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Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

colorscheme neovim nord nvim theme

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Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support




# shaunsingh/nord.nvim

## Neovim theme based off of the [Nord Color Palette.](


## Features

Nord.nvim is meant to be a modern colorscheme written in lua for NeoVim that supports a lot of the new features
added to NeoVim like built-in LSP and [TreeSitter](

+ Supported plugins:
+ [TreeSitter](
+ [LSP Diagnostics](
+ [Lsp Saga](
+ [LSP Trouble](
+ [Git Gutter](
+ [git-messenger](
+ [Git Signs](
+ [Telescope.nvim](
+ [Nvim-Tree.lua](
+ [NERDTree](
+ [vim-which-key](
+ [Indent-Blankline.nvim](
+ [Dashboard](
+ [BufferLine](
+ [Lualine](
+ [Neogit](
+ [vim-sneak](
+ [lightspeed.nvim](
+ [barbar.nvim](
+ [nvim-notify](
+ [leap.nvim](
+ [mini.nvim](
+ [aerial.nvim](
+ [headlines.nvim](
+ [rainbow-delimiters.nvim](

+ Ability to change background on sidebar-like windows like Nvim-Tree, Packer, terminal etc.

## ⚡️ Requirements

+ Neovim >= 0.5.0

## 🌙 Installation

Install via your favourite package manager:

" If you are using Vim-Plug
Plug 'shaunsingh/nord.nvim'

-- If you are using Packer
use 'shaunsingh/nord.nvim'

## 🌓 Usage

Enable the colorscheme:

colorscheme nord

vim.cmd[[colorscheme nord]]

To enable the `nord` theme for `Lualine`, simply specify it in your lualine settings:

require('lualine').setup {
options = {
-- ... your lualine config
theme = 'nord'
-- ... your lualine config

## ⚙️ Configuration

| Option | Default | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| nord_contrast | `false` | Make sidebars and popup menus like nvim-tree and telescope have a different background |
| nord_borders | `false` | Enable the border between verticaly split windows visable
| nord_disable_background | `false` | Disable the setting of background color so that NeoVim can use your terminal background
| nord_cursorline_transparent | `false` | Set the cursorline transparent/visible
| nord_enable_sidebar_background | `false` | Re-enables the background of the sidebar if you disabled the background of everything
| nord_italic | `true` | enables/disables italics
| nord_uniform_diff_background | `false` | enables/disables colorful backgrounds when used in *diff* mode
| nord_bold | `true` | enables/disables bold

-- Example config in lua
vim.g.nord_contrast = true
vim.g.nord_borders = false
vim.g.nord_disable_background = false
vim.g.nord_italic = false
vim.g.nord_uniform_diff_background = true
vim.g.nord_bold = false

-- Load the colorscheme

" Example config in Vim-Script
let g:nord_contrast = v:true
let g:nord_borders = v:false
let g:nord_disable_background = v:false
let g:nord_italic = v:false
let g:nord_uniform_diff_background = v:true
let g:nord_bold = v:false

" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme nord

### headlines support

To support [headlines](""), you should add these code to your settings:

markdown = {
headline_highlights = {
codeblock_highlight = "CodeBlock",
dash_highlight = "Dash",
quote_highlight = "Quote",


It should look like this


### bufferline support

To support [BufferLine](, you can add these code to your settings:

local highlights = require("nord").bufferline.highlights({
italic = true,
bold = true,

options = {
separator_style = "thin",
highlights = highlights,


It should look like this

or you want to use slant separator

local highlights = require("nord").bufferline.highlights({
italic = true,
bold = true,
fill = "#181c24"

options = {
separator_style = "slant",
highlights = highlights,



The default setting of bufferline highlights is

fill = colors.nord0_gui,
indicator = colors.nord9_gui,
bg = colors.nord0_gui,
buffer_bg = colors.nord0_gui,
buffer_bg_selected = colors.nord1_gui,
buffer_bg_visible = "#2A2F3A",
bold = true,
italic = true,