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An excellent Neovim configuration, which is as powerful as Vscode, is lightning fast ⚡

config ide lua neovim nvim

Last synced: 2 months ago
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An excellent Neovim configuration, which is as powerful as Vscode, is lightning fast ⚡





Excellent Neovim Configuration

For Linux

## Introduction

Based on the configuration of the `Nvim prerelease` version, it aims to make an out-of-the-box and full-featured code editor.


- Fast boot (40ms to complete the boot, the test environment is i5-12500H + 16G DDR5)
- Customizability (completely transparent configuration, build your own IDE in your own way)
- Extensibility (customization via various community-driven plugins with many pre-made features)

## Install

Clone this repository:

git clone ~/.config

Install dependencies (according to your preferences):

-- if you want to use the system clipboard
$ yay -s xsel

-- if yo want use lazygit in nvim
$ yay -s lazygit

-- if you want have good syntax highlighting in nvim
$ yay -s tree-sitter

-- if you want convenient fuzzy search in nvim
$ yay -s fd sed ripgrep

-- if you want use translation in nvim
$ yay -s translate-shell

-- if you want to put files deleted in nvim into recycle bin
$ yay -s trash-cli

-- if you want to link the mysql in nvim
$ yay -s percona-server-clients

-- if you want use tabnine in nvim
$ yay -s unzip curl

-- if you want preview markdown to browser in nvim
$ yay -s pandoc
$ npm i -g live-server

-- if you want to quickly upload images to the internet and generate markdown links
$ npm i -g picgo

-- if you want to store dd and yy data persistently
$ yay -S sqlite3

## Use

Open the [settings.lua](./lua/core/setting.lua) file to adjust Nvim's configuration functions.

Open the [options.lua](./lua/core/options.lua) file and set your personal preferences.

Open the [mapping.lua](./lua/core/mapping.lua) file to set the base keys.

Open the [lua/utils/public/icons.lua](./lua/utils/public/icons.lua) file to change the icons to your liking.

Open the [mason.lua](./lua/conf/basic/mason.lua) file and add the `LSP`, `DAP`, `Linter`, `Formatter` and other external tools you need .

If you want to customize the startup configuration of a certain `LSP`, you should configure it in [lua/conf/lsp/server_configurations](./lua/conf/lsp/server_configurations) directory.

If you want to customize the startup configuration of a `DAP`, you should do this in [lua/conf/dap/dap_configurations](./lua/conf/dap/dap_configurations) directory to create configuration files.

You can change anything you don't like, and if you don't know how to change it, you can file an ISSUE.

## Some command

- Lazy sync : Update plugin
- LspInfo : View LSP server running status
- Mason : External program management
- MarkdownPreview : Preview markdown file
- TSUpdate all : Update tree-sitter parser
- StartAutoReload : Start Automatically flush the buffer
- StopAutoReload : Stop Automatically flush the buffer
- OpenUserSnippetFile : Open user snippet file from current filetype
- OpenUserSnippetPackage : Open user snippet package.json file
- OpenUserDatabaseFile : Open user defined database config file