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:trident: Material colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins

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:trident: Material colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins




## material.nvim


The original [Material]( theme now available for [NeoVim](


## 🔱 Info
A port of [Material]( colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua

Material.nvim is meant to be a fast and modern colorscheme written in Lua that supports a lot of the new features
added to NeoVim like built-in [LSP]( and [TreeSitter](

## 🌊 Features

+ 5 styles to choose from

+ Oceanic ![2022-04-18-01:21:38-screenshot](

+ Deep ocean ![2022-04-18-01:21:16-screenshot](

+ Palenight ![2022-04-18-01:21:33-screenshot](

+ Lighter ![2022-04-18-01:21:28-screenshot](

+ Darker ![2022-04-18-01:21:22-screenshot](

+ Many supported plugins

+ Ability to change background on sidebar-like windows like Nvim-Tree, Packer, terminal etc.

+ Asynchronous highlight loading which makes the theme blazingly fast

+ Ability to select styles using [telescope.nvim](

+ Added functions for live theme switching without the need to restart NeoVim

+ Two [Lualine]( themes

+ Default:

+ Stealth

## ⚡️ Requirements

+ Neovim >= 0.7.0

## ⚓ Installation

Install via your favourite package manager:

-- If you are using Packer
use 'marko-cerovac/material.nvim'

## 🐬 Usage

Enable the colorscheme:

vim.cmd 'colorscheme material'

For a comlete guide on usage and configuration of the theme, see ```:help material.nvim```.

## ⚙️ Configuration

+ There are 5 different styles available:
+ darker
+ lighter
+ oceanic
+ palenight
+ deep ocean

Set the desired style using:

vim.g.material_style = "deep ocean"

The configuration of different options is done trough a setup function

This is an example of the function with the default values

contrast = {
terminal = false, -- Enable contrast for the built-in terminal
sidebars = false, -- Enable contrast for sidebar-like windows ( for example Nvim-Tree )
floating_windows = false, -- Enable contrast for floating windows
cursor_line = false, -- Enable darker background for the cursor line
lsp_virtual_text = false, -- Enable contrasted background for lsp virtual text
non_current_windows = false, -- Enable contrasted background for non-current windows
filetypes = {}, -- Specify which filetypes get the contrasted (darker) background

styles = { -- Give comments style such as bold, italic, underline etc.
comments = { --[[ italic = true ]] },
strings = { --[[ bold = true ]] },
keywords = { --[[ underline = true ]] },
functions = { --[[ bold = true, undercurl = true ]] },
variables = {},
operators = {},
types = {},

plugins = { -- Uncomment the plugins that you use to highlight them
-- Available plugins:
-- "coc"
-- "dap",
-- "dashboard",
-- "eyeliner",
-- "fidget",
-- "flash",
-- "gitsigns",
-- "harpoon",
-- "hop",
-- "illuminate",
-- "indent-blankline",
-- "lspsaga",
-- "mini",
-- "neogit",
-- "neotest",
-- "neo-tree",
-- "neorg",
-- "noice",
-- "nvim-cmp",
-- "nvim-navic",
-- "nvim-tree",
-- "nvim-web-devicons",
-- "rainbow-delimiters",
-- "sneak",
-- "telescope",
-- "trouble",
-- "which-key",
-- "nvim-notify",

disable = {
colored_cursor = false, -- Disable the colored cursor
borders = false, -- Disable borders between verticaly split windows
background = false, -- Prevent the theme from setting the background (NeoVim then uses your terminal background)
term_colors = false, -- Prevent the theme from setting terminal colors
eob_lines = false -- Hide the end-of-buffer lines

high_visibility = {
lighter = false, -- Enable higher contrast text for lighter style
darker = false -- Enable higher contrast text for darker style

lualine_style = "default", -- Lualine style ( can be 'stealth' or 'default' )

async_loading = true, -- Load parts of the theme asyncronously for faster startup (turned on by default)

custom_colors = nil, -- If you want to override the default colors, set this to a function

custom_highlights = {}, -- Overwrite highlights with your own

After passing the configuration to a setup function, make sure to enable the colorscheme:
vim.cmd 'colorscheme material'

This is an example of overwriting the default highlights and colors (most users will never need to do this)
local material = require 'material'
local colors = require 'material.colors'

custom_highlights = {
LineNr = { bg = '#FF0000' },
CursorLine = { fg = colors.editor.constrast , underline = true },

-- Dynamically override highlight groups with functions to ensure colors are
-- updated when changing styles at runtime
TabLine = function(colors, _)
return {
fg = colors.main.gray,
italic = true,
TabLineSel = function(_, highlights)
return vim.tbl_extend(
{ bold = true }

-- This is a list of possible values
YourHighlightGroup = {
fg = "#SOME_COLOR", -- foreground color
bg = "#SOME_COLOR", -- background color
sp = "#SOME_COLOR", -- special color (for colored underlines, undercurls...)
bold = false, -- make group bold
italic = false, -- make group italic
underline = false, -- make group underlined
undercurl = false, -- make group undercurled
underdot = false, -- make group underdotted
underdash = false, -- make group underslashed
striketrough = false, -- make group striked trough
reverse = false, -- reverse the fg and bg colors
link = "SomeOtherGroup" -- link to some other highlight group

-- Custom colors must be a function that takes in the default colors table as
-- a paramter, and then modifies them.
-- To see the available colors, see lua/material/colors/init.lua
custom_colors = function(colors) = "#SOME_COLOR"
colors.main.purple = "#SOME_COLOR"
colors.lsp.error = "#SOME_COLOR"

To enable transparency, it is suggested you disable the theme background from
the settings above. That way, your terminal's background will be used instead.

-- ... other settings
disable = {
-- ... other settings
background = true,

To enable the lualine themes, first set the theme in your lualine settings to `auto` or `material`
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
-- ... your lualine config
theme = 'auto'
theme = 'material'
-- ... your lualine config
Then, choose the style trough a variable called ```lualine_style``` in the theme setup function
lualine_style = 'default' -- the default style
lualine_style = 'stealth' -- the stealth style

If the theme, doesn't look right, it's probably because material.nvim is being loaded before lualine,
causing the other material theme that comes built-in to lualine to be used.
To fix this, either load material.nvim after lualine (preferred way)
or set the lualine theme to one of these two values in your lualine settings
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
-- ... your lualine config
theme = 'material-nvim' -- the default style
theme = 'material-stealth' -- the stealth style
-- ... your lualine config

## ⛵ Functions

+ Use Telescope.nvim to switch styles

:lua require("material.functions").find_style()

+ Cycle trough styles
:lua require('material.functions').toggle_style()

+ Toggle the end of buffer lines ( ~ )
:lua require('material.functions').toggle_eob()

+ Change the style to a desired one using the function change_style("desired style")
:lua require('material.functions').change_style("palenight")