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Manage temporary buffers

lua neovim neovim-plugin

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Manage temporary buffers




# attempt.nvim

Manage your temporary buffers

## Preview

## Features
- Quickly create scratch files for any filetype, using, vim.ui.input or
any other method
- Scratch files are saved in a temporary directory for later use, and can be accessed
across neovim instances
- Files are initialized with all the necessary boilerplate to be runnable
- Reopen closed attempts with Telescope
- Autosave attempts
- Run the scratch files
- Every file operation is asynchronous

## Installation
This plugin is for [neovim]( only. Version 0.7+ is required.

use {
requires = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim',

-- Optional
use {
{ 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' },
{ 'nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim' }

Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'm-demare/attempt.nvim'

" Optional
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim'

## Usage

If you are ok with the default settings:

To change them
dir = (unix and '/tmp/' or vim.fn.expand '$TEMP\\') .. 'attempt.nvim' .. path_separator,
autosave = false,
list_buffers = false, -- This will make them show on other pickers (like :Telescope buffers)
initial_content = {
py = initial_content_fn, -- Either string or function that returns the initial content
c = initial_content_fn,
cpp = initial_content_fn,
java = initial_content_fn,
rs = initial_content_fn,
go = initial_content_fn,
sh = initial_content_fn
ext_options = { 'lua', 'js', 'py', 'cpp', 'c', '' }, -- Options to choose from
format_opts = { [''] = '[None]' }, -- How they'll look
run = {
py = { 'w !python' }, -- Either table of strings or lua functions
js = { 'w !node' },
ts = { 'w !deno run -' },
lua = { 'w' , 'luafile %' },
sh = { 'w !bash' },
pl = { 'w !perl' },
cpp = { 'w' , '!'.. cpp_compiler ..' %:p -o %:p:r.out && echo "" && %:p:r.out && rm %:p:r.out '},
c = { 'w' , '!'.. c_compiler ..' %:p -o %:p:r.out && echo "" && %:p:r.out && rm %:p:r.out'},
-- (You may omit the settings whose defaults you're ok with)

### Telescope picker
To use the telescope picker for opening your attempts (recommended, to have a nice
previewer), add this somewhere after your `telescope.setup()` call:
require('telescope').load_extension 'attempt'
You can customize this picker in the usual [telescope

### Keymaps
By default, no keymaps are created. To use the basic presets, you can do:

local attempt = require('attempt')

function, l, r, opts)
opts = opts or {}
opts = vim.tbl_extend('force', { silent=true }, opts)
vim.keymap.set(mode, l, r, opts)

map('n', 'an', attempt.new_select) -- new attempt, selecting extension
map('n', 'ai', attempt.new_input_ext) -- new attempt, inputing extension
map('n', 'ar', -- run attempt
map('n', 'ad', attempt.delete_buf) -- delete attempt from current buffer
map('n', 'ac', attempt.rename_buf) -- rename attempt from current buffer
map('n', 'al', 'Telescope attempt') -- search through attempts
--or: map('n', 'al', attempt.open_select) -- use instead of telescope

See [`:h
for more customized setups