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A dark/light theme for Neovim based on the Monokai color palette written in Lua, support for LSP, Treesitter and lots of plugins.

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A dark/light theme for Neovim based on the Monokai color palette written in Lua, support for LSP, Treesitter and lots of plugins.




# 🫖 Monokai NighTasty

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## 🐧 Description

A dark/light theme for Neovim based on the Monokai color palette. This theme is
born from a mix between the code of the great
[tokyonight.nvim]( and the palette of
the flavorful


## 🌆 Features

- Infused with the Monokai palette for a vibrant, distraction-free coding
- Avoid eye strain by seamlessly toggling between clear and dark styles at
your fingertips, whether you're at your station or out in the wild.
- Support for popular plugins like treesitter, cmp, telescope, gitsigns,
lualine, indent-blankline, which-key, notify, noice, todo-comments and more.
- Highly customizable for your coding needs.

## 📷 Screenshots

### 🌙 Dark Theme

![Dark Theme](

### ☀️ Light Theme

![Light Theme](

### 💨 Dark Theme with transparent background:

![Transparent Dark Theme](

## 📽 Settings in action

## 📋 Requirements

- [Neovim]( >= 0.9.0
- [nvim-treesitter]( > 0.9.2

## 📦 Installation

Install with your package manager.

-- Lazy
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,

## 🛠️ Usage/Configuration

#### Basic usage

No need to use the `setup()` function, just set the `colorscheme`:

vim.opt.background = "dark" -- default to dark or light style

#### 💡 Toggle function

The Dark/light styles could be toggled by calling the provided function:


In **Lua**:


### Lualine

options = { theme = "monokai-nightasty" },

### ⚙️ Advanced configuration

> ⚠️ Set the configuration **BEFORE** calling `colorscheme monokai-nightasty`.

#### Full defaults:

Monokai Nightasty comes with these defaults:

dark_style_background = "default", -- default, dark, transparent, #color
light_style_background = "default", -- default, dark, transparent, #color
terminal_colors = true, -- Set the colors used when opening a `:terminal`
color_headers = false, -- Enable header colors for each header level (h1, h2, etc.)
hl_styles = {
-- Style to be applied to different syntax groups. See `:help nvim_set_hl`
comments = { italic = true },
keywords = { italic = false },
functions = {},
variables = {},
-- Background styles for sidebars (panels) and floating windows:
floats = "default", -- default, dark, transparent
sidebars = "default", -- default, dark, transparent
sidebars = { "qf", "help" }, -- Set a darker background on sidebar-like windows. For example: `["qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"]`

hide_inactive_statusline = false, -- Hide inactive statuslines and replace them with a thin border instead. Should work with the standard **StatusLine** and **LuaLine**.
dim_inactive = false, -- dims inactive windows
lualine_bold = true, -- Lualine headers will be bold or regular.
lualine_style = "default", -- "dark", "light" or "default" (Follows dark/light style)
markdown_header_marks = false, -- Add headers marks highlights (the `#` character) to Treesitter highlight query

--- You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color
--- function will be called with the theme ColorScheme table
on_colors = function(colors) end,

--- You can override specific highlights to use other groups or a hex color
--- function will be called with the theme Highlights and ColorScheme tables
on_highlights = function(highlights, colors) end,

#### Full configuration example (for Lazy):

return {
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
keys = {
{ "tt", "MonokaiToggleLight", desc = "Monokai-Nightasty: Toggle dark/light theme." },
opts = {
dark_style_background = "transparent", -- default, dark, transparent, #color
light_style_background = "default", -- default, dark, transparent, #color
color_headers = true, -- Enable header colors for each header level (h1, h2, etc.)
lualine_bold = true, -- Lualine a and z sections font width
lualine_style = "default", -- "dark", "light" or "default" (Follows dark/light style)
-- Style to be applied to different syntax groups. See `:help nvim_set_hl`
hl_styles = {
keywords = { italic = true },
comments = { italic = true },

--- You can override specific color/highlights. Theme color values
--- in `extras/palettes`. Also could be any hex RGB color you like.
on_colors = function(colors)
-- Custom color only for light theme
local current_is_light = vim.o.background == "light"
colors.comment = current_is_light and "#2d7e79" or colors.grey
-- Custom color only for dark theme
colors.border = not current_is_light and colors.magenta or colors.border
on_highlights = function(highlights, colors)
-- You could add styles like bold, underline, italic
highlights.TelescopeSelection = { bold = true }
highlights.TelescopeBorder = { fg = colors.grey }
highlights[""] = { fg = colors.fg }
config = function(_, opts)
-- Highlight line at the cursor position
vim.opt.cursorline = true

-- Default to dark theme
vim.o.background = "dark" -- dark | light




## 🔍 Colors and Highlights

How the plugin setup the highlights and colors under the hood:

1. `colors` are loaded from the base palette. The colors of the **light style**
are set in `colors.light_palette`. If `vim.o.background == "light"` is
detected, then the `default` palette is overridden with the light palette

2. Then, `colors` is extended and adjusted following the configuration settings.

3. After that, `config.on_colors(colors)` is called, overriding any matching

4. The highlight groups are set using the generated `colors`.

5. Finally, `config.on_highlights(highlights, colors)` can be used to override
highlight groups.

To get the name of a highlight group or to find the used color, here are some

1. Use `:Inspect` to get info of the highlight group at the current position.
2. Check the generated palettes in the [extras](#-extras).
3. For the theme with the color names instead of the colors code, you could
check directly the `theme.lua` or `colors.lua` files inside the
`lua/monokai-nightasty/` directory.

You could set colors for `light` or `dark` themes using boolean logic:

on_colors = function(colors)
local is_light = vim.o.background == "light"
colors.comment = is_light and "#2d7e79" or colors.grey
colors.border = not is_light and colors.magenta or colors.border


## 🧩 Extras

Currently this extra files are generated:

- [Monokai Nightasty Palettes]( ([palettes](extras/palettes))
- [Kitty]( ([kitty](extras/kitty))
- [Tmux]( ([tmux](extras/tmux))
- [Zathura]( ([zathura](extras/zathura))

The Monokai Nightasty Palette is a file with the used `colors` and `highlights`.

To use the generated config files with the corresponding external tool, check
the `extras` folder, copy, link or reference the file in each setting. Refer to
the respective program documentation.

### Markdown files

Nvim Tressiter no longer provide highlight captures for the headers `#` marks.
This plugin will provide them for as long as they work, or until nvim-treesitter
provides any way to highlight them.

To enable this feature, set the `markdown_header_marks` option to `true`
(defaults to `false`).

| Disabled | Enabled |
| ![Disabled TS custom query]( | ![Enabled TS custom query]( |

### Tmux

Just source the theme file:

source-file 'path/to/monokai-nightasty_dark.tmux'

#### Fix `undercurls` in [Tmux](

If the undercurls or colors are not being properly displayed within
[Tmux](, add the following to your config file:

# Undercurl
set -as terminal-features ",xterm-256color:RGB" # or: set -g default-terminal "${TERM}"
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Smulx=\E[4::%p1%dm' # undercurl support
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Setulc=\E[58::2::%p1%{65536}%/%d::%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d::%p1%{255}%&%d%;m' # underscore colours - needs tmux-3.0

### 🚀 Using with other plugins

You could import the color palette to use with other plugins:

local colors = require("monokai-nightasty.colors").setup()

some_plugin_config.title = colors.blue_light
example_plugin_config = {
foo = colors.bg_dark,
bar = colors.blue_light,

Some color utility functions are available for your use:

local colors = require("monokai-nightasty.colors").setup()
local util = require("monokai-nightasty.util")

some_plugin_config.example = util.lighten(, 0.5)
some_plugin_config.another = util.darken(, 0.3)

## 🎨 Color Palettes

### 🌃 Dark Style

| Color name | Hex code | Render |
| Yellow | `#ffff87` | ![#ffff87]( |
| Purple | `#af87ff` | ![#af87ff]( |
| Green | `#a4e400` | ![#a4e400]( |
| Blue | `#62d8f1` | ![#62d8f1]( |
| Magenta | `#fc1a70` | ![#fc1a70]( |
| Orange | `#ff9700` | ![#ff9700]( |

### 🏙️ Light Style

| Color name | Hex code | Render |
| Yellow | `#ff8f00` | ![#ff8f00]( |
| Purple | `#6054d0` | ![#6054d0]( |
| Green | `#4fb000` | ![#4fb000]( |
| Blue | `#00b3e3` | ![#00b3e3]( |
| Magenta | `#ff004b` | ![#ff004b]( |
| Orange | `#ff4d00` | ![#ff4d00]( |

## 🌱 Contributions

This plugin is made mainly for my personal use, but suggestions, issues, or pull
requests are very welcome.
