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:fire: Turn your boring fixed header into a smart one with three lines of code.

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:fire: Turn your boring fixed header into a smart one with three lines of code.




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# Vue Use Fixed Header

Turn your boring fixed header into a smart one with three lines of code.

**Demo:** [Website]( — **Examples:** [Vue 3](,src%2Fcomponents%2FPage.vue) - [Nuxt 3](

## Features

- **Dead simple** - Write three lines of code and you're ready to go
- **Enjoyable** - When scrolling down, the header is hidden, when scrolling up, the header is shown.
- **Smart** - Behaves as expected on page load, hovering, dropdown navigation, top-reached and reduced motion.
- **Dynamic** - Functionalities are automatically enabled/disabled if your header turns from fixed/sticky to something else or it is hidden at different viewports
- **Flexible** - Works with any scrolling container

## Installation

pnpm add vue-use-fixed-header

yarn add vue-use-fixed-header

npm i vue-use-fixed-header

## Usage

Pass your header's template ref to `useFixedHeader`. Then apply the returned reactive styles. That's it.


import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useFixedHeader } from 'vue-use-fixed-header'

const headerRef = ref(null)

const { styles } = useFixedHeader(headerRef)

.Header {
position: fixed; /* or sticky */
top: 0;
/* Other styles... */


All you have to do is to set `position: fixed` (or `sticky`) to your header. `useFixedHeader` will take care of the rest.

## Automatic behavior toggling

On resize, `useFixedHeader` checks your header's `position` and `display` properties to determine whether its functionalities should be enabled or not.

_Disabled_ means that no event listeners are attached and the returned styles match an empty object `{}`.

### Media queries

Hence feel free to have code like this, it will just work as expected:

.Header {
position: fixed;

/* Will be disabled */
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.Header {
position: relative;

/* Same */
@media (max-width: 375px) {
.Header {
display: none;

### Advanced scenarios

Let's suppose your header in some pages is not fixed/sticky and you're using some reactive logic to determine whether it should be or not.

You can pass a signal to the `watch` property of `useFixedHeader` to perform a check everytime the value changes:


const route = useRoute()

const headerRef = ref(null)

const isPricingPage = computed(() => === 'Pricing')

const { styles } = useFixedHeader(headerRef, {
watch: isPricingPage, // Will perform a check everytime the value changes


`useFixedHeader` will automatically toggle functionalities when navigating to/from the _Pricing_ page.

> You can pass either a `ref` or a `computed` (without `.value`).

## API

declare function useFixedHeader(
target: Ref | HTMLElement | null
options?: UseFixedHeaderOptions
): {
styles: Readonly>
isEnter: ComputedRef
isLeave: ComputedRef

interface UseFixedHeaderOptions {
* Scrolling container. Matches `document.documentElement` if `null`.
* @default null
root: Ref | HTMLElement | null
* Signal without `.value` (ref or computed) to be watched
* for automatic behavior toggling.
* @default null
watch: Ref | ComputedRef
* Whether to transition `opacity` property from 0 to 1
* and vice versa along with the `transform` property
* @default false
transitionOpacity: boolean | Ref | ComputedRef

## License

MIT Licensed - Simone Mastromattei © 2023