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Alternate between common files using pre-defined regexp. Just map the patterns and starting navigating between files that are related.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Alternate between common files using pre-defined regexp. Just map the patterns and starting navigating between files that are related.




# telescope-alternate

Alternate between common files using pre-defined regexp. Just map the patterns and starting navigating between files that are related.

Telescope alternate also can create files when it is missing (including files with regexp at destination)


# Installation

## Packer

use { "otavioschwanck/telescope-alternate" }

## Setup Example

mappings = {
{ 'app/services/(.*)_services/(.*).rb', { -- alternate from services to contracts / models
{ 'app/contracts/[1]_contracts/[2].rb', 'Contract' }, -- Adding label to switch
{ 'app/models/**/*[1].rb', 'Model', true }, -- Ignore create entry (with true)
} },
{ 'app/contracts/(.*)_contracts/(.*).rb', { { 'app/services/[1]_services/[2].rb', 'Service' } } }, -- from contracts to services
-- Search anything on helper folder that contains pluralize version of model.
--Example: app/models/user.rb -> app/helpers/foo/bar/my_users_helper.rb
{ 'app/models/(.*).rb', { { 'db/helpers/**/*[1:pluralize]*.rb', 'Helper' } } },
{ 'app/**/*.rb', { { 'spec/[1].rb', 'Test' } } }, -- Alternate between file and test
presets = { 'rails', 'rspec', 'nestjs', 'angular' }, -- Telescope pre-defined mapping presets
open_only_one_with = 'current_pane', -- when just have only possible file, open it with. Can also be horizontal_split and vertical_split
transformers = { -- custom transformers
change_to_uppercase = function(w) return my_uppercase_method(w) end
-- telescope_mappings = { -- Change the telescope mappings
-- i = {
-- open_current = '',
-- open_horizontal = '',
-- open_vertical = '',
-- open_tab = '',
-- },
-- n = {
-- open_current = '',
-- open_horizontal = '',
-- open_vertical = '',
-- open_tab = '',
-- }
-- }

-- On your telescope:

-- You alternatively can call the setup inside telescope:
extensions = {
["telescope-alternate"] = {
mappings = {
...your mappings
presets = { 'rails', 'nestjs' }

-- You also can use the verbose way to mapping:
mappings = {
{ pattern = 'app/services/(.*)_services/(.*).rb', targets = {
{ template = 'app/contracts/[1]_contracts/[2].rb', label = 'Contract', enable_new = true } -- enable_new can be a function too.
{ pattern = 'app/contracts/(.*)_contracts/(.*).rb', targets = {
{ template = 'app/services/[1]_services/[2].rb', label = 'Service', enable_new = true }


# Running telescope alternate

To run alternate, just type:

:Telescope telescope-alternate alternate_file

# How to use?

Inside mappings, the syntax is:

{ 'current-file', { { 'destination', 'label', ignoreCreate (true or false) } } }

Each `current-file` can have multiple destinations.

On `current-file`, each (.*) is a match.

On `destination`, each [1], [2], [3] is the text matched text of `current-file` (by order)

You can run some transformers on the destination, using :function-name, example: [1:singularize] or [1:singularize,camel_to_kebap]

The available functions are:

| Function Name | Description |
| camel_to_kebap | userName -> user-name |
| kebap_to_camel | user-name -> userName |
| pluralize | userName -> userNames |
| singularize | userNames -> userName |


{ 'app/models/(.*).rb', {
{ 'db/helpers/**/*[1]*.rb', 'Helper' } },
{ 'app/controllers/**/*[1:pluralize]_controller.rb', 'Controller' } },