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A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).

autocorrect copywriting formatter linter rust spellcheck webassembly

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).




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> 🎯 AutoCorrect 的愿景是提供一套标准化的文案较正方案。以便于在各类场景(例如:撰写书籍、文档、内容发布、项目源代码...)里面应用,让使用者轻松实现标准化、专业化的文案输出 / 校正。

AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).

Like Eslint, Rubocop and Gofmt ..., AutoCorrect allows us to check source code, and output as colorized diff with corrected suggestions. You can integrate to CI (GitLab CI, GitHub Action, Travis CI....) for use to check the contents in source code. Recognize the file name, and find out the strings and the comment part.

AutoCorrect 是一个基于 Rust 编写的工具,用于「自动纠正」或「检查并建议」文案,给 CJK(中文、日语、韩语)与英文混写的场景,补充正确的空格,纠正单词,同时尝试以安全的方式自动纠正标点符号等等。

类似 ESlint、Rubocop、Gofmt 等工具,AutoCorrect 可以用于 CI 环境,它提供 Lint 功能,能便捷的检测出项目中有问题的文案,起到统一规范的作用。


> 此方案最早于 [2013 年]( 出现于 Ruby China 的项目,并逐步完善规则细节,当前准确率较高(极少数异常情况),你可以放心用来辅助你完成自动纠正动作。

autocorrect lint output

## Features

- Add spacing between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and English words.
- Correct punctuations into full-width near the CJK.
- Correct punctuations into half-width in English content.
- (Experimental) Spellcheck and correct words with your dictionary.
- Lint checking and output diff or JSON result, so you can integrate everywhere (GitLab CI, GitHub Action, VS Code, Vim, Emacs...)
- Allows using `.gitignore` or `.autocorrectignore` to ignore files that you want to ignore.
- Support more than [28 file types]( (Markdown, JSON, YAML, JavaScript, HTML ...), use AST parser to only check for strings, and comments.
- Cross-platform for Linux, macOS, Windows, and WebAssembly, and as Native SDK for programming (Node.js, JavaScript Browser, Ruby, Python, Java).

## 典型应用场景

- 撰写书籍、文档,新闻媒体等内容发布,应用于 Markdown、AsciiDoc、HTML 等文档场景,确保文案的标准化、专业化(案例:[MDN 项目](、[少数派](。
- 集成 GitLab CI、GitHub Action、Travis CI 等 CI 环境,需要对项目进行自动化检查。
- 集成到 Docusaurus、Hexo、Hugo、Jekyll、Gatsby 等静态网站生成器,在生成的时候自动格式化。
- 利用语言支持的 SDK 集成到应用程序,在存储或输出网站内容的时候格式化,提升网站品质(如:[Ruby China](、[V2EX](、[Longbridge](。
- 作为 VS Code、Intellij Platform IDE(已支持)、Vim、Emacs (待实现) 插件,需要对文案进行检查(Linter & Formatter),依靠 LintResult 给出的(Annotator、Diagnostic)提示。
- 基于 [WebAssembly]( 实现,作为 Chrome、Safari 等浏览器插件,应用于任何网站(待实现)
- 也可以集成到 WYSIWYG Editor 里面,例如(ProseMirror、CKEditor、Slate、Draft.js、Tiptap、Monaco Editor、CodeMirror 等)。

## Installation

$ brew install autocorrect

Or you can just install it via this:

$ curl -sSL | sh

After that, you will get `autocorrect` command.

$ autocorrect -V
AutoCorrect 2.4.0

Or install NPM:

$ yarn add autocorrect-node
$ yarn autocorrect -V

## Upgrade

> Since: 1.9.0

AutoCorrect allows you to upgrade itself by `autocorrect update` command.

$ autocorrect update

> NOTE: This command need you input your password, because it will install bin into `/usr/local/bin` directory.

## Usage

- [Use in CLI](#use-in-cli)
- [Use in NPM](#use-in-npm)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [VS Code Extension](#vs-code-extension)
- [Intellij Platform Plugin](#intellij-platform-plugin)
- [GitHub Action](#github-action)
- [GitLab CI](#gitlab-ci)
- [Work with ReviewDog](#work-with-reviewdog)
- [Use for programming](#use-for-programming)

### Use in CLI

$ autocorrect text.txt
你好 Hello 世界

$ echo "hello世界" | autocorrect --stdin
hello 世界

$ autocorrect --fix text.txt
$ autocorrect --fix zh-CN.yml
$ autocorrect --fix

#### Lint

$ autocorrect --lint --format json text.txt

$ autocorrect --lint text.txt

Error: 1, Warning: 0

+你好 Hello 世界

You also can lint multiple files:

$ autocorrect --lint

How to lint all changed files in Git:

$ git diff --name-only | xargs autocorrect --lint

### Use in NPM

> since: 2.7.0

AutoCorrect has been published in NPM with CLI command support. If you want to use it in Frontend or Node.js project, you can just install `autocorrect-node` package for without install AutoCorrect bin.

cd your-project
yarn add autocorrect-node

Now you can run `yarn autocorrect` command in your project. This command is same as `autocorrect` command.

$ yarn autocorrect -h

More docs: [autocorrect-node/](autocorrect-node/

### Configuration

> Default config: [.autocorrect.default](

$ autocorrect init
AutoCorrect init config: .autocorrectrc

> NOTE: If you download fail, try to use `autocorrect init --local` command again.

Now the `.autocorrectrc` file has been created.

> .autocorrectrc is allows use YAML, JSON format.

Config file example:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
# Config rules
# Auto add spacing between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and English words.
# 0 - off, 1 - error, 2 - warning
space-word: 1
# Add space between some punctuations.
space-punctuation: 1
# Add space between brackets (), [] when near the CJK.
space-bracket: 1
# Add space between ``, when near the CJK.
space-backticks: 1
# Add space between dash `-`
space-dash: 0
# Convert to fullwidth.
fullwidth: 1
# To remove space near the fullwidth.
no-space-fullwidth: 1
# Fullwidth alphanumeric characters to halfwidth.
halfwidth-word: 1
# Fullwidth punctuations to halfwidth in english.
halfwidth-punctuation: 1
# Spellcheck
spellcheck: 2
# Config special rules for some texts
# For example, if we wants to let "Hello你好" just warning, and "Hi你好" to ignore
# "Hello你好": 2
# "Hi你好": 0
# Config the files associations, you config is higher priority than default.
# "rb": ruby
# "Rakefile": ruby
# "*.js": javascript
# ".mdx": markdown
# Correct Words (Case insensitive) for by Spellcheck
- GitHub
- App Store
# This means "appstore" into "App Store"
- AppStore = App Store
- Git
- Node.js
- nodejs = Node.js

#### Ignore option

> Since: 2.2.0

When you want to config some special words or texts to ignore on format or lint.

The `textRules` config may help you.

For example, we want:

- `Hello世界` - To just give a warning.
- `Hi你好` - To ignore.

Use can config:

Hello世界: 2
Hi你好: 0

After that, AutoCorrect will follow your `textRules` to process.

#### Ignore files

**Use `.autocorrectignore` to ignore files**

Sometimes, you may want to ignore some special files that not want to check.

By default, the file matched `.gitignore` rule will be ignored.

You can also use `.autocorrectignore` to ignore other files, format like `.gitignore`.

#### Disable by inline comment

If you just want to disable some special lines in a file, you can write a comment `autocorrect-disable`,
when AutoCorrect matched the comment include that, it will disable temporarily.

And then, you can use `autocorrect-enable` to reopen it again.

For example, in JavaScript:

function hello() {
// autocorrect-disable
// autocorrect-enable
let a = '现在起autocorrect回到了启用的状态';

The output will:

function hello() {
// autocorrect-disable
// autocorrect-enable
let a = '现在起 autocorrect 回到了启用的状态';

#### Disable some rules

> Since: 2.0

You can use `autocorrect-disable ` in a comment to disable some rules.

> Rule names please see: [Configuration](#configuration)

function hello() {
// autocorrect-disable space-word
// autocorrect-disable fullwidth
// autocorrect-enable
let a = '现在起autocorrect回到了启用的状态.';

Will get:

function hello() {
// autocorrect-disable space-word
// autocorrect-disable fullwidth, space-word
// autocorrect-enable
let a = '现在起 autocorrect 回到了启用的状态。';

### VS Code Extension

[![Install Extension](](

内置 Visual Studio Code 插件,安装后会将 AutoCorrect 和 Visual Studio Code 完整集成,可以达到「保存自动格式化」或「纠正提示」。


AutoCorrect for VS Code Extension

### Intellij Platform Plugin


AutoCorrect for Intellij Platform Plugin

### GitHub Action

Add to your `.github/workflows/ci.yml`

- name: Check source code
uses: actions/checkout@v3

- name: AutoCorrect
uses: huacnlee/autocorrect-action@main

### GitLab CI

Add to your `.gitlab-ci.yml`, to use [huacnlee/autocorrect]( Docker image to check.

stage: build
image: huacnlee/autocorrect:latest
- autocorrect --lint
# Enable allow_failure if you wants.
# allow_failure: true

### Work with ReviewDog

> Since: 2.8.0

AutoCorrect can work with [reviewdog](, so you can use it in CI/CD. ReviewDog will post a comment to your PR with the AutoCorrect change suggestions. Then the PR committer can easy to accept the suggestions.

Use `--format rdjson` option to output the lint results as the [reviewdog]( supported format.

autocorrect --lint --format rdjson | reviewdog -f=rdjson -reporter=github-pr-review

Use [huacnlee/autocorrect-action]( can help you setup GitHub Action.

### Use for programming

AutoCorrect makes for support use in many programming languages.

- Rust - [autocorrect](
- Ruby - [autocorrect-rb](
- Go - [autocorrect-go](
- Python - [autocorrect-py](
- Node.js - [autocorrect-node](
- JavaScript (Browser) - [autocorrect-wasm](
- Java - [autocorrect-java](

## Benchmark

> MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)

Use `make bench` to run benchmark tests.

See [autocorrect/src/benches/]( for details.

format_050 time: [8.2420 µs 8.2657 µs 8.2937 µs]
format_100 time: [14.199 µs 14.246 µs 14.298 µs]
format_400 time: [40.511 µs 41.923 µs 43.798 µs]
format_html time: [204.94 µs 208.61 µs 214.07 µs]
halfwidth_english time: [2.4983 µs 2.5541 µs 2.6293 µs]
format_json time: [54.037 µs 57.023 µs 61.821 µs]
format_javascript time: [102.81 µs 104.41 µs 106.92 µs]
format_json_2k time: [8.7609 ms 8.9099 ms 9.1201 ms]
format_jupyter time: [81.765 µs 83.038 µs 85.321 µs]
format_markdown time: [879.27 µs 894.86 µs 918.30 µs]

spellcheck_50 time: [1.6012 µs 1.6122 µs 1.6306 µs]
spellcheck_100 time: [3.0968 µs 3.1696 µs 3.2653 µs]
spellcheck_400 time: [10.136 µs 10.478 µs 10.898 µs]

lint_markdown time: [937.57 µs 942.59 µs 949.15 µs]
lint_json time: [59.174 µs 60.302 µs 61.763 µs]
lint_html time: [238.03 µs 241.38 µs 245.77 µs]
lint_javascript time: [111.64 µs 113.05 µs 114.82 µs]
lint_yaml time: [348.56 µs 350.11 µs 352.80 µs]
lint_to_json time: [941.25 µs 948.95 µs 958.26 µs]
lint_to_diff time: [1.0573 ms 1.0823 ms 1.1134 ms]

### Real world benchmark

With [MDN Translated Content]( project, it has about 30K files.

~/work/translated-content $ autocorrect --fix
AutoCorrect spend time: 8402.538ms

## Other Extensions

The other implementations from the community.

- [prettier-plugin-autocorrect](
- [autocorrect-popclip](
- [autocorrect-markdown.vim](
- [obsidian-autocorrect](

## User cases

- [MDN Web Docs](
- [Apache APISIX](
- [Rust Book CN](
- [Ruby China](
- [JuiceFS](

## License

This project under MIT license.