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💬 Easy to use Vue chat

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💬 Easy to use Vue chat




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# basic-vue-chat


Implementation of Vue-based chat.

- [basic-vue-chat](#basic-vue-chat)
* [Installation](#installation)
+ [npm](#npm)
+ [yarn](#yarn)
+ [using repository](#using-repository)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
* [Usage](#usage)
+ [Pushing messages](#pushing-messages)
+ [Handling messages from user](#handling-messages-from-user)
+ [Images](#images)
+ [Commands](#commands)
+ [Mock data](#mock-data)
* [Customization](#customization)
+ [Styles](#styles)
+ [Title](#title)
+ [Initial data](#initial-data)
+ [Styling](#styling)
* [Code structure](#code-structure)
* [Technologies used](#technologies-used)

## Installation

You can install the component using package managers, such as npm or yarn or install component from the repository.

### npm
npm i basic-vue-chat

### yarn
yarn add basic-vue-chat

### using repository
git clone
cd basic-vue-chat
npm i

## Dependencies

Components uses Vue (`vue` package), Fontawesome and Moment.js for Vue (`vue-moment`).

## Usage

Chat is a single Vue component, which you can find in `/src/components/basic-vue-chat/`. To start, just import BasicVueChat component and put the following line into your html code:


### Pushing messages

To push message to chat, just **pass newMessage prop to BasicVueChat**. Example:


The `message` object above may be part of `data` in your Vue component in which you will use BasicVueChat.

Example of correct message structure:
id: 0,
author: 'Person',
imageUrl: 'http://path/to/image',
image: '',
contents: 'hi there',
date: '16:30'

You can find example of message pushing in `App.vue` file.

### Handling messages from user

When user sends message, **the message is propagated to BasicVueChat component** and **event newOwnMessage is emitted**. To handle this event, you can for example do this:

where `onNewOwnMessage(message)` is a method in your Vue component in which you will use BasicVueChat.

Example of correct event payload structure:
id: 1,
imageUrl: 'http://path/to/image',
image: File(),
contents: 'hello',
date: '16:31'

### Images

You can upload and receive images. To attach image, use paperclip button. Image will be emitted in message on `image` (as `File` object) and `imageUrl` (path `string`) properties.

### Commands

To start development, you can use hot reload mode:
npm run serve

To build production version:
npm run build

To run tests:
npm test

### Mock data

To attach mock data, just pass logic prop `attachMock` to BasicVueChat.

## Customization

### Styles
Styles are imported in main `BasicVueChat` component and variables have `!default` values, so it means that you can override default values by defining your own variables before styles import.


$primary: red;
// above the following import you can override default values of variables like $primary
@import "../../assets/scss/main.scss";


### Title

Pass prop `title` to BasicVueChat component.


### Initial data

Pass prop `initialFeed` to BasicVueChat component.

Example of correct data structure:
const feed = [
id: 1,
author: 'Person',
imageUrl: 'http://path/to/image',
contents: 'hi there',
date: '16:30'
id: 0,
author: 'Me',
contents: 'hello',
date: '16:30'

Pass prop `initialAuthorId` to BasicVueChat component to define current user's ID. Default value is `0`.

### Styling

Chat uses SCSS, so you can easily override variables used in project. You can find them in `/src/assets/scss/modules/_variables.scss`. All variables have default values.

| Description | Variable | Default value |
| Primary color | $primary | $slate-blue (#6B63D8) |
| Secondary color | $secondary | $lavender (#B284ED) |
| Header color | $header-color | $ghost-white (#FAF9FF) |
| Input background color | $input-background-color | $alice-blue (#F2EFFF) |
| Font family | $font-family | 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif |
| Font weight | $font-weight | 400 |
| Font size | $font-size | 14px |
| Dark text color | $dark-text-color | $madison (#2C3E50) |
| Light text color | $light-text-color | $ghost-white (#FAF9FF) |
| Dark background color | $dark-bg | $madison (#2C3E50) |
| Light background color | $light-bg | $white (#FFFFFF) |
| Chat window width | $window-width | 500px |
| Chat window height | $window-height | 400px |
| Message max width | $message-max-width | 200px |

## Code structure

1. assets
- Sass standard CSS code structure
- Components styles in `partials` directory
- Variables and settings in `modules` directory
2. components
- chat's components are in subdirectories of `basic-vue-chat` directory
3. helpers
- reusable helpers for scrolling functionalities
4. App.vue - runner file
5. main.js - project config

## Technologies used

1. JavaScript
* Vue
* Moment.js
2. HTML5
3. CSS
4. Tests
* Jest
* Vue test utils
5. Tooling
* npm
6. Continuous Integration
* Travis CI
7. Linting
* ESLint standard config

Developed and tested under macOS High Sierra 10.13 and Google Chrome 69.