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A tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.

c99 irc irc-client kirc posix

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A tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.




# kirc

kirc (KISS for IRC) is a tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.

## Installation

Building and installing from source:

git clone
cd kirc
make install

## Usage

Consult `man kirc` for a full list and explanation of available arguments.

kirc [-s hostname] [-p port] [-c channels] [-n nickname] [-r realname]
[-u username] [-k password] [-a token] [-o logfile] [-e|x|v|V]

## DCC
DCC transfers are always accpeted without user interaction and downloaded to the current directory.

## Command Aliases

send PRIVMSG to the current channel.
@ send PRIVMSG to a specified channel or nick.
@@ send CTCP ACTION message to a specified channel
or nick (if no channel or nick is specified, the
message will be sent to the default channel).
/ send command to the IRC server (see RFC 2812).
/# assign new default message channel.

## Key Bindings

CTRL+B or LEFT ARROW move the cursor one character to the left.
CTRL+F or RIGHT ARROW move the cursor one character to the right.
CTRL+P or UP ARROW move to previous record in the input history buffer.
CTRL+N or DOWN ARROW move to next record in the input history buffer.
CTRL+E move the cursor to the end of the line.
CTRL+A or HOME move the cursor to the start of the line.
CTRL+W delete the previous word.
CTRL+U delete the entire line.
CTRL+K delete the from current character to end of line.
CTRL+D delete the character to the right of cursor.
CTRL+C force quit kirc.
CTRL+T swap character at cursor with previous character.
CTRL+H equivalent to backspace.

## Support Documentation

Please refer to the [official homepage]( for examples,
troubleshooting and use cases.

## Contact

For any further questions or concerns, feel free to send me an