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Yet another GitHub colorscheme

colorscheme github-colorscheme hacktoberfest neovim tree-sitter

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Yet another GitHub colorscheme




# 🐙 Yet another GitHub colorscheme

I've tried a lot of themes trying to reproduce the GitHub one, but all of them fall trying to reproduce them. This is my attempt.

Please, don't expect me to solve your issues. I don't make OSS for living. As I use this colorscheme in daily-basis, I'll try to keep it updated with the GitHub colors as soon as possible. Feel free to open a PR and get it merged.

## Why this one is different?

GitHub uses tree-sitter to parse the source code and to colorize them. This is the reason why it's so hard to reproduce its colors. With `nvim 0.5` we can do the same thing, theoretically.

## Features

- Light color
- Dim (soft dark) color
- tree-sitter syntax
- True color only

## Setup

How we need to leverage tree-sitter so we can't support `vim` or `nvim 0.4`, though you can try it since we use the "tree-sitter <> vim" bindings highlights when is possible. I don't have any plans to try to port it for the mentioned ones.

use {
run = ':TSUpdate',
config = function()
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
highlight = {
enable = true,
use 'lourenci/github-colors'

syntax on
set termguicolors
set background=light " or set background=dark
colorscheme github-colors

## Examples

* Ruby - GitHub <> Colorscheme
Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 17 42 21
Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 17 42 34

* TypeScript - GitHub <> Colorscheme
Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 17 43 28
Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 17 43 52