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A soothing dark color scheme for neovim and friends.

colorscheme dark eye-candy lua mellow neovim nvim theme

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A soothing dark color scheme for neovim and friends.




# Mellow

A soothing dark color scheme for neovim.

## Preview

### Terminal (kitty)

![Screenshot of mellow theme terminal](

### JavaScript (JSX)

![Screenshot of mellow theme JS/JSX](

### HTML

![Screenshot of mellow theme HTML](

### Clojure

![Screenshot of mellow theme Clojure](

### Rust

![Screenshot of mellow theme Rust](

## Palette

![Background and foreground](
![Normal colors](
![Bright colors](

## Features

- Supports neovim versions `0.8` and above.
- Terminal colors inside neovim.
- Color themes for various applications and terminal emulators: [extras](#extras).

### Plugin Support

- [TreeSitter](
- [LSP Diagnostics](
- [Lualine](
- [Git Signs](
- [Telescope](
- [WhichKey](
- [Indent Blankline](
- [nvim-cmp](
- [hop.nvim](
- [nvim-navic](
- [nvim-notify](

## Requirements

- Neovim >= `0.8.0`

## Installation

Install the theme with your preferred package manager:


Plug 'mellow-theme/mellow.nvim'



## Usage

-- Lua
vim.cmd([[colorscheme mellow]])

" Vim Script
colorscheme mellow

## Configuration

> Configuration needs to be set **BEFORE** loading the color scheme with `colorscheme mellow`

| Option | Default | Description |
| ------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------ |
| `mellow_italic_comments` | `true` | Make comments italic |
| `mellow_italic_keywords` | `false` | Make keywords italic |
| `mellow_italic_booleans` | `false` | Make booleans italic |
| `mellow_italic_functions` | `false` | Make functions italic |
| `mellow_italic_variables` | `false` | Make variables italic |
| `mellow_bold_comments` | `false` | Make comments bold |
| `mellow_bold_keywords` | `false` | Make keywords bold |
| `mellow_bold_booleans` | `false` | Make booleans bold |
| `mellow_bold_functions` | `false` | Make functions bold |
| `mellow_bold_variables` | `false` | Make variables bold |
| `mellow_transparent` | `false` | Disable background color |

-- Example config in lua

-- Configure the appearance
vim.g.mellow_italic_functions = true
vim.g.mellow_bold_functions = true

-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd([[colorscheme mellow]])

" Example config in vim script

" Configure the appearance
let g:mellow_italic_functions = 1
let g:mellow_bold_functions = 1

" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme mellow

## Extras

Color themes for various applications and terminal emulators.

### Terminals

- alacritty - `extras/alacritty/mellow.toml`
- kitty - `extras/kitty/mellow.conf`
- wezterm - `extras/wezterm/colors/mellow.toml`
- iterm2 - `extras/iterm2/mellow.itermcolors`
- terminator - `extras/terminator/mellow.config`
- foot - `extras/foot/mellow.ini`

### Helix

- Included in [helix]( since `22.12`.

### Visual Studio Code

- Grab it from the [marketplace](
- (or) Search within VSCode extension page for "Mellow".

### Eclipse

- `extras/eclipse/mellow.xml`

### Delta

- Included in [delta]( since `23.06`.
- Download the config [here](
- See []( for setup instructions.

## Credits

- [Pascal]( for making a fantastic tool to work with colors: [](