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Peek lines just when you intend

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Peek lines just when you intend




# numb.nvim

numb.nvim is a Neovim plugin that peeks lines of the buffer in non-obtrusive

## Features

Peeking the buffer while entering command `:{number}`


The colorscheme is [vim-substrata](

## Installation

### Packer

use 'nacro90/numb.nvim'

### Paq

paq 'nacro90/numb.nvim'

### Plug

Plug 'nacro90/numb.nvim'

## Usage

Setup with default options:


If you are using a init.vim instead of init.lua, you will need to load the plugin like this:

:lua require('numb').setup()

Disable the plugin globally:


After you disable the plugin, you can re-enable it by calling the `setup` again.

### Options

You can customize the behaviour with following:

show_numbers = true, -- Enable 'number' for the window while peeking
show_cursorline = true, -- Enable 'cursorline' for the window while peeking
hide_relativenumbers = true, -- Enable turning off 'relativenumber' for the window while peeking
number_only = false, -- Peek only when the command is only a number instead of when it starts with a number
centered_peeking = true, -- Peeked line will be centered relative to window

After running `setup`, you are good to go. You can try with entering a number to
the vim command line like `:3`.

When you disable numb, your options are kept in the module level. So after you
disable it, if you call `setup()` with no overrides, numb will be enabled with
your customized options (or default ones if you don't have any). You can
override the options again with calling `setup{...}` as mentioned above.