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async fast minimalist plugin make format easy in neovim

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async fast minimalist plugin make format easy in neovim




# guard.nvim

Async formatting and linting utility for neovim.

## Features

- Blazingly fast
- Async using coroutine and luv spawn
- Builtin support for popular formatters and linters
- Easy configuration for custom tools
- Light-weight

## Usage

Installation for lazy.nvim

-- Builtin configuration, optional
dependencies = {

Guard is configured as follows:

local ft = require('guard.filetype')

-- Assuming you have guard-collection

-- Call setup() LAST!
-- Choose to format on every write to a buffer
fmt_on_save = true,
-- Use lsp if no formatter was defined for this filetype
lsp_as_default_formatter = false,
-- By default, Guard writes the buffer on every format
-- You can disable this by setting:
-- save_on_fmt = false,

- Use `GuardFmt` to manually call format, when there is a visual selection only the selection is formatted. **NOTE**: Regional formatting just sends your selection to the formatter, if there's not enough context incoherent formatting might occur (e.g. indent being erased)
- `GuardDisable` disables auto format for the current buffer, you can also `GuardDisable 16` (the buffer number)
- Use `GuardEnable` to re-enable auto format, usage is the same as `GuardDisable`

### Example Configuration

Format c files with clang-format and lint with clang-tidy:


Or use lsp to format lua files first, then format with stylua, then lint with selene:


Register multiple filetypes to a single linter or formatter:


Lint all your files with `codespell`

-- NB: this does not work with formatters

### Custom Configuration

Easily setup your custom tool if not in the defaults or you do not want guard-collection bundled:

cmd -- string: tool command
args -- table: command arguments
fname -- boolean: insert filename to args tail
stdin -- boolean: pass buffer contents into stdin
timeout -- integer
ignore_patterns -- table: don't run formatter when pattern match against file name
ignore_error -- boolean: when has lsp error ignore format
find -- string: format if the file is found in the lsp root dir
env -- table: environment variables passed to cmd (key value pair)

-- special
parse -- function: used to parse linter output to neovim diagnostic
fn -- function: if fn is set other fields will not take effect

For example, format your assembly with [asmfmt](

cmd = 'asmfmt',
stdin = true

Consult the [builtin tools]( if needed.

### Supported Tools

See [here]( for an exhaustive list.