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vim-bindings for Reaper

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vim-bindings for Reaper




# Reaper-Keys

Reaper-Keys is an extension for the [REAPER DAW](, that provides a new action
mapping system based on key sequences instead of key chords. The system is
similar to [Vim](, a modal text editor, and by default comes with vim-like bindings.

Click [here]( for a very outdated and low quality demo and installation video.

## Pros

- Save a couple minutes per hour
- Develop arthritis at 60 instead of 40
- Reduce mouse usage
- Increase maximum bandwidth between your brain and your project
- A structure for reapers giant bag of actions

# Table of Contents

1. [Features](#Features)
1. [Bind key sequences](#Bind-key-sequences)
2. [Compose actions](#Compose-actions)
3. [Multi-modal](#Multi-modal)
4. [Macros](#Macros)
3. [Installation](#Installation)
4. [Help](#Help)
5. [Further Information](#Further-Information)

## Features

### Bind key sequences

With reaper-keys, you may bind key sequences to actions, rather then singular
key presses. This allows one to hierarchically organize many keybindings for easy access to many keybindings.

A completion/feedback window is provided to assist with command completion.


### Compose actions

Reaper-keys lets one compose actions of different types to create new commands.

For example, in normal mode, any action with `timeline motion` type can follow any one with `timeline operator` type.

So if one enters `tL`, it would compose into `(t -> "PlayAndLoop", L -> "NextMeasure")`, and play and loop the next measure.

Other example `timeline operator` bindings are `s` -> "SelectItemsAndSplit" , or `z` -> "ZoomTimeSelection", so you could also enter `sL` or `zL`.


This grows the number of available actions exponentially but still preserves your
brain, as you only need to know the `timeline_motions`, `timeline_operators`, and
the fact that you can compose them.

### Multi-modal

Changing modes changes the way keys compose. By default, it is in `normal` mode, but you could for example go into `visual timeline` mode by pressing `v`.

In this mode, `timeline motions` extend the current time selection, and `timeline actions` operate immediately and return one to `normal` mode. Useful if you want
visual feedback before executing a timeline action, or just want to extend the
time selection using motion commands.


### Macros

Macros are a way to save a sequence of commands, and play them back later.

To record a macro, enter `q` and an arbitrary character to specify the `register` that
the macro will save into. Then, perform a series of actions, and finish
recording by pressing `q`.


You may play it back by entering `@` and the character you specified earlier.
Optionally, prefix it with a number to indicate the number of repetitions.


## Installation

- Clone this repository or download it via the 'releases' tab (download the file '').
- Put this repository into your `REAPER/Scripts` directory . If you're unsure where your `REAPER` directory is, just run the action 'Show REAPER resource path in explorer' in REAPER.
- Back up your key map by exporting it, then import the provided keymap `reaper-keys.ReaperKeyMap` via the `import` button at the bottom of the action list window in Reaper. (This will overwrite your current key bindings!)
- For all the actions to work, install the [SWS/S&M]( extension for Reaper.

When you restore your old keymap, you may want to empty the `reaper-kb.ini` in your `REAPER` root directory and restart REAPER. Otherwise, there will likely be remnants from reaper-keys.

## Help

Enter `` to show a list of available bindings you can search and filter.


If your stuck in a state you don't know how to get out of, you can press `` to reset back to normal.

If your key press is not being detected, try unfocusing the feedback window.
If a dialog opens saying 'script is already running in the background' just click 'remember' and 'new instance'.

## Further Information

Check out the [documentation]( to learn more.