folder names and icons in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is `Directory`.
- `SFMFileName` and `SFMDefaultFileIcon` : These highlight values are used to highlight file names and icons in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is `Normal`.

In addition to the above highlight values, the `sfm` plugin also uses the following highlight values:

- `SFMNormal`, `SFMNormalNC`, `SFMEndOfBuffer`, `SFMCursorLine`, `SFMCursorLineNr`, `SFMLineNr`, `SFMWinSeparator`, `SFMStatusLine`, `SFMStatuslineNC`, `SFMSignColumn` these highlight values are used to link to the default Neovim highlight groups.

## Customizations

The `sfm` plugin provides several customization mechanisms, including `remove_renderer`, `register_renderer`, `remove_entry_filter`, `register_entry_filter`, and `set_entry_sort_method`, that allow users to alter the appearance and behavior of the explorer tree.

### remove_renderer

The `remove_renderer` function allows users to remove a renderer components from the list of renderers used to render the entry of the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to disable a specific renderer provided by the sfm plugin or by an extension.

### register_renderer

The `register_renderer` function allows users to register their own renderers for the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to customize the appearance of the tree or add new features to it.

Here is an example of an extension for the `sfm` plugin that adds a custom renderer to display the entry size:

-- define a custom renderer that displays the entry size
local function size_renderer(entry)
local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(entry.path)
local size = stat.size
local size_text = string.format("[%d bytes]", size)

return {
text = size_text,
highlight = "SFMSize",

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
-- register the custom renderer
sfm_explorer:register_renderer("custom", 100, size_renderer)

The default entry renderers, in order of rendering priority, are:

- indent (priority 10)
- indicator (priority 20)
- icon (priority 30)
- name (priority 40)

### register_entry_filter

The `register_entry_filter` function allows users to register their own filters for the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to filter out certain entries based on certain criteria. For example, a user can filter out files that are larger than a certain size, or files that have a certain file extension.

### remove_entry_filter

The `remove_entry_filter` function allows users to remove a filter component from the list of filters used to filter the entries of the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to disable a specific filter provided by the sfm plugin or by an extension.

Here is an example of an extension for the `sfm` plugin that adds a custom entry filter to hide the big entry size:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
sfm_explorer:register_entry_filter("big_files", function(entry)
local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(entry.path)
local size = stat.size
if size > 1000000 then
return false
return true

### set_entry_sort_method

This method allows you to customize the sorting of entries in the explorer tree. The function passed as a parameter should take in two entries and return a boolean value indicating whether the first entry should be sorted before the second. For example, you can use the following function to sort entries alphabetically by name:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
sfm_explorer:set_entry_sort_method(function(entry1, entry2)
return <

## Events

`sfm` dispatches events whenever an action is made in the explorer. These events can be subscribed to through handler functions, allowing for even further customization of `sfm`.

To subscribe to an event, use the `subscribe` function provided by `sfm` and specify the event name and the handler function:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
sfm_explorer:subscribe(event.ExplorerOpened, function(payload)
local bufnr = payload["bufnr"]
local options = {
noremap = true,
expr = false,

"lua require('sfm.extensions.sfm-bookmark').set_mark()",
"lua require('sfm.extensions.sfm-bookmark').load_mark()",

**Available events:**

- `ExplorerOpened`: Triggered when the explorer window is opened. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
- `winnr`: The number of the window where the explorer is opened.
- `bufnr`: The number of the buffer associated with the explorer window.
- `ExplorerClosed`: Triggered when the explorer window is closed. It does not provide any payload.
- `ExplorerReloaded`: Triggered when a explorer is reloaded. This event is emitted after the explorer tree has finished reloading, and all the files and folders have been re-read. Listeners can use this event to update or refresh any state or information that is dependent on the explorer tree. It does not provide any payload.
- `ExplorerRendered`: Triggered when a explorer is rendered. This event can be used to perform additional customizations or updates after the explorer has been rendered. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
- `winnr`: The number of the window explorer.
- `bufnr`: The number of the buffer associated with the explorer window.
- `ExplorerRootChanged`: This event is fired when the root of the explorer changes. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
- `path`: The new root path
- `FileOpened`: Triggered when a file is opened in the explorer. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
- `path`: The path of the file that was opened.
- `FolderOpened`: Triggered when a folder is opened in the explorer. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
- `path`: The path of the folder that was opened.
- `FolderClosed`: Triggered when a folder is closed in the explorer. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
- `path`: The path of the folder that was closed.
- `EntryCreated`: Dispatched when a new file/directory is created. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
- `path`: The entry path of the newly created entry
- `EntryDeleted`: Dispatched when a new file/directory is created. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
- `path`: The entry path of the deleted/trashed entry
- `EntryWillRename`: Dispatched when a file/directory will be renamed. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
- `from_path`: The old path
- `to_path`: The new path
- `EntryRenamed`: Dispatched when a file/directory is renamed. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
- `from_path`: The old path
- `to_path`: The new path

## API

The `sfm` plugin exposes a number of APIs that can be used to customize the explorer tree and write extensions for the plugin. These functions are located in the `lua/sfm/api.lua` file and can be accessed by requiring it. Below are the available functions and their usage:

### Explorer

- `api.explorer.toggle()`: Toggles the visibility of the explorer window.
- ``: Opens the explorer window.
- `api.explorer.close()`: Closes the explorer window.
- `api.explorer.is_open()`: Returns `true` if the explorer window is currently open, `false` otherwise.
- `api.explorer.reload()`: Reloads the explorer tree.
- `api.explorer.refresh()`: Refreshes the current view of the explorer tree.
- `api.explorer.change_root(cwd: string)`: Changes the root directory of the explorer tree to the specified directory. If the directory is not valid, an error message will be displayed.

### Entry

- `api.entry.root()`: Returns the root entry of the explorer tree.
- `api.entry.current()`: Returns the current entry in the explorer tree.
- `api.entry.all()`: Returns a table containing all the entries in the explorer tree.

### Navigation

- `api.navigation.focus(p: string)`: Focuses on the specified file or directory in the explorer tree.

### Path

- `api.path.clean(p: string)`: Cleans up a file path to make it more standard.
- `api.path.split(p: string)`: Splits a file path into a table of its parts.
- `api.path.join(...)`: Joins a list of parts into a file path.
- `api.path.dirname(p: string)`: Returns the directory name of a file path.
- `api.path.basename(p: string)`: Returns the base name of a file path.
- `api.path.remove_trailing(p: string)`: Removes the trailing path separator from a file path.
- `api.path.has_trailing(p: string)`: Returns `true` if the file path has a trailing path separator, `false` otherwise.
- `api.path.add_trailing(p: string)`: Add trailing separator to the given path
- `api.path.exists(p: string)`: Check if the given path exists
- `api.path.isfile(p: string)`: Check if the given path is a file
- `api.path.isdir(p: string)`: Check if the given path is a directory
- `api.path.islink(p: string)`: Check if the given path is a symbolic link
- `api.path.unify(paths: table)`: Unify ancestor for the given paths
- `api.path.path_separator`: Get the system path separator

### Debouncing

- `api.debounce(name: string, delay: integer, fn: function)`: Create a debounced version of the given function

### Logging

- ` string)`: Log an informational message
- `api.log.warn(message: string)`: Log a warning message
- `api.log.error(message: string)`: Log an error message

### Context

- `api.context.is_selected(path: string)`: Check if the given path is selected
- `api.context.set_selection(path: string)`: Bookmark the given path
- `api.context.remove_selection(path: string)`: Unbookmark the given path
- `api.context.clear_selections()`: Clear all bookmarks
- `api.context.get_selections()`: Get all bookmarks

### Events

- `api.event.dispatch(event_name: string, payload: table?)`: Dispatches an event with the given name and payload to all registered event handlers.

Here's an example of how you might use the API provided by the `sfm` plugin in your own extension or configuration file:

local api = require('sfm.api')
-- use the `path.remove_trailing` function to remove trailing slashes from a file path
local cleaned_path = api.path.remove_trailing('/path/to/file/')
-- use the `debounce` function to debounce a function call
api.debounce("debounce-context", 1000, function()
-- your code

## Credits

- This plugin was developed using [NeoVim](
- The file explorer functionality is based on the [nvim-tree]( plugin. I also copied some code from there.
- The icons used in the file explorer are from the [nvim-web-devicons](