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Fold with relentless elegance.

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Fold with relentless elegance.




# nvim-origami


## Features
- Use `h` at the first non-blank character of a line (or before) to fold. Use
`l` anywhere on a folded line to unfold it.[^1] This allows you to ditch `zc`,
`zo`, and `za` – you can just use `h` and `l` to work with folds. (`h` still
moves left if not at the beginning of a line, and `l` still moves right when
on an unfolded line – this plugin basically "overloads" those keys.)
- Pause folds while searching, restore folds when done with searching.
(Normally, folds are opened when you search for some text inside a fold, and
*stay* open afterward.)
- Remember folds across sessions (and as a side effect, also the cursor position).

> [!NOTE]
> This plugin only opens and closes folds. It does not provide a `foldmethod`.
> You need to define a `foldmethod` either yourself or through a folding
> provider like `nvim-ufo` for this plugin to work.

## Installation

-- lazy.nvim
event = "BufReadPost", -- later or on keypress would prevent saving folds
opts = true, -- needed even when using default config

-- packer
use {
config = function ()
require("origami").setup ({}) -- setup call needed

The `.setup()` call or `lazy`'s `opts` is required. Otherwise, the plugin works
out of the box without any necessary further configuration.

## Configuration

-- default values
require("origami").setup {
keepFoldsAcrossSessions = true,
pauseFoldsOnSearch = true,
setupFoldKeymaps = true,

*Recommendation:* By setting
['startofline']('startofline') to
`true`, bigger movements move you to the start of the line, which works well
with this plugin's `h` key.

If you use other keys than `h` and `l` for vertical movement, set
`setupFoldKeymaps` to false and map the keys yourself:


## Limitations
[Many formatting plugins open all your
and unfortunately, there is nothing this plugin can do about it. The only two
tools that are able to preserve folds are the
[efm-language-server]( and

## Other Folding Plugins
- [fold-cycle.nvim](
- [nvim-ufo](

## About the developer
In my day job, I am a sociologist studying the social mechanisms underlying the
digital economy. For my PhD project, I investigate the governance of the app
economy and how software ecosystems manage the tension between innovation and
compatibility. If you are interested in this subject, feel free to get in touch.

I also occasionally blog about vim: [Nano Tips for Vim](

- [Academic Website](
- [Mastodon](
- [ResearchGate](
- [LinkedIn](

Buy Me a Coffee at

[^1]: Technically, unfolding with `l` is already a built-in vim feature when
`foldopen` includes `hor`. However, this plugin still sets up a `l` key
replicating that behavior, since the built-in version still moves you to one
character to the side, which can be considered a bit counterintuitive.