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The Alias Maker plugin is a zsh plugin that allows you to easily create and manage custom zsh aliases from the command line.

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The Alias Maker plugin is a zsh plugin that allows you to easily create and manage custom zsh aliases from the command line.




# Alias Maker Plugin

The Alias Maker plugin is a zsh plugin that allows you to easily create and manage custom zsh aliases from the
command line.

## Installation

1. Clone the Alias Maker repository:

git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/alias-maker

2. Then, add `alias-maker` to your Zsh plugins list in your `.zshrc` file:

If using you're using VSCode you can open the file with the following command:

code ~/.zshrc

Then just update the plugins

plugins=(plugin1 plugin2 alias-maker)

3. Restart your zsh shell or update the shell.

source ~/.zshrc

## Usage

The Alias Maker plugin provides the following subcommands:

amc # Create a new custom zsh alias
amd # Delete an existing custom zsh alias
am --list, -l # List all custom zsh aliases defined in your .zshrc file
am --help, -h # Show help message

### Create a new custom zsh alias

To create a new custom zsh alias, use the `amc` (Just an `alias-maker-create` shortcut) subcommand followed by
the name and command for the new alias:

amc myalias 'ls -la'

This will create a new zsh alias named `myalias` that executes the command `ls -la`.

### Delete an existing custom zsh alias

To delete an existing custom zsh alias, use the `amd` subcommand followed by the name of the alias:

amd myalias

This will delete the `myalias` alias if it exists.

### List all custom zsh aliases

To list all custom zsh aliases defined in your `.zshrc` file, use the `am --list` subcommand:

am --list

Example output:

🔧 Custom aliases found in /Users/YOUR_USER/.zshrc:
- zshconfig → "mate ~/.zshrc"
- ohmyzsh →"mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"