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Real-world configuration files (basically zshrc-s) holding Zinit (former Zplugin) invocations

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Real-world configuration files (basically zshrc-s) holding Zinit (former Zplugin) invocations




# Zinit Configurations

- [Searching the repository](#searching-the-repository)
- [Submitting zshrc](#submitting-zshrc)
- [The repository structure](#the-repository-structure)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [fzf](#fzf)
- [fzy](#fzy)
- [Running a configuration](#running-a-configuration)

## Searching the repository

Use the Github search interface – just enter a query (i.e., `trapd00r/LS_COLORS` like in the picture below, to find
zshrc with references to this plugin, and ensure that you activate the "*in this repository*" variant of the search:

![Starting search](

Then, results should appear like below:

![Search results](

## Submitting zshrc

Open a PR

## The repository structure

The structure of the repository is very simple: in its main directory there are directories located, named after the
user-names of the submitting users. In those directories there are the zshrc files that the user decided to share.

### Requirements

You should have [docker]( and `zsh` installed to use this functionality.

[fzf]( or [fzy]( in your `$PATH`. You might choose to
install any of them via zinit:

### fzf

zinit for \
as"command" \
from"gh-r" \
load \

### fzy

zinit for \
as"command" \
atclone"cp contrib/fzy-* $ZPFX/bin/" \
load \
make"!PREFIX=$ZPFX install" \
pick"$ZPFX/bin/fzy*" \

Keep in mind you will need a few Gb of free space to store docker images.

## Running a configuration

To try a configuration, you have to clone this repository and execute a `` script:

git clone
cd zinit-configs

Or you can install this repository as a `zsh` plugin!

zinit load zdharma-continuum/zinit-configs
zinit configs

Now you will have to wait for a few minutes, while the required environment is being installed into the docker image.
The next time you will want to try a configuration, loading it will take less time.