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A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks

social-buttons vue-component vuejs

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks





# vue-share-it
> A highly customizable Vue.js component for sharing links on social networks.

## Features

* Easy install
* Highly customizable
* Extensive documentation & examples
* Developer support
* SEO friendly

## Examples
[Live demo](


## Installation

# Yarn
yarn add vue-share-it

npm install vue-share-it --save

## Usage

**Browserify / Webpack**

import shareIt from 'vue-share-it';





## Supported social-media platforms

| Platform | Value |
| Twitter | twitter |
| LinkedIn | linkedin |
| Facebook | facebook |
| Whatsapp | whatsapp |
| Reddit | reddit |
| | |

## API


| Prop | Data type | Default | Description |
| text | String | '' | Caption |
| url | String | '' | URL to share |
| width | Number | 600 | Width of the share window |
| height | Number | 600 | Height of the share window |
| dense | Boolean | false | Dense button styling |
| dark | Boolean | false | Dark button styling |
| targets | Array | [] | Specify social media targets, defaults to all available targets |
| icons | Boolean | false | Use icons as buttons |
| outline | Boolean | false | Outline button styling |
| round | Boolean | false | Round button styling for icons |
| iconSize | String | lg | Specify icon size. See [size chart](#sizeChart) below |
| shareConfig | Object | {
linkedin: {},
twitter: {},
facebook: {},
whatsapp: {},
reddit: {},
} | Advanced configuration for target specific styling |
| | | | |


| Name | Description | Value |
| clicked | Event that is emitted when a share button is clicked | Returns social media platform which was clicked. E.g. ["twitter"] |
| | | |


| Name | Description |
| `${platform}-icon` | Custom icon for platform |
| `${platform}-label` | Custom label for platform |
| | |

## Examples

**Using vue-share-it component**



**Global configs**





**Button configs**
const share = {
twitter: {
size: "2x",
label: "Custom label!",
round: true,
linkedin: {
size: "2x",
color: "#333",
backgroundColor: "yellow",
facebook: {
size: "3x",
dark: true
whatsapp: {
size: "2x",
dense: true,
outline: true,
color: 'green',


**Outlined icons**

**Rounded icons**

**Icon configs**
const iconConfig ={
twitter: {
icon: true,
size: "sm",
color: "#333",
round: true,
backgroundColor: 'yellow'
linkedin: {
icon: true,
size: "lg",
outline: true,
round: true,

facebook: {
icon: true,
size: "2x",
outline: true,
round: true
whatsapp: {
icon: true,
size: "3x",
outline: true,
round: true
reddit: {
icon: true,
size: "4x",
outline: true,
round: true

**Using slots**


Tweet it!


Share on Whatsapp


**Size chart**

| Code | Size |
| xs | .75em |
| sm | .875em |
| lg | 1.33em |
| 2x | 2em |
| 3x | 3em |
| 4x | 4em |
| 5x | 5em |
| 6x | 6em |
| 7x | 7em |
| 8x | 8em |
| 9x | 9em |
| 10x | 10em |
| | |