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Interactive visualization of networks based on Ulf Aslak's d3 web app.

d3 network-visualization networkx python

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Interactive visualization of networks based on Ulf Aslak's d3 web app.





## About

**Simple and interactive network visualization in Python.** Network visualization is an indispensable tool for exploring and communicating patterns in complex systems. Netwulf offers an ultra-simple API for **reproducible interactive visualization** of networks directly from a Python prompt or Jupyter notebook. As a research tool, its purpose is to allow hassle-free quick interactive layouting/styling for communication purposes.

The package is build around the philosophy that network manipulation and preprocessing should be done programmatically, but that the efficient generation of a visually appealing network is best done interactively, without code.


## Paper


If you use `netwulf` for your scientific work, consider citing us! We're [published in JOSS](

## Install

pip install netwulf

`netwulf` was developed and tested for

* Python 3.5
* Python 3.6
* Python 3.7

So far, the package's functionality was tested on Mac OS X, several Linux distributions and Windows NT. Windows support cannot be guaranteed as we do not have constant access to machines with this OS.

## Dependencies

`netwulf` directly depends on the following packages which will be installed by `pip` during the installation process

* `networkx>=2.0`
* `numpy>=0.14`
* `matplotlib>=3.0`
* `simplejson>=3.0`

## Documentation

[![Documentation Status](](

The full documentation is available at

## Example

Create a network and look at it

import networkx as nx
from netwulf import visualize

G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(100,m=1)

![visualization example0](

## Changelog

Changes are logged in a [separate file](

## License

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](

## Contributing

If you want to contribute to this project, please make sure to read the [code of conduct]( and the [contributing guidelines]( In case you're wondering about what to contribute, we're always collecting ideas of what we want to implement next in the [outlook notes](

[![Contributor Covenant](](

## Dev notes

Clone and install this repository as

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 [email protected]:benmaier/netwulf.git

Note that `make` per default lets `pip` install a development version of the repository.

The JS base code in `/netwulf/js/` is a fork of [Ulf Aslak's interactive web app]( If this repository is updated, change to `/netwulf/js/`, then do

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git commit -m "merged"
git push

If you want to upload to PyPI, first convert the new `` to `README.rst`

make readme

It will give you warnings about bad `.rst`-syntax. Fix those errors in `README.rst`. Then wrap the whole thing

make pypi

It will probably give you more warnings about `.rst`-syntax. Fix those until the warnings disappear. Then do

make upload