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Convenient flips & shifts for your windows layout

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Convenient flips & shifts for your windows layout




# ventana.nvim

ventana.nvim provides 2 main commands: `VentanaTranspose` & `VentanaShift`, whose actions can be
seen in the preview below. The active window and window sizes are preserved after the operations.

#### `VentanaTranspose`

Flips all your windows along the main diagonal running from the top left corner to the bottom right
corner, much like the matrix transpose operation in linear algebra.


#### `VentanaShift`

An improved version of Vim's built-in `CTRL-W r` window rotation command, which only works for
linear windows on the same split level. If you try to do the rotation against a split that has
sub-splits of its own, you'd encounter the `E443: Cannot rotate when another window is split`
error. This command shifts your top level splits as you'd expect them to.


##### `VentanaShiftMaintainLinear`

There is also a 3rd bonus command `VentanaShiftMaintainLinear`, which is like `VentanaShift`, but
instead of keeping the sizes of each window-buffer pair the same, it maintains the exact layout
of each window's position & size, and only shuffles the buffers across them. This only works for
"linear" layouts, which are layouts containing a single row or column of leaf windows only. If you
were to execute this command on a non-linear layout, it would simply fallback to the same behavior
as `VentanaShift`.


### Requirements

Personally I'm on Neovim v0.10, but any version that has the
[`winlayout()`]( function should suffice. You
can confirm its existence with the command `:echo winlayout()`.

### Installation

The plugin can be installed in the usual manner using your package manager of choice. For example,
with `lazy.nvim`:

{ 'jyscao/ventana.nvim' }

### Configuration

There is no real configuration as of now, although that may change in the near future should I add
additional features.

No default mappings are provided, but here are the mappings I personally use:

vim.keymap.set("n", "", "VentanaTranspose")
vim.keymap.set("n", ", "VentanaShift")
vim.keymap.set("n", f", "VentanaShiftMaintainLinear")

### Known Issues

* temporary buffers, such as those used for [vim-fugitive]('s
commit & [linediff.vim]('s diffing, cannot be properly
* when shifting 2 or more windows that have the same buffer open, the active window cannot be
reliably returned to its pre-shift state; I do plan on fixing this at some point

Finally, just a note that even though I do use this plugin myself everyday, and find it to be a
good addition to my workflow, I make no guarantees about its correctness. Should you encounter a
bug, please open an issue.

### Acknowledgments

Much of the implementation details, especially for getting
and setting the windows layout tree, have been borrowed from
which in turn owes its underlying logic to [this excellent
answer]( on the Vi and Vim StackExchange.