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A Neovim plugin helping you establish good command workflow and habit

hardtime lua neovim neovim-plugin productivity vim workflow

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A Neovim plugin helping you establish good command workflow and habit








## 📃 Introduction

A Neovim plugin helping you establish good command workflow and habit

## ⚙️ Features

- Block repeated keys within a period of time
- Print hints about better commands eg: Use `ci"` instead of `di"i`
- Customizable options for restricted keys, disabled keys, etc.
- Get report for your most common bad habits for improvement

Recommended workflow:

1. Avoid using the mouse and arrow keys if they are not at the home row of your keyboard.
2. Use relative jump (eg: `5j` `12-`) for vertical movement within the screen.
3. Use `CTRL-U` `CTRL-D` `CTRL-B` `CTRL-F` `gg` `G` for vertical movement outside the screen.
4. Use word-motion (`w` `W` `b` `B` `e` `E` `ge` `gE`) for short-distance horizontal movement.
5. Use `f` `F` `t` `T` `,` `;` `0` `^` `$` for medium to long-distance horizontal movement.
6. Use operator + motion/text-object (eg: `ci{` `y5j` `dap`) whenever possible.
7. Use `%` and square bracket commands (see `:h [`) to jump between brackets.

Learn more in this [blog post](

## ⚡ Requirements

- Neovim >= [v0.7.0](

## 📦 Installation

1. Install via your favorite package manager.

-- lazy.nvim
dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
opts = {}

2. Setup the plugin in your `init.lua`. This step is not needed with lazy.nvim if `opts` is set as above.

If you want to see the hint messages in insert and visual mode, set the `'showmode'` to false.

But if you want to see both the hint message and current mode you can setup with one of the following methods:

- Display the mode on status line and set `'showmode'` to false. You can do this with some statusline plugin such as lualine.nvim.
- Set the `'cmdheight'` to 2 so that the hint message won't be replaced by mode message.
- Use nvim-notify to display hint messages on the right top corner instead of commandline.

## 🚀 Usage

hardtime.nvim is enabled by default. You can change its state with the following commands:

- `:Hardtime enable` enable hardtime.nvim
- `:Hardtime disable` disable hardtime.nvim
- `:Hardtime toggle` toggle hardtime.nvim

You can view the most frequently seen hints with `:Hardtime report`.

Your log file is at `~/.local/state/nvim/hardtime.nvim.log`.

## 🔧 Configuration

You can pass your config table into the `setup()` function or `opts` if you use lazy.nvim.

If the option is a boolean, number, or array, your value will overwrite the default configuration.

-- Add "oil" to the disabled_filetypes
disabled_filetypes = { "qf", "netrw", "NvimTree", "lazy", "mason", "oil" },

If the option is a table with a `key = value` pair, your value will overwrite the default if the key exists, and the pair will be appended to the default configuration if the key doesn't exist. You can set `key = {}` to remove the default key-value pair.

-- Remove keys and append to the disabled_keys
disabled_keys = {
[""] = {},
[""] = { "n", "x" },

### Options

| Option Name | Type | Default Valuae | Meaning |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `max_time` | number | `1000` | Maximum time (in milliseconds) to consider key presses as repeated. |
| `max_count` | number | `2` | Maximum count of repeated key presses allowed within the `max_time` period. |
| `disable_mouse` | boolean | `true` | Disable mouse support. |
| `hint` | boolean | `true` | Enable hint messages for better commands. |
| `notification` | boolean | `true` | Enable notification messages for restricted and disabled keys. |
| `allow_different_key` | boolean | `false` | Allow different keys to reset the count. |
| `enabled` | boolean | `true` | Whether the plugin is enabled by default or not. |
| `resetting_keys` | table of strings/table pair | [See Config]( | Keys in what modes that reset the count. |
| `restricted_keys` | table of strings/table pair | [See Config]( | Keys in what modes triggering the count mechanism. |
| `restriction_mode` | string (`"block" or "hint"`) | `"block"` | The behavior when `restricted_keys` trigger count mechanism. |
| `disabled_keys` | table of strings/table pair | [See Config]( | Keys in what modes are disabled. |
| `disabled_filetypes` | table of strings | [See Config]( | `hardtime.nvim` is disabled under these filetypes. |
| `hints` | table | [See Config]( | `key` is a string pattern you want to match, `value` is a table of hint message and pattern length. Learn more about [Lua string pattern]( |

### `hints` example

These are two default hints:

hints = {
["k%^"] = {
message = function()
return "Use - instead of k^" -- return the hint message you want to display
length = 2, -- the length of actual key strokes that matches this pattern
["d[tTfF].i"] = { -- this matches d + {t/T/f/F} + {any character} + i
message = function(keys) -- keys is a string of key strokes that matches the pattern
return "Use " .. "c" .. keys:sub(2, 3) .. " instead of " .. keys
-- example: Use ct( instead of dt(i
length = 4,

Check out some examples of custom hint in [discussion](!

### [Default config](

## 🦾 Contributing

Please read [](