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:bookmark_tabs: Delete multiple vim buffers based on different conditions

lua neovim neovim-plugin nvim

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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:bookmark_tabs: Delete multiple vim buffers based on different conditions




# close-buffers.nvim

Lua port of [close-buffers.vim]( with several feature extensions. This plugin allows you
to quickly delete multiple buffers based on the [conditions](#options) provided.


## Requirements

Neovim >= 0.5

## Installation

### [packer.nvim](

use 'kazhala/close-buffers.nvim'

### [vim-plug](

plug 'kazhala/close-buffers.nvim'

## Configuration

filetype_ignore = {}, -- Filetype to ignore when running deletions
file_glob_ignore = {}, -- File name glob pattern to ignore when running deletions (e.g. '*.md')
file_regex_ignore = {}, -- File name regex pattern to ignore when running deletions (e.g. '.*[.]md')
preserve_window_layout = { 'this', 'nameless' }, -- Types of deletion that should preserve the window layout
next_buffer_cmd = nil, -- Custom function to retrieve the next buffer when preserving window layout

### Example

By default, the `next_buffer_cmd` will attempt to get the next buffer by using the vim buffer ID.

This may not be as useful if you use bufferline plugins like [nvim-bufferline.lua](
since you can rearrange the buffer orders ignoring the buffer ID. The following example will use the `cycle` command provided
by nvim-bufferline.lua to get the next buffer when preserving the window layout.

preserve_window_layout = { 'this' },
next_buffer_cmd = function(windows)
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()

for _, window in ipairs(windows) do
vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(window, bufnr)

[[lua require('close_buffers').delete({type = 'hidden'})]],
{ noremap = true, silent = true }
[[lua require('close_buffers').delete({type = 'nameless'})]],
{ noremap = true, silent = true }
[[lua require('close_buffers').delete({type = 'this'})]],
{ noremap = true, silent = true }

## Usage

### Lua

-- bdelete
require('close_buffers').delete({ type = 'hidden', force = true }) -- Delete all non-visible buffers
require('close_buffers').delete({ type = 'nameless' }) -- Delete all buffers without name
require('close_buffers').delete({ type = 'this' }) -- Delete the current buffer
require('close_buffers').delete({ type = 1 }) -- Delete the specified buffer number
require('close_buffers').delete({ regex = '.*[.]md' }) -- Delete all buffers matching the regex

-- bwipeout
require('close_buffers').wipe({ type = 'all', force = true }) -- Wipe all buffers
require('close_buffers').wipe({ type = 'other' }) -- Wipe all buffers except the current focused
require('close_buffers').wipe({ type = 'hidden', glob = '*.lua' }) -- Wipe all buffers matching the glob

### Vim

The plugin exposes 2 vim commands, `BDelete` and `BWipeout`. Each takes a single argument listed under the [options](#type) section.
To force a deletion, simply append the command with a bang.

:BDelete! hidden
:BDelete nameless
:BDelete this
:BDelete 1
:BDelete regex='.*[.].md'

:BWipeout! all
:BWipeout other
:BWipeout hidden glob=*.lua

## Options

### type

| type | description |
| ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **hidden** | Delete all listed buffers that's not visible in the current window |
| **nameless** | Delete all listed buffers without name |
| **this** | Delete the current focused buffer without changing the window layout |
| all | Delete all listed buffers |
| other | Delete all listed buffers except the current focused buffer |

#### bufnr

> The bufnr would be one of the result from the vim `:ls` command.

You can also directly delete a buffer by providing buffer number as the [type](#type). The [type](#type) argument will automatically
change to `this` when specifying a buffer number as the [type](#type).

require('close_buffers').delete({ type = 1 }) -- Delete buffer with number 1

:BDelete 1

### force

Append a `bang` to the `bwipeout` or `bdelete` commands to force a deletion.

require('close_buffers').this({ type = 'this', force = true })

:BDelete! this

### regex

> Using this argument will take precedence over `file_regex_ignore` setting.

Delete buffers which matches the regex provided. When providing regex as an argument, the
`type` argument can be optional which will fallback to the value `all`.

require('close_buffers').delete({ regex = '.*[.]md', force = true }) -- Delete all markdown buffers
require('close_buffers').delete({ type = 'hidden', regex = '.*[.]lua' }) -- Delete all hidden lua buffers

:BDelete! regex=.*[.]md
:BDelete hidden regex=.*[.]lua

### glob

> Using this argument will take precedence over `file_glob_ignore` setting.

Similar to [regex](#regex), delete buffers which matches the glob pattern provided.
When providing glob as an argument, the `type` argument can be optional which will fallback to
the value `all`.

require('close_buffers').delete({ glob = '*.md', force = true }) -- Delele all markdown buffers
require('close_buffers').delete({ type = 'hidden', glob = '*.lua' }) -- Delete all hidden lua buffers

:BDelete! glob=*.md
:BDelete hidden glob=*.lua

## Credit

- [close-buffers.vim](
- [bufdelete.nvim](