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A graphical display window manager in neovim

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Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A graphical display window manager in neovim




:exclamation: NXWM is currently being rewritten to **wayland**, which when merged will change most things
**N**eovim **X**11 **W**indow **M**anager allows you to use x11 windows as if they were buffers.
When entering a x-window-buffer, you'll need to start insert-mode to focus the x-window (unless some configurations are set to do this automatically).
## Requirements
+ `libx11`
+ `glibc` (or most other standard C libraries)
+ Terminal supporting `TIOCGWINSZ`
+ Recommended terminal is `kitty`
+ Run `:lua= require'nxwm'.term_supported()` to check
+ NOTE: some terminals may support `TIOCGWINSZ` while still not working (like `neovim-qt`)
## Installation
Use whichever package manager you like.\
It is recommended to lock/pin the plugin to one version/branch because of changes.

- lazy
- packer
use {'altermo/nxwm',branch='x11'},

## Configuration
Using `require("nxwm").setup({})` is **not required**, it is only there if you want to change the default config.
--What happens when a new x-window is created
on_win_open=function (buf,xwin)
--Configuration to pass to window
--`conf` is global config
on_win_get_conf=function (conf,xwin) return conf end,
--How to handle when multiple windows in the same tabpage has the x-window-buffer open
on_multiple_win_open=function (vwins,buf,xwin)
for k,vwin in ipairs(vwins) do
if k~=1 then
local scratchbuf=vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,true)[scratchbuf].bufhidden='wipe'
--Whether to be more verbose
--Map to unfocus a window (multiple key mappings is not (yet) supported)
--Create your own mappings
--IMPORTANT: the x-window needs to be focused for such mappings to work
--{'',function () vim.cmd'quitall!' end},
--Or you could also have lhs as a table
--{{mods={'control','mod1'},key='Delete'},function () vim.cmd'quitall!' end},
--Window-opt: auto focus x-window when entering x-window-buffer
--Window-opt: try-delete x-window if no vim-window shows buffer (similar to `bufhidden=wipe`)
--Window-opt: when click on x-window, goto that buffer (may not focus x-window)
--Window-opt: offset the window this many x pixels (useful if terminal has padding)
--Window-opt: offset the window this many y pixels (useful if terminal has padding)
## Usage
### Start (from wayland window manager)
1. Install Xwayland.
2. Run `Xwayland :99`.
3. Run `DISPLAY=:99 WAYLAND_DISPLAY= {NXWM}` in a **terminal** where `{NXWM}` is path to a terminal which runs Neovim and starts NXWM. \
NOTE: the terminal should have it's start in the top left, have zero padding, have no title bar...\
NOTE2: some applications (like `kitty` with default config) tries (and fails) to spawn in wayland even when `WAYLAND_DISPLAY` is empty...\
Examples of how to start for specific terminals:
+ kitty: `DISPLAY=:99 WAYLAND_DISPLAY= kitty -c NONE -o placement_strategy=top-left -o linux_display_server=x11 -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'`
+ alacritty: `DISPLAY=:99 WAYLAND_DISPLAY= alacritty --config-file /dev/null -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'`
+ wezterm: `DISPLAY=:99 WAYLAND_DISPLAY= wezterm -n --config enable_tab_bar=false --config window_padding='{left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}' start nvim -c 'lua require"nxwm".start()'`

### Start (from Xephyr in x11)
* Install `Xephyr`.
* Run `Xephyr -ac -br -noreset :99`.
* You may add `-screen 800x600` to set the Xephyr window size.
* Start your terminal emulator, passing `DISPLAY=:99` to start it in the Xephyr session.
* Wezterm example: `DISPLAY=:99 wezterm -n --config enable_tab_bar=false --config window_padding='{left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}' start nvim -c 'lua require"nxwm".start()'`
### Start (from tty)
1. Install [sx](
2. Run `sx {NXWM}` in a **tty** where `{NXWM}` is path to a terminal which runs Neovim and starts NXWM.\
NOTE: the terminal should have it's start in the top left, have zero padding, have no title bar...\
Examples of how to start for specific terminals:
+ kitty: `sx kitty -c NONE -o placement_strategy=top-left -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'`
+ alacritty: `sx alacritty --config-file /dev/null -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'`
+ wezterm: `sx wezterm -n --config enable_tab_bar=false --config window_padding='{left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}' start nvim -c 'lua require"nxwm".start()'`

### Use
Open up a terminal (with `:term`) and run your wanted GUI.
NOTE: x-windows aren't auto focused by default, so start insert (by pressing `i` or similar) and then you'll focus the window.
To unfocus an x-window, either click into another buffer, or press `alt-F4`(unless the default config has been changed).
#### Donate
If you want to donate then you need to find the correct link (hint: No Break Here):
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