
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Maintained fork of ruifm's gitlinker, refactored with bug fixes, ssh aliases, blame support and other improvements.

lua neovim neovim-plugin plugin

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Maintained fork of ruifm's gitlinker, refactored with bug fixes, ssh aliases, blame support and other improvements.




# gitlinker.nvim


> Maintained fork of [ruifm's gitlinker](, refactored with bug fixes, ssh host alias, blame support and other improvements.

A lua plugin for [Neovim]( to generate sharable file permalinks (with line ranges) for git host websites. Inspired by [tpope/vim-fugitive]('s `:GBrowse`.

Here's an example of git permalink:

For now supported platforms are:

- [](
- [](
- [](
- [](
- [](

PRs are welcomed for other git host websites!

## Table of Contents

- [Break Changes & Updates](#break-changes--updates)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Command](#command)
- [API](#api)
- [Recommended Key Mappings](#recommended-key-mappings)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Customize Urls](#customize-urls)
- [String Template](#string-template)
- [Lua Function](#lua-function)
- [Create Your Own Router](#create-your-own-router)
- [Highlight Group](#highlight-group)
- [Development](#development)
- [Contribute](#contribute)

## Break Changes & Updates

1. Break Changes:
- Provide `GitLink` command instead of default key mappings.
2. New Features:
- Windows (+wsl2) support.
- Respect ssh host alias.
- Add `?plain=1` for markdown files.
- Support blame url.
- Full [git protocols]( support.
3. Improvements:
- Use stderr from git command as error message.
- Async child process IO via coroutine and `uv.spawn`.
- Drop off `plenary` dependency.

## Requirements

- Neovim ≥ 0.7.
- [git](
- [ssh]( (optional for resolve ssh host alias).
- [wslview]( (optional for open browser from Windows wsl2).

## Installation

With lazy.nvim

cmd = "GitLink",
opts = {},
keys = {
{ "gy", "GitLink", mode = { "n", "v" }, desc = "Yank git link" },
{ "gY", "GitLink!", mode = { "n", "v" }, desc = "Open git link" },

With pckr.nvim

return require('pckr').add(
config = function()

## Usage

### Command

You can use the user command `GitLink` to generate git permlink:

- `GitLink(!)`: copy the `/blob` url to clipboard (use `!` to open in browser).
- `GitLink(!) blame`: copy the `/blame` url to clipboard (use `!` to open in browser).
- `GitLink(!) default_branch`: copy the `/main` or `/master` url to clipboard (use `!` to open in browser).
- `GitLink(!) current_branch`: copy the current branch url to clipboard (use `!` to open in browser).

There're several **router types**:

- `browse`: generate the `/blob` url (default).
- `blame`: generate the `/blame` url.
- `default_branch`: generate the `/main` or `/master` url.
- `current_branch`: generate the current branch url.

> [!NOTE]
> A router type is a general collection of router implementations binding on different git hosts, thus it can work for any git hosts, for example for [](
> - `browse` generate the `/src` url (default):
> - `blame` generate the `/annotate` url:
> - `default_branch` generate the `/main` or `/master` url:
> - `current_branch` generate the current branch url:

To specify the remote when there're multiple git remotes, add `remote=xxx` parameter, for example:

- `GitLink remote=upstream`: copy `blob` url to clipboard for the `upstream` remote.
- `GitLink! blame remote=upstream`: open `blame` url in browser for the `upstream` remote.

> By default `GitLink` will use the first detected remote (usually it's `origin`).

### API

> [!NOTE]
> Highly recommend reading [Customize Urls](#customize-urls) before this section, which helps understanding the router design of this plugin.

Click here to see lua api

You can also use the `link` API to generate git permlink:

--- @alias gitlinker.Linker {remote_url:string,protocol:string?,username:string?,password:string?,host:string,port:string?,org:string?,user:string?,repo:string,rev:string,file:string,lstart:integer,lend:integer,file_changed:boolean,default_branch:string?,current_branch:string?}
--- @alias gitlinker.Router fun(lk:gitlinker.Linker):string?
--- @alias gitlinker.Action fun(url:string):any
--- @param opts {router_type:string?,router:gitlinker.Router?,action:gitlinker.Action?,lstart:integer?,lend:integer?,message:boolean?,highlight_duration:integer?,remote:string?}?


- `opts`: (Optional) lua table that contains below fields:

- `router_type`: Which router type should this API use. By default is `nil`, means `browse`. It has below builtin options:

- `browse`
- `blame`
- `default_branch`
- `current_branch`

- `router`: Which router implementation should this API use. By default is `nil`, it uses the configured router implementations while this plugin is been setup (see [Configuration](#configuration)). You can **_dynamically_** overwrite the generate behavior by pass a router in this field.

> Once set this field, you will get full control of generating the url, and `router_type` field will no longer take effect.
> Please refer to [`gitlinker.Router`](#gitlinkerrouter) for more details.

- `action`: What action should this API behave. By default is `nil`, this API will copy the generated link to clipboard. It has below builtin options:

- `require("gitlinker.actions").clipboard`: Copy generated link to clipboard.
- `require("gitlinker.actions").system`: Open generated link in browser.

> Please refer to [`gitlinker.Action`](#gitlinkeraction) for more details.

- `lstart`/`lend`: Visual selected line range, e.g. start & end line numbers. By default both are `nil`, it will automatically try to find user selected line range. You can also overwrite these two fields to force the line numbers in generated url.
- `message`: Whether print message in nvim command line. By default it uses the configured value while this plugin is been setup (see [Configuration](#configuration)). You can also overwrite this field to change the configured behavior.
- `highlight_duration`: How long (milliseconds) to highlight the line range. By default it uses the configured value while this plugin is been setup (see [Configuration](#configuration)). You can also overwrite this field to change the configured behavior.
- `remote`: Specify the git remote. By default is `nil`, it uses the first detected git remote (usually it's `origin`).

##### `gitlinker.Router`

`gitlinker.Router` is a lua function that implements a router for a git host. It use below function signature:



- `lk`: Lua table that presents the `gitlinker.Linker` data type. It contains all the information (fields) you need to generate a git link, e.g. the `protocol`, `host`, `username`, `path`, `rev`, etc.

> Please refer to [Customize Urls - Lua Function](#lua-function) for more details.


- It returns the generated link as a `string` type, if success.
- It returns `nil`, if failed.

##### `gitlinker.Action`

`gitlinker.Action` is a lua function that do some operations with a generated git link. It use below function signature:



- `url`: The generated git link. For example:

For now we have below builtin actions:

- `require("gitlinker.actions").clipboard`: Copy url to clipboard.
- `require("gitlinker.actions").system`: Open url in browser.

If you only need to get the generated url, instead of do some actions, you can pass a callback function to accept the url:

action = function(url)
print("generated url:" .. vim.inspect(url))

> The `link` API is running in async mode and cannot directly returns the generated link, because it uses lua coroutine to avoid blocking IO.

### Recommended Key Mappings

Click here to see key mappings with vim command

-- with vim command:

-- browse
{"n", 'v'},
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Yank git permlink" }
{"n", 'v'},
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Open git permlink" }
-- blame
{"n", 'v'},
"GitLink blame",
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Yank git blame link" }
{"n", 'v'},
"GitLink! blame",
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Open git blame link" }
-- default branch
{"n", 'v'},
"GitLink default_branch",
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Copy default branch link" }
{"n", 'v'},
"GitLink! default_branch",
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Open default branch link" }
-- default branch
{"n", 'v'},
"GitLink current_branch",
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Copy current branch link" }
{"n", 'v'},
"GitLink! current_branch",
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Open current branch link" }

Click here to see key mappings with lua api

-- with lua api:

-- browse
{"n", 'v'},
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink" }
{"n", 'v'},
require("gitlinker").link({ action = require("gitlinker.actions").system })
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink!" }
-- blame
{"n", 'v'},
require("gitlinker").link({ router_type = "blame" })
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink blame" }
{"n", 'v'},
router_type = "blame",
action = require("gitlinker.actions").system,
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink! blame" }
-- default branch
{"n", 'v'},
require("gitlinker").link({ router_type = "default_branch" })
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink default_branch" }
{"n", 'v'},
router_type = "default_branch",
action = require("gitlinker.actions").system,
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink! default_branch" }
-- default branch
{"n", 'v'},
require("gitlinker").link({ router_type = "current_branch" })
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink current_branch" }
{"n", 'v'},
router_type = "current_branch",
action = require("gitlinker.actions").system,
{ silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "GitLink! current_branch" }

## Configuration


The `opts` is an optional lua table that override the default options.

For complete default options, please see `Defaults` in [configs.lua](

### Customize Urls

> [!NOTE]
> Please refer to [Git Protocols]( and [giturlparser]( for better understanding git url.

#### String Template

> [!NOTE]
> Please refer to `Defaults.router` in [configs.lua]( for more examples about string template.

To create customized urls for other git hosts, please bind the target git host name with a new router. A router simply constructs the url string from below components (upper case with prefix `_A.`):

- `_A.PROTOCOL`: Network protocol before `://` delimiter, for example:
- `https` in ``.
- `ssh` in `ssh://`.
- `_A.USERNAME`: Optional user name component before `@` delimiter, for example:
- `git` in `ssh://[email protected]/linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim.git`.
- `myname` in `[email protected]:linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim.git` (**Note:** the ssh protocol `ssh://` can be omitted).
- `_A.PASSWORD`: Optional password component after `_A.USERNAME`, for example:
- `mypass` in `myname:[email protected]:linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim.git`.
- `mypass` in `https://myname:[email protected]/linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim.git`.
- `_A.HOST`: The host component, for example:
- `` in `` (**Note:** for http/https protocol, host ends with `/`).
- `` in `[email protected]:linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim` (**Note:** for omitted ssh protocol, host ends with `:`, and cannot have `_A.PORT` component).
- `_A.PORT`: Optional port component after `_A.HOST` (**Note:** omitted ssh protocols cannot have `_A.PORT` component), for example:
- `22` in ``.
- `123456` in ``.
- `_A.PATH`: All the other parts in the output of the `git remote get-url origin`, for example:
- `/linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim.git` in ``.
- `linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim.git` in `[email protected]:linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim.git`.
- `_A.REV`: Git commit, for example:
- `a009dacda96756a8c418ff5fa689999b148639f6` in ``.
- `_A.FILE`: Relative file path, for example:
- The `lua/gitlinker/routers.lua` in ``.
- `_A.LSTART`/`_A.LEND`: Start/end line number, for example:
- `5`/`13` in ``.

There're 2 more sugar components derived from `_A.PATH`:

- `_A.REPO`: The last part after the last slash (`/`) in `_A.PATH`, with around slashes been removed (and the `.git` suffix is been removed for easier writing), for example:
- `gitlinker.nvim` in ``.
- `neovim` in `[email protected]:path/to/the/neovim.git`.
- `_A.ORG`: All the other parts before `_A.REPO`, with around slashes been removed, for example:
- `linrongbin16` in ``.
- `path/to/the` in ``.

> The `_A.ORG` component can be empty when the `_A.PATH` contains only 1 slash (`/`), for example: the `_A.ORG` in `ssh://[email protected]/repo.git` is empty.

There're 2 more sugar components for git branches:

- `_A.DEFAULT_BRANCH`: Default branch retrieved from `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref origin/HEAD`, for example:
- `master` in ``.
- `main` in ``.
- `_A.CURRENT_BRANCH`: Current branch retrieved from `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`, for example:
- `feat-router-types`.

For example you can customize the line numbers in form `?&line=1&lines-count=2` like this:

router = {
browse = {
["^"] = ""
.. "{_A.ORG}/"
.. "{_A.REPO}/blob/"
.. "{_A.REV}/"
.. "{_A.FILE}"
.. "?&lines={_A.LSTART}"
.. "{_A.LEND > _A.LSTART and ('&lines-count=' .. _A.LEND - _A.LSTART + 1) or ''}",

The template string use curly braces `{}` to contain lua scripts, and evaluate via [luaeval()](, while the error message can be confusing if there's any syntax issue.

#### Lua Function

> [!NOTE]
> Please refer to [routers.lua]( for more examples about function-based routers.

You can also bind a lua function to the git host, the function accepts only 1 lua table as its parameter, which contains the same fields as string template, but in lower case, without the prefix `_A.`:

- `protocol`
- `username`
- `password`
- `host`
- `port`
- `path`
- `rev`
- `file`
- `lstart`/`lend`

The 2 derived components are:

- `org`
- `repo`: **Note:** the `.git` suffix is not omitted.

The 2 branch components are:

- `default_branch`
- `current_branch`

Recall to previous use case, e.g. customize the line numbers in form `?&line=1&lines-count=2`, you can implement the router with below function:

--- @param s string
--- @param t string
local function string_endswith(s, t)
return string.len(s) >= string.len(t) and string.sub(s, #s - #t + 1) == t

--- @param lk gitlinker.Linker
local function your_router(lk)
local builder = "https://"
-- host
builder = builder .. .. "/"
-- org
builder = builder .. .. "/"
-- repo
builder = builder
.. (string_endswith(lk.repo, ".git") and lk.repo:sub(1, #lk.repo - 4) or lk.repo)
.. "/"
-- rev
builder = lk.rev .. "/"
-- file
builder = builder
.. lk.file
.. (string_endswith(lk.file, ".md") and "?plain=1" or "")
-- line range
builder = builder .. string.format("&lines=%d", lk.lstart)
if lk.lend > lk.lstart then
builder = builder
.. string.format("&lines-count=%d", lk.lend - lk.lstart + 1)
return builder

router = {
browse = {
["^"] = your_router,

There are some pre-defined lua apis in `gitlinker.routers` that you can use:

- `github_browse`/`github_blame`: for
- `gitlab_browse`/`gitlab_blame`: for
- `bitbucket_browse`/`bitbucket_blame`: for
- `codeberg_browse`/`codeberg_blame`: for
- `samba_browse`: for (blame not support).

For example if you need to bind a github enterprise domain, you can use:

router = {
browse = {
["^"] = require('gitlinker.routers').github_browse,
blame = {
["^"] = require('gitlinker.routers').github_blame,

### Create Your Own Router

You can even create your own router (e.g. use the same engine with `browse`/`blame`), for example create the `file_only` router type (generate link without line numbers):

router = {
file_only = {
["^"] = ""
.. "{_A.ORG}/"
.. "{_A.REPO}/blob/"
.. "{_A.REV}/"
.. "{_A.FILE}"

Then use it just like `browse`:

GitLink file_only
GitLink! file_only

### Highlight Group

| Highlight Group | Default Group | Description |
| -------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| NvimGitLinkerHighlightTextObject | Search | highlight line ranges when copy/open |

## Development

To develop the project and make PR, please setup with:

- [lua_ls](
- [stylua](
- [selene](

To run unit tests, please install below dependencies:

- [vusted](

Then test with `vusted ./spec`.

## Contribute

Please open [issue]([PR]( for anything about gitlinker.nvim.

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