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A GUI library for Neovim plugin developers

fuzzy-search lua neovim-plugin ui

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A GUI library for Neovim plugin developers




Guihua: A Lua Gui and util library for nvim plugins

- Provide floating windows
- A modified wrapper for fzy
- TextView, ListView, Preview etc

* Listview

* Listview with fzy finder

* Neovim multigrid external buffer/terminal


* Neovim vim.ui.input and patch

This cool screen shows an external terminal running lazygit and an external floating window running guihua listview

More screen shot please refer to [Navigator.lua](

Please refer to test file of how to use it

Lua OOP is powered by [middleclass](
fzy is powered by [romgrk fzy-lua-native]( with modified version of sorter/quicksort to sort list of tables

# Install

Plugin has implementation of fzy with both ffi and native lua. If you like to try ffi please run make

## Packer

use {'ray-x/guihua.lua', run = 'cd lua/fzy && make'}

## Setup

-- default mapping
maps = {
close_view = '',
send_qf = '',
save = '',
jump_to_list = 'k',
jump_to_preview = 'j',
prev = '',
next = '',
pageup = '',
pagedown = '',
confirm = '',
split = '',
vsplit = '',
tabnew = '',

maps = {
close_view = '',

## Plug

Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' }

Usage: check the test files on how the api is used.