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🍫 Hyperextensible Statusline / Tabline / Winbar for Neovim 🚀

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🍫 Hyperextensible Statusline / Tabline / Winbar for Neovim 🚀




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# :chocolate_bar: nougat.nvim

Hyperextensible plugin for Neovim's `'statusline'`, `'tabline'` and `'winbar'`.

## :sparkles: Features

- :hammer_and_wrench: Hyperextensible.
- :rocket: Fast, Performance focused, Submillisecond evaluation time.
- :desktop_computer: Responsive Breakpoints, Smart Truncation.
- :art: Color Palette, Automatic and Adaptive.
- :package: Modular Design, only use what you need.
- :crystal_ball: Dynamic `statusline` / `tabline` / `winbar`.
- :page_with_curl: Filetype Specific `statusline` / `winbar`.
- :nail_care: Fancy Separator.
- :computer_mouse: Mouse-Click.
- :briefcase: Caching out-of-the-box.
- :bar_chart: Built-in Profiler.
- :peanuts: Common Items included.

## :spider_web: Requirements

- Neovim >= 0.7.0

## :inbox_tray: Installation

Install with your preferred plugin manager. For example:

**With [`lazy.nvim`](**


With packer.nvim


With vim-plug

Plug 'MunifTanjim/nougat.nvim'

## Usage

`nougat.nvim` is at your disposal to build exactly what you want.

local nougat = require("nougat")

### `set_statusline`

_Signature:_ `(bar: NougatBar | nougat_bar_selector, opts?: { filetype?: string }) -> nil`

`bar` can be a `NougatBar` instance:

local stl = Bar("statusline")


Or a `nougat_bar_selector` function `(ctx: nougat_core_expression_context) -> NougatBar`.

local stl = Bar("statusline")
local stl_inactive = Bar("statusline")

-- use separate statusline focused/unfocused window
return ctx.is_focused and stl or stl_inactive

`opts` is a `table` with the shape ` { filetype?: string }`.

If `filetype` is given, the bar will only be used for that filetype.

local stl_fugitive = Bar("statusline")
local stl_help = Bar("statusline")

-- set filetype specific statusline
for ft, stl_ft in pairs({
fugitive = stl_fugitive,
help = stl_help,
}) do
nougat.set_statusline(stl_ft, { filetype = ft })

### `refresh_statusline`

_Signature:_ `(force_all? boolean) -> nil`

### `set_tabline`

_Signature:_ `(bar: NougatBar | nougat_bar_selector) -> nil`

`bar` can be a `NougatBar` instance or a `nougat_bar_selector` function.

### `refresh_tabline`

_Signature:_ `() -> nil`

### `set_winbar`

_Signature:_ `(bar: NougatBar | nougat_bar_selector, opts?: { filetype: string }|{ global?: boolean }|{ winid: integer }) -> nil`

`bar` can be a `NougatBar` instance or a `nougat_bar_selector` function.

`opts` is a `table` with one of the shapes `{ filetype: string }` / `{ global?: boolean }` / `{ winid: integer }`.

If `filetype` is given, the bar will only be used for that filetype.

If `global` is `true`, the bar will be used for global `'winbar'`, otherwise the local `'winbar'` is set whenever a new window is created.

If `winid` is present, the bar will be used for only that specific window.

### `refresh_winbar`

_Signature:_ `(force_all?: boolean) -> nil`

## Examples

A handful of examples are available to get you started.

#### Bubbly

Source: [bubbly.lua](examples/bubbly.lua)

![Bubbly Statusline](

#### Pointy

Source: [pointy.lua](examples/pointy.lua)

![Pointy Statusline](

#### Slanty

Source: [slanty.lua](examples/slanty.lua)

![Slanty Statusline](


## :art: Color Palette

**[Check Detailed Documentation for `nougat.color`](lua/nougat/color)**

## :gear: NougatBar

The sweet `NougatBar` represents the `statusline` / `tabline` / `winbar`.

**[Check Detailed Documentation for ``](lua/nougat/bar)**

## :gear: NougatItem

Each `NougatBar` is made of a bunch of `NougatItem`.

**[Check Detailed Documentation for `nougat.item`](lua/nougat/item)**

## :gear: Separator

Separator that goes between two `NougatItem`s.

**[Check Detailed Documentation for `nougat.separator`](lua/nougat/separator)**

## :gear: Cache

**[Check Detailed Documentation for `nougat.cache`](lua/nougat/cache)**

## :gear: Store

**[Check Detailed Documentation for ``](lua/nougat/store)**

## :peanuts: Nuts

Commonly used `NougatItem`s for your `NougatBar` are available inside [`nougat.nut.*`](lua/nougat/nut) module.

## :bar_chart: Profiler

The built-in profiler can be used with the `:Nougat profile` command.


## :notebook: Links

- Discussion: [MunifTanjim/nougat.nvim/discussions](
- Wiki: [MunifTanjim/nougat.nvim/wiki](

## :scroll: License

Licensed under the MIT License. Check the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details.