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Status Line for Neovim focused on beauty and performance ✅💙💛🤍💚

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Status Line for Neovim focused on beauty and performance ✅💙💛🤍💚




# neoline.vim ✅

**IMPORTANT: Requires Neovim Nightly**

[![License: MIT](](

A light statusline/tabline plugin for [Neovim]( using [Lua](

Using neoline.vim with [material]( dark theme, [vim-emoji-icon-theme](, [petertriho/nvim-scrollbar](, [hrsh7th/nvim-cmp]( and [nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim](

## Installation 🧙

### [Lazy](

Add the following lines on the NeoVim config file (Lua):

}, {})

### [Plug](

Add the following lines on the Vim/NeoVim config file:

Plug ''

Then open the editor and install with `PlugInstall`.

### [Dein](

Add the following lines on the Vim/NeoVim config file:

call dein#add('adelarsq/neoline.vim')
Then open the editor and install with `call dein#install()`.

### [Packer](

use 'adelarsq/neoline.vim'

## Features ⚙️

- [x] Mode detection
- [x] Status line color
- [x] Current tab color
- [x] CursorLineNr and LineNr
- [x] Plugins support
- Icons and themes:
- [x] [ryanoasis/vim-devicons](
- [ ] [nvim-web-devicons](
- Dev experience:
- [x] [coc.nvim](
- [x] ~~[nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim](
- File tree:
- [x] [preservim/nerdtree](
- [x] Show cwd path
- [x] Trim cwd path
- [x] [ms-jpq/chadtree](
- [ ] Show cwd path
- [ ] Trim cwd path
- [x] [kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua](
- [ ] Show cwd path
- [ ] Trim cwd path
- [x] [nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim](
- [ ] Show cwd path
- [ ] Trim cwd path
- VCS:
- [x] [adelarsq/neovcs.vim](
- [x] [vim-signify](
- [x] [gitsigns.nvim](
- Database:
- [x] [kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui](
- Start window:
- [x] [glepnir/dashboard-nvim](
- Plugin manager:
- [x] [junegunn/vim-plug](
- Debug:
- [x] [mfussenegger/nvim-dap](
- [x] [rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui]( - show controls on tabline.
- Distraction free:
- [ ] [junegunn/goyo.vim](
- [ ] [kdav5758/TrueZen.nvim](
- Languages:
- [x] [akinsho/flutter-tools.nvim](
- Diagnostics:
- [x] [folke/trouble.nvim](
- Scrollbar:
- [x] [petertriho/nvim-scrollbar](
- Code runner:
- Reference [3](
- [x] Operating Systems
- [x] MS Windows
- [x] macOS
- [x] Linux
- [ ] Android
- [ ] iOS?
- [x] LSP status support
- [x] TreeSitter support
- [ ] Support one color [per tab](
- [ ] Line cored based on mode **(disabled until dark mode to be supported)**
- [ ] Animations
- Reference [1](
- Reference [2](
- [ ] Move all code to Lua
- [x] Work in progress
- [ ] Add theme support
- [x] Custom borders
- [ ] Detect window size to show the right elements
- [ ] Better support for dark themes
- [ ] Add hint about position history
- [ ] Setting per-filetype [1](
- [ ] Show LSP diagnostics for the whole workspace
- [x] Use normal mode hightlight on inative tabs/buffers for better UX
- [x] **nightly** Local (`set laststatus=2`) and global status (`set laststatus=3`) line support. Global status has a little better performance than local status on this plugin.
- [x] Macro recording status
- [x] Tabline
- [x] Multiple files per tab
- [ ] One file per tab

## Options ✅

**Disabling the statusline:**

-- or with VimScript
set g:neoline_disable_statusline=1

**Disabling the tabline:**

-- or with VimScript
set g:neoline_disable_tabline=1

**Disabling current scope on the status line:**

vim.g.neoline_disable_current_scope = 1
-- or with VimScript
set g:neoline_disable_current_scope = 1

## Others 🦕

- [bubbly.nvim](
- [galaxyline.nvim](
- [konapun/vacuumline.nvim](
- [lightline.vim](
- [lualine.nvim](
- [nvim-bufferline.lua](
- [nvim-hardline](
- [onestatus](
- [staline.nvim](
- [vim-airline](
- [windwp/windline.nvim](

## Acknowledgments 💡

Thanks goes to these people/projects for inspiration:

- **Status line**:
- [itchyny/lightline.vim](
- [haorenW1025 dotfiles](
- [ahmedelgabri/statusline.vim](
- [nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim](
- [sontungexpt/sttusline](
- **Buffer/Tab line**:
- [akinsho/bufferline.nvim](
- [willothy/nvim-cokeline](

## License 📜


## Self-plug 🔌

If you liked this plugin, also check out:

- [vim-emoji-icon-theme]( - Emoji/Unicode Icons Theme for Vim and Neovim with support for 40+ plugins and 300+ filetypes
- [neovcs.vim]( - VCS support for Neovim