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NeoVim plugin with which you can check the price of your favourite cryptos

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NeoVim plugin with which you can check the price of your favourite cryptos




# Crypto Price NeoVim

There are a [million]( ways to check the price of your favourite coins. Now I made a `nvim` plugin with which you can do the
same from your session.

> Just imagine...:thinking: you are in the flow, coding your time away. You are typing a new variable name
which resembles to one of your favourite coins and you remember... you did not check the crypto price for more than
5 minutes :open_mouth: :scream:. Before this plugin you would have panicked, but now you just call `:lua require("cryptoprice").toggle()`
with your favourite key binding and calmness settles :heart_eyes:, you can continue your work. :relieved:


(I made this just to learn about `nvim` and `lua` a little bit - nothing serious)

# Install

## Vim-Plug

Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' -- if you already have this you don't need to include it
Plug 'gaborvecsei/cryptoprice.nvim'

# Usage

:lua require("cryptoprice").toggle()

## Keybinding

nnoremap cy lua require('cryptoprice').toggle()

## Configuration

You'll need to setup what coins you would like to see and in which currency.

- `base_currency`: E.g.: `eur` or `usd`
- Here you can see all the valid currencies [](
- `crypto_list`: This is a list with the id of the coin on CoinGecko
- Use `:lua require("").find_coin_id("BTC")` to find a coin's ID
- Or check the available ids here: [](
- Usually this is the name of the coin instead of their symbol
- e.g. `["bitcoin", "ethereum", "shiba-inu", "dogecoin"]`
- `window_width`: width of the popup window
- `window_height`: height of the popup window

### vimscript

let g:cryptoprice_base_currency = "usd"
let g:cryptoprice_crypto_list = ["bitcoin", "ethereum"]
let g:cryptoprice_window_width = 60
let g:cryptoprice_window_height = 10

### lua

vim.g.cryptoprice_base_currency = "usd"
vim.g.cryptoprice_crypto_list = {"bitcoin", "ethereum"}
vim.g.cryptoprice_window_width = 60
vim.g.cryptoprice_window_height = 10

### setup()

lua << EOF
crypto_list={"bitcoin", "ethereum"},

# Thanks to

I used parts of their code, apis or learned some concepts from them during the process

- [nanotee/nvim-lua-guide](
- [ThePrimeagen/harpoon](
- [blackCauldron7/surround.nvim](
- [CoinGecko API](