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Poimandres colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua

colorscheme extra lua neovim neovim-colorscheme nvim nvim-lua packer pmndrs poimandres theme treesitter vim wezterm

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Poimandres colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua





Made with Lua

Neovim theme based on the [poimandres vscode theme](, written in Lua with treesitter support.

All variants of the theme will be available for use.

![Poimandres Golang](

More screenshots

### Lua

![Poimandres Lua](

### TypeScript

![Poimandres TypeScript](

### Golang

![Poimandres Golang](

### Plugin Support

- [TreeSitter](
- [LSP Diagnostics](
- [LSP Trouble](
- [Git Signs](
- [Telescope](
- [NvimTree](
- [Lualine](
- [Indent Blankline](
- [Hop](
- [Leap](

_More plugins will be supported as I personally need it, or when it is requested._

## 📦 Installation

_**IMPORTANT!** The `setup` function has to be invoked before the colorscheme is set!_

Install with [lazy.nvim](

-- Lua

lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function()
require('poimandres').setup {
-- leave this setup function empty for default config
-- or refer to the configuration section
-- for configuration options

-- optionally set the colorscheme within lazy config
init = function()
vim.cmd("colorscheme poimandres")

Install with packer:


-- Lua

use {
config = function()
require('poimandres').setup {
-- leave this setup function empty for default config
-- or refer to the configuration section
-- for configuration options

Install with vim-plug:


" Vim Script

Plug 'olivercederborg/poimandres.nvim'

lua << EOF
require('poimandres').setup {
" leave this setup function empty for default config
" or refer to the configuration section
" for configuration options

## 🚀 Usage

**Enable the colorscheme**:

_**IMPORTANT!** The `setup` function has to be invoked before the colorscheme is set!_

-- Lua

vim.cmd('colorscheme poimandres')

" Vim Script

colorscheme poimandres

## ⚙️ Configuration:

**Setup function options**:

require('poimandres').setup {
bold_vert_split = false, -- use bold vertical separators
dim_nc_background = false, -- dim 'non-current' window backgrounds
disable_background = false, -- disable background
disable_float_background = false, -- disable background for floats
disable_italics = false, -- disable italics

To enable Poimandres for `Lualine`, just set the theme in your Lualine configuration:

require('lualine').setup {
options = {
-- ... your lualine config
theme = 'poimandres'
-- ... your lualine config

## Extra

There's [extra]( configuration files for the following tools:

- [WezTerm]( - [theme documentation](

## Contributions

Feel free to help improving the color scheme by opening issues and PRs with features, fixes or changes.

## 🙌 Related

- [poimandres-theme]( VSCode version
- [poimandres-alacritty]( Alacritty version
- [poimandres-iterm]( Iterm version

### Hyper theme

hyper i hyper-pmndrs