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sloria's dotfiles as Ansible roles

ansible dotfiles git homebrew prezto python shell tmux vim zsh

Last synced: 3 months ago
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sloria's dotfiles as Ansible roles




# dotfiles

[sloria's dotfiles](, rewritten as Ansible roles. Sets up a full local development environment with a **single command.**

Fully supports macOS. Red Hat and Debian support is good but not as complete.

## a few neat features

- zsh configured with [prezto](
- nice fonts for the terminal and coding.
- python3, pipx (for managing python CLIs), pyenv (for managing Python versions), and pyenv-virtualenv (for managing virtualenvs)
- a tmux.conf that's pretty neat.
- vim with [vim-plug]( for plugin management. All configuration in a single file [.vimrc](
- pluggable. Everything is optional. Fork this. Remove what you don't use. Configure what you do use.
- Mac packages installed with [homebrew][]. Mac apps installed with [homebrew-cask][] and [mas][].
- Useful git aliases
- Optional git commit signing with GPG

## prerequisites

- homebrew (If on macOS) - **Install this first**
- git: `brew install git`
- ansible >= 1.6: `brew install ansible`

## install

- [Fork]( this repo.
- Clone your fork.

# Replace git url with your fork
# NOTE: It is important that you clone to ~/dotfiles
git clone ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles

- Update the following variables in `group_vars/local` (at a minimum)
- `full_name`: Your name, which will be attached to commit messages, e.g. "Steven Loria"
- `git_user`: Your Github username.
- `git_email`: Your git email address.
- Optional, but recommended: Update `group_vars/local` with the programs you want installed by [homebrew][], [homebrew-cask][], and npm.
- `mac_homebrew_packages`: Utilities that don't get installed by the roles.
- `mac_cask_packages`: Mac Apps you want installed with [homebrew-cask][].
- Edit `local_env.yml` as you see fit. Remove any roles you don't use. Edit roles that you do use.
- Optional: If you want to sign Git commits with a GPG key, follow the
instructions [here](
to generate a GPG key from Keybase. Then set the
`GIT_SIGNING_KEY_ID` environment variable before running the
`dot-bootstrap` script.

export GIT_SIGNING_KEY_ID=631262B829DDB506

Note: After running the dot-bootstrap script, you should put the above
line in `~/.localrc`.

- Run the installation script.


## authenticating with github

You won't be able to push to repos until you authenticate with GitHub.
You can use `gh` for this, which should have been installed by `dot-bootstrap` above.

gh auth login

## updating your local environment

Once you have the dotfiles installed you can run the following command to rerun the ansible playbook:


You can optionally pass role names

dot-update git python

## updating your dotfiles repo

To keep your fork up to date with the `sloria` fork:

git remote add sloria
git pull sloria master

## commands

There are three main commands in the `bin` directory for setting up and updating development environments:

- `dot-bootstrap`: sets up local environment by executing all roles in `local_env.yml`.
- `dot-update`: updates local environment by executing all roles in `local_env.yml` except for the ones tagged with "bootstrap".

## special files

All configuration is done in `~/dotfiles`. Each role may contain (in addition to the typical ansible directories and files) a number of special files

- **role/\*.zsh**: Any files ending in `.zsh` get loaded into your environment.
- **bin/**: Anything in `bin/` will get added to your `$PATH` and be made available everywhere.

## notes


Use built-in Settings Sync to sync VSCode settings.

**macOS keyboard settings**

There are a few keyboard customizations that must be done manually:

- Turning repeat speed up to 11.

![Keyboard settings]( "Key repeat settings")

- Mapping Caps Lock to Ctrl.

![Modifier keys](

**login message**

You can add a message to the login screen using the following command:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText "This laptop is connected to an iCloud account and is valueless if lost. Contact (123) 456-7890 if found. Reward included."

## what if I only want your vim?

First make sure you have a sane vim compiled. On macOS, the following will do:

brew install macvim

The following commands will install vim-plug and download my `.vimrc`.

After backing up your `~/.vim` directory and `~/.vimrc`:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim
curl -fLo ~/.vimrc

You will now be able to open vim and run `:PlugInstall` to install all plugins.

## troubleshooting

If you get an error about Xcode command-line tools, you may need to run

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

If pyenv versions fail to install, try the steps here:

If python environments break after upgrading brew-installed python, rehash pyenv and re-install pipx environments

pyenv rehash

mv ~/.local/bin ~/.local/bin.bak
mv ~/.local/pipx ~/.local/pipx.bak

dot-update pipx

## todo

- Full Debian and Red Hat support


## license

[MIT Licensed](