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NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.

lsp lua neovim neovim-colorscheme neovim-theme nvim syntax-highlighting terminal-colors theme tree-sitter-highlight

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.




🌊 KANAGAWA.nvim 🌊

NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.



## Features

- Extensive support for `TreeSitter` syntax highlighting, and _many_ popular plugins
- Compilation to lua byte code for super fast startup times

## Installation

Download with your favorite package manager.

use "rebelot/kanagawa.nvim"

## Requirements

- neovim latest
- truecolor terminal support
- undercurl terminal support (optional)

## Usage

As simple as writing (pasting)

colorscheme kanagawa

vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa")

## Configuration

There is no need to call setup if you are ok with the defaults.

-- Default options:
compile = false, -- enable compiling the colorscheme
undercurl = true, -- enable undercurls
commentStyle = { italic = true },
functionStyle = {},
keywordStyle = { italic = true},
statementStyle = { bold = true },
typeStyle = {},
transparent = false, -- do not set background color
dimInactive = false, -- dim inactive window `:h hl-NormalNC`
terminalColors = true, -- define vim.g.terminal_color_{0,17}
colors = { -- add/modify theme and palette colors
palette = {},
theme = { wave = {}, lotus = {}, dragon = {}, all = {} },
overrides = function(colors) -- add/modify highlights
return {}
theme = "wave", -- Load "wave" theme when 'background' option is not set
background = { -- map the value of 'background' option to a theme
dark = "wave", -- try "dragon" !
light = "lotus"

-- setup must be called before loading
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa")

**_NOTE 1:_** If you enable compilation, make sure to run `:KanagawaCompile` command every time you make changes to your config.

" 1. Modify your config
" 2. Restart nvim
" 3. Run this command:

**_NOTE 2:_** Kanagawa adjusts to the value of some options. Make sure that the options `'laststatus'` and `'cmdheight'` are set **_before_** calling `setup`.

## Themes

Kanagawa comes in three variants:

- `wave` the default heart-warming theme,
- `dragon` for those late-night sessions
- `lotus` for when you're out in the open.

Themes can be changed in three ways:

- Setting `config.theme` to the desired theme. Note that `vim.o.background` **must** be unset.
- Using the `background` option:
Any change to the value of `vim.o.background` will select the theme mapped by `config.background`.
Use `vim.o.background = ""` to unset this option.
- Loading the colorscheme directly with:
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-wave")
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-dragon")
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-lotus")

## Customization

In kanagawa, there are _two_ kinds of colors: `PaletteColors` and `ThemeColors`;
`PaletteColors` are defined directly as RGB Hex strings, and have arbitrary names
that recall their actual color. Conversely, `ThemeColors` are named and grouped _semantically_
on the basis of their actual function.

In short, a `palette` defines all the available colors, while a `theme` maps the `PaletteColors`
to specific `ThemeColors` and the same palette color may be assigned to multiple theme colors.

You can change _both_ theme or palette colors using `config.colors`.
All the palette color names can be found [here](lua/kanagawa/colors.lua),
while their usage by each theme can be found [here](lua/kanagawa/themes.lua).

colors = {
palette = {
-- change all usages of these colors
sumiInk0 = "#000000",
fujiWhite = "#FFFFFF",
theme = {
-- change specific usages for a certain theme, or for all of them
wave = {
ui = {
float = {
bg = "none",
dragon = {
syn = {
parameter = "yellow",
all = {
ui = {
bg_gutter = "none"

You can also conveniently add/modify `hlgroups` using the `config.overrides` option.
Supported keywords are the same for `:h nvim_set_hl` `{val}` parameter.

overrides = function(colors)
return {
-- Assign a static color to strings
String = { fg = colors.palette.carpYellow, italic = true },
-- theme colors will update dynamically when you change theme!
SomePluginHl = { fg = colors.theme.syn.type, bold = true },

### Common customizations

#### Remove _gutter_ background

Remove the background of `LineNr`, `{Sign,Fold}Column` and friends

colors = {
theme = {
all = {
ui = {
bg_gutter = "none"

#### Transparent Floating Windows

This will make floating windows look nicer with default borders.

overrides = function(colors)
local theme = colors.theme
return {
NormalFloat = { bg = "none" },
FloatBorder = { bg = "none" },
FloatTitle = { bg = "none" },

-- Save an hlgroup with dark background and dimmed foreground
-- so that you can use it where your still want darker windows.
-- E.g.: autocmd TermOpen * setlocal winhighlight=Normal:NormalDark
NormalDark = { fg = theme.ui.fg_dim, bg = theme.ui.bg_m3 },

-- Popular plugins that open floats will link to NormalFloat by default;
-- set their background accordingly if you wish to keep them dark and borderless
LazyNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m3, fg = theme.ui.fg_dim },
MasonNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m3, fg = theme.ui.fg_dim },

If you'd like to keep the floating windows darker, but you're unhappy with how
borders are rendered, consider using characters that are drawn at the edges of
the box:

{ "🭽", "▔", "🭾", "▕", "🭿", "▁", "🭼", "▏" }

#### Borderless Telescope

Block-like _modern_ Telescope UI

overrides = function(colors)
local theme = colors.theme
return {
TelescopeTitle = { fg = theme.ui.special, bold = true },
TelescopePromptNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_p1 },
TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = theme.ui.bg_p1, bg = theme.ui.bg_p1 },
TelescopeResultsNormal = { fg = theme.ui.fg_dim, bg = theme.ui.bg_m1 },
TelescopeResultsBorder = { fg = theme.ui.bg_m1, bg = theme.ui.bg_m1 },
TelescopePreviewNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_dim },
TelescopePreviewBorder = { bg = theme.ui.bg_dim, fg = theme.ui.bg_dim },

#### Dark completion (popup) menu

More uniform colors for the popup menu.

overrides = function(colors)
local theme = colors.theme
return {
Pmenu = { fg = theme.ui.shade0, bg = theme.ui.bg_p1 }, -- add `blend = vim.o.pumblend` to enable transparency
PmenuSel = { fg = "NONE", bg = theme.ui.bg_p2 },
PmenuSbar = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m1 },
PmenuThumb = { bg = theme.ui.bg_p2 },

## Integration

### Get palette and theme colors

-- Get the colors for the current theme
local colors = require("kanagawa.colors").setup()
local palette_colors = colors.palette
local theme_colors = colors.theme

-- Get the colors for a specific theme
local wave_colors = require("kanagawa.colors").setup({ theme = 'wave' })

### Terminal integration

The following example provides a snippet to automatically change the theme
for the Kitty terminal emulator.

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
pattern = "kanagawa",
callback = function()
if vim.o.background == "light" then
vim.fn.system("kitty +kitten themes Kanagawa_light")
elseif vim.o.background == "dark" then
vim.fn.system("kitty +kitten themes Kanagawa_dragon")
vim.fn.system("kitty +kitten themes Kanagawa")

Color palette

| | Name | Hex | Usage |
| :-----------------------------------------------------: | :------------ | :-------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | fujiWhite | `#DCD7BA` | Default foreground |
| | oldWhite | `#C8C093` | Dark foreground (statuslines) |
| | sumiInk0 | `#16161D` | Dark background (statuslines and floating windows) |
| | sumiInk1 | `#1F1F28` | Default background |
| | sumiInk2 | `#2A2A37` | Lighter background (colorcolumn, folds) |
| | sumiInk3 | `#363646` | Lighter background (cursorline) |
| | sumiInk4 | `#54546D` | Darker foreground (line numbers, fold column, non-text characters), float borders |
| | waveBlue1 | `#223249` | Popup background, visual selection background |
| | waveBlue2 | `#2D4F67` | Popup selection background, search background |
| | winterGreen | `#2B3328` | Diff Add (background) |
| | winterYellow | `#49443C` | Diff Change (background) |
| | winterRed | `#43242B` | Diff Deleted (background) |
| | winterBlue | `#252535` | Diff Line (background) |
| | autumnGreen | `#76946A` | Git Add |
| | autumnRed | `#C34043` | Git Delete |
| | autumnYellow | `#DCA561` | Git Change |
| | samuraiRed | `#E82424` | Diagnostic Error |
| | roninYellow | `#FF9E3B` | Diagnostic Warning |
| | waveAqua1 | `#6A9589` | Diagnostic Info |
| | dragonBlue | `#658594` | Diagnostic Hint |
| | fujiGray | `#727169` | Comments |
| | springViolet1 | `#938AA9` | Light foreground |
| | oniViolet | `#957FB8` | Statements and Keywords |
| | crystalBlue | `#7E9CD8` | Functions and Titles |
| | springViolet2 | `#9CABCA` | Brackets and punctuation |
| | springBlue | `#7FB4CA` | Specials and builtin functions |
| | lightBlue | `#A3D4D5` | Not used |
| | waveAqua2 | `#7AA89F` | Types |
| | springGreen | `#98BB6C` | Strings |
| | boatYellow1 | `#938056` | Not used |
| | boatYellow2 | `#C0A36E` | Operators, RegEx |
| | carpYellow | `#E6C384` | Identifiers |
| | sakuraPink | `#D27E99` | Numbers |
| | waveRed | `#E46876` | Standout specials 1 (builtin variables) |
| | peachRed | `#FF5D62` | Standout specials 2 (exception handling, return) |
| | surimiOrange | `#FFA066` | Constants, imports, booleans |
| | katanaGray | `#717C7C` | Deprecated |

## Accessibility

The colors maintain a `4.5:1` contrast ratio, complying with [WCAG 2.1 | Level AA](

## Extras

- [alacritty](extras/alacritty_kanagawa.yml)
- [Alfred](extra/
- [base16](extras/base16-theme.yaml)
- [broot](extras/broot_kanagawa.toml)
- [emacs, doom emacs](extras/kanagawa-theme.el)
- [fish](extras/
- [foot](extras/foot_kanagawa.ini)
- [iTerm](extras/kanagawa.itermcolors)
- [kitty](extras/kanagawa.conf)
- [mintty](extras/kanagawa.minttyrc)
- [pywal](extras/pywal-theme.json)
- [sway](extras/kanagawa.sway)
- [wezterm](extras/wezterm.lua)
- [Windows Terminal](extras/windows_terminal.json)
- [Xresources](extras/.Xresources)
- [tmTheme (bat, delta and lazygit)](extras/kanagawa.tmTheme)
- [JSON compatible with many terminals](extras/Kanagawa.json) Check [Gogh]( for the list of supported terminals.
- 🎉 Bonus! You win a tiny [python script](🐍 to extract color palettes 🎨 from any image! 🥳

## Acknowledgements

- [Tokyonight](
- [Gruvbox](
- [Catppuccin](
- [Affinity Designer](

### Donate

Buy me coffee and support my work ;)
