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# Space Neovim Theme

A spacemacs inspired dark and light colorscheme for neovim.

## Screenshots

Dark theme

![dark theme](assets/dark.png)

Light theme

![light theme](assets/light.png)

*Font:* Jet Brains Mono
*Statusline:* [Spaceline](
*RGB Highlightin:* [nvim-colorizer.](
*Minimap:* [minimap.vim](

## Prerequisites

1. Neovim 0.5+

### Installation

#### Vim Plug

Plug 'Th3Whit3Wolf/space-nvim'

" And then somewhere in your init.vim, to set the colorscheme
colorscheme space-nvim

#### Minpac

call minpac#add('Th3Whit3Wolf/space-nvim')

" And then somewhere in your init.vim, to set the colorscheme
colorscheme space-nvim

#### Vim Packages

In the terminal execute this command.

cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/opt/
git clone

In your `init.vim` add the following

packadd! space-nvim

colorscheme space-nvim

### Transparent background

###### Require terminal with transparent background

vim.g.space_nvim_transparent_bg = true
### NOTE

- Vim is not supported because the theme is written in lua.
- If you feel like a language should be highlighted differently please open an issue.

### TODO

- [ ] Better Tree Sitter Highlighting

## Special Thanks To

- [Kiyan Yazdani]( who's [nvim-palenight.lua]( was my template for the lua in this theme.
- [Josh Dick]( who's excellently commented [onedark.vim]( I stole 99% of this themes comments from(I actually looked at the docs for nvim-treesitter).
- [Liu-Cheng Xu]( who's [space-vim-theme]( where I got all of my highlighting from