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A vibrant and refreshing neovim colorscheme inspired by citrus fruits.

colorscheme lua neovim neovim-colorscheme neovim-plugin nvim

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A vibrant and refreshing neovim colorscheme inspired by citrus fruits.







citruszest.nvim features a combination of bright and juicy colors reminiscent of various citrus fruits. The primary colors include vibrant oranges, zesty yellows, and refreshing greens. These colors are carefully selected to provide a visually stimulating and attention-grabbing experience while coding.

## :fire: Showcase




## :wrench: Installation

> ### Requirement
> - ***Treesitter*** > v0.9.2 (Recommended)
> - Neovim >= v0.9.1


lazy = false,
priority = 1000,


use { "zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim" }


Plug 'zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim'

## :question: Usage

Enable `colorscheme` after installation.

In `init.lua`

vim.cmd("colorscheme citruszest")

In `init.vim`

colorscheme citruszest

## :hammer: Configration

To find `highlight` group of word under cursor. Use `Inspect` command.

-- For using default config leave this empty.
option = {
transparent = false, -- Enable/Disable transparency
bold = false,
italic = true,
-- Override default highlight style in this table
-- E.g If you want to override `Constant` highlight style
style = {
-- This will change Constant foreground color and make it bold.
Constant = { fg = "#FFFFFF", bold = true}

`citruszest` supports [lualine.nvim](

local lualine = require 'lualine'

lualine.setup {
options = {
theme = 'citruszest',

## :pushpin: Supported Plugins

- [nvim-cmp](
- [Telescope](
- [Nvimtree](
- [nvim-ts-rainbow2](
- [fidget.nvim](
- [gitsigns.nvim](
- [alpha.nvim](
- [whichkey.nvim](
- [flash.nvim](
- [lazy.nvim](
- [dashboard-nvim](

## :fireworks: Integration

- [Kitty]( users copy [this](extra/citruszest_kitty.conf) into their `kitty.conf`.
- `Xresources` is available [here](extra/citruszest_xresources).
- [Foot]( terminal users can use [this](extra/citruszest_foot).
- [iterm2]( user can use [this](extra/citruszest.itermcolors).
- [Alacritty]( user can use [this](extra/citruszest_alacritty.toml).

## :art: Colors

| Color | Value | Background |
| -------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| Background | `#121212` | ![background]( |
| Foreground | `#BFBFBF` | ![foreground]( |
| Visual | `#404040` | ![cursor]( |
| Cursor | `#383838` | ![cursor]( |
| Black | `#232323` | ![black]( |
| Red | `#FF5454` | ![red]( |
| Green | `#00CC7A` | ![green]( |
| Yellow | `#FFD700` | ![yellow]( |
| Orange | `#FF7431` | ![orange]( |
| Blue | `#00BFFF` | ![blue]( |
| Cyan | `#00FFFF` | ![cyan]( |
| White | `#BFBFBF` | ![white]( |
| Black(Bright) | `#767C77` | ![bright_black]( |
| Red(Bright) | `#FF1A75` | ![bright_red]( |
| Green(Bright) | `#1AFFA3` | ![bright_green]( |
| Yellow(Bright) | `#FFFF00` | ![bright_yellow]( |
| Orange(Bright) | `#FFAA54` | ![bright_orange]( |
| Blue(Bright) | `#28C9FF` | ![bright_blue]( |
| Cyan(Bright) | `#33FFFF` | ![bright_cyan]( |
| White(Bright) | `#F9F9F9` | ![bright_white]( |

## :pray: Acknowledgments

- [SpaceCamp]( - For inspiring me write my own colorscheme.
- [FluoroMachine.nvim]( - For the beautiful colorscheme.
- [catppuccin]( - For describing highlight groups.

Made in Neovim with 💕 For Neovim