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Ranger plugin for neovim

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Ranger plugin for neovim




# ranger.nvim

[Ranger]( integration plugin for neovim with
no dependencies besides `ranger`.


## Dependencies

- [Ranger](

## Install

Install using your package manager. This plugin *does not set* Neovim keymaps by
default, you will need to set your own keymaps using the exposed [api](#api).
See below [Lazy](
configuration for example.

config = function()
require("ranger-nvim").setup({ replace_netrw = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "ef", "", {
noremap = true,
callback = function()

## Configuration

You can configure `ranger.nvim` by invoking `ranger_nvim.setup()` with an
options `table` described below. Note: `ranger_nvim.setup()` is *optional*, if you
do not invoke `ranger_nvim.setup()` `ranger.nvim` will use the default values.

| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | ---- | ------- | ----------- |
| `enable_cmds` | `boolean` | `false` | Set vim commands, see [commands](#commands). |
| `keybinds` | `Keybind = table` | See [ranger keybindings](#ranger-keybindings). | Key bindings set in `ranger` to control how files are opened in neovim. See [ranger keybindings](#ranger-keybindings). |
| `replace_netrw` | `boolean` | `false` | Replace `netrw` with `ranger` when neovim is launched with a directory argument. |
| `ui` | `UI` | See [UI Configuration](#configuration---ui). | Settings for ranger window. |

See below code snippet for example configuring `ranger.nvim` with the default

local ranger_nvim = require("ranger-nvim")
enable_cmds = false,
replace_netrw = false,
keybinds = {
["ov"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.vsplit,
["oh"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.split,
["ot"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.tabedit,
["or"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.rifle,
ui = {
border = "none",
height = 1,
width = 1,
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,

### Configuration - UI

| Key | Type | Default | Value |
| --- | ---- | ------- | ----- |
| `border` | `string` | `"none"` | See `:h nvim_open_win`. |
| `height` | `number` | `1` | From 0 to 1 (0 = 0% of screen and 1 = 100% of screen). |
| `width` | `number` | `1` | From 0 to 1 (0 = 0% of screen and 1 = 100% of screen). |
| `x` | `number` | `0.5` | From 0 to 1 (0 = left most of screen and 1 = right most of screen). |
| `y` | `number` | `0.5` | From 0 to 1 (0 = top most of screen and 1 = bottom most of screen). |

## API

### `open(select_current_file: boolean)`

Opens `ranger` in a fullscreen floating window.

When `select_current_file` is set to `true`, `ranger` will focus on the file in
the current buffer on load.

You can control how to open these files in Neovim by using the [ranger keybindings](#ranger-keybindings)
that `ranger.nvim` sets.

### `enum OPEN_MODE`

Enum to configure keybindings for open modes.

| Variant | Action |
| ------- | ------ |
| `vsplit` | Open files in vertical split |
| `split` | Open files in horizontal split |
| `tabedit` | Open files in tab |
| `rifle` | Open files with rifle |

## Ranger Keybindings

`ranger.nvim` sets `ranger` keybindings in order to control how selected files
are opened in neovim. You can override the keybindings using `ranger_nvim.setup()`.

See below table for default keybindings.

**Note: the keybinding string is in ranger keybinding syntax and not vim syntax
(they are bindings for ranger)**

| Keybinding | Action |
| ----------- | ------ |
| ``, `l` (when selected on file) | Open files in current window |
| `ov` | Open files in vertical split |
| `oh` | Open files in horizontal split |
| `ot` | Open files in tab |
| `or` | Open files with rifle |

### Overriding Keybindings

The `ranger-nvim` module provides an `OPEN_MODE` enum which is used to control
the open modes. To override keybinds, create an entry in the `keybinds` table
with a `string` key in **ranger** keybinding syntax (the same syntax you would
use in your `rc.conf`) and assign it a value of an `OPEN_MODE` variant.

local ranger_nvim = require("ranger-nvim")
keybinds = {
["ov"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.vsplit,
["oh"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.split,
["ot"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.tabedit,
["or"] = ranger_nvim.OPEN_MODE.rifle,

## Commands

Commands are *disabled by default*, they can be enabled by setting `enable_cmds =
true` in `ranger_nvim.setup()`.

Below shows the mapping of commands to lua equivalents. See [api](#api) for more

| Command | Lua |
| `Ranger` | `` |

## Contributing

All feature/pull requests are welcome!