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neovim plugin to interact with the terminal

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neovim plugin to interact with the terminal




**WIP**. Only fish shell is currently fully functional. I plan to add support
for bash and zsh (and maybe other shells), but I don't know when. PRs to support
other shells are very welcome

# nterm.nvim

A neovim plugin to interact with the terminal emulator, with notifications.

## Demo


## Installation

[Neovim (0.5)]( and
[Olical/aniseed]( are required for
`nterm.nvim` to work.

[netcat]( (`nc` command) must also be
installed in your system.

Use your favourite plugin manager, a popular one is

Plug 'Olical/aniseed'
Plug 'jlesquembre/nterm.nvim'

I prefer to use [Nix]( and
[home-manager]( to manage my
neovim configuration

## Rationale

`nterm.nvim` tries to make easier to interact with Neovim's terminal emulator.

While there are other similar plugins, all of them assign a number to every new
terminal. I always forget what command is running on which terminal number. My
approach is to assign an unique name to every terminal.

Most of the commands I execute on Neovim's terminal run only for a short period
of time. For that reason, I want to get a notification once the command finish,
and hide the terminal buffer if the command success.

## Usage

First, initialize the plugin:

maps = true, -- load defaut mappings
shell = "fish",
size = 20,
direction = "horizontal", -- horizontal or vertical
popup = 2000, -- Number of miliseconds to show the info about the commmand. 0 to dissable
popup_pos = "SE", -- one of "NE" "SE" "SW" "NW"
autoclose = 2000, -- If command is sucesful, close the terminal after that number of miliseconds. 0 to disable

-- Optional, if you want to use the telescope extension

Notice that `shell` option only is used if a terminal with that name doesn't
exist. `size` and `direction` options are only used if the terminal is not
visible. The other options are used in every command.

### Public API

Notice that `TERMINAL_NAME` and `OPTIONS` all functions are optional. If
terminal name is not specified, the `default` terminal will be used. It is
required to specify a `TERMINAL_NAME` to use the `OPTIONS` argument. The
`OPTIONS` is a table with the same options that the `init` function, and allows
to override the default values.

Remember to import the library first: `local nterm = require'nterm.main'`

- `nterm.term_send(COMMAND, TERMINAL_NAME, OPTIONS)`: Send a command to a
terminal, creates and opens that terminal if required.

- `nterm.term_toggle(OPTIONS)`: Toggle the terminal. When you hide the terminals
with this command, the layout is saved, and it will be the same when you
toggle again

- `nterm.term_focus(TERMINAL_NAME, OPTIONS)`: Focus that terminal and enters
insert mode

- `nterm.term_send_cur_line(TERMINAL_NAME)`: Sends the current line to the

### Colors

You can customize the pop-up colors setting the highlighting groups
`NtermSuccess` and `NtermError`

### Maps

You can create your own mappings, overriding the default configuration provided
to the `init` function:

"lua require'nterm.main'.term_send('git push', 'git', {popup=3000, popup_pos="NE", autoclose=0})"

Defauls mappings:

| mode | key | Action |
| ------ | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| normal | `tt` | `term_toggle()` |
| normal | `tl` | `term_send_cur_line()` |
| normal | `tf` | `term_focus()` |
| normal | `gpp` | `term_send('git push', 'git')` |
| normal | `gps` | `term_send('git push --set-upstream origin HEAD', 'git')` |
| normal | `gpf` | `term_send('git push --force-with-lease', 'git')` |
| normal | `gpt` | `term_send('git push --tags', 'git')` |
| normal | `gpu` | `term_send('git pull --ff-only', 'git')` |
| normal | `gt` | `term_focus('git')` |

### Notes

- If you are writing some script, you can check for the `VIM` env variable to
know if the script is executed in a neovim terminal

- The terminal name is saved in the `b:nterm_name` (to be used by vim scripts)
and in the `NTERM_NAME` env varible (to be used by shell scripts)

## Telescope extension


Telescope nterm

" Using lua function
lua require('telescope').extensions.nterm.nterm()

Telescope mappings:

| mode | key | Action |
| ------ | ------- | ---------------------- |
| insert | `` | Open current selection |
| insert | `` | Create new terminal |
| insert | `` | Focus terminal |

## Similar projects

- [nvim-toggleterm.lua](
- [neoterm](