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A GameBoy printer emulator which provides the received data over a wifi-connection.

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Last synced: 2 months ago
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A GameBoy printer emulator which provides the received data over a wifi-connection.




# WiFi GBP Emulator
A GameBoy printer emulator which provides the received data over a WiFi connection
This code has been created for a "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini" [ESP8266 based board](

If you are proficient in soldering, there is now a [PCB/Shield to hold the ESP and the optional display](
The required (recommended) [gameboy printer web interface can be found on github as well](

## Setup
It's a good idea to follow the [detailed beginners guide](
For uploading the Filesystem to the ESP you require the [SPIFFS Arduino IDE Plugin]( Follow the installation instructions [here](
Before compiling the project you need to create a `config.h` inside the project folder
([`config.h.sample.txt`](/wifi-gbp-emulator/config.h.sample.txt) should be used as a reference)
If you run the default setup (similar to the WiFi-Printer) that file can be left empty
If your (hardware-)setup is different you can adjust the parameters there

## Bootmode
The code is designed to check pin `D0` for high to boot in printer mode
Through this it is possible to use the +5v provided by the GameBoy to switch the mode
The default will alternate the bootmode automatically between printer and server on each boot, so you can use the reset-button to switch modes
If you have the possibility to sense the 5V signal, from the GameBoy, you can uncomment `#define SENSE_BOOT_MODE` in your `config.h`

## Configuration
If the device is not configured the default settings (AP only) will be used

### Default config
If not present the ESP will set up an accesspoint with ssid/password `gameboyprinter`
It will output it's IP adress over the serial monitor and on an optionally connected display
(usually the device should be accessible via ``)
It will also be discoverable via Bonjour/mDNS via `http://gameboyprinter.local`

### Manual Setup via `conf.json`
Wifi setup can be done via a file `conf.json` in the `/data/` folder
The basic format are as follows:
```` json
"mdns": "gameboyprinter",
"ap": {
"networks": [
"ssid":"Your SSID",
"psk":"Your wifi password"

All config options are optional

#### `"mdns"`
Change the name by which the printer will be accessible via Bonjour/mDNS

#### `"ap"`
AccessPoint config
Enter ssid/psk to open an accesspoint different to the default one.

#### `"networks"`
Array of objects with keys ssid/psk
The first reachable network in that list will be used to conect to
⚠ Do not use more than 10 elements. Otherwise you might see an "Out of Memory" error in the serial monitor

### Manual Setup via web interface
The following will describe the "raw" interface for updating ther configuration. You will only need this if you decide not to use the existing web-interface

#### Reading
calls to `/wificonfig/get` delivers the actual config (passwords are omitted)

#### Writing
calls to `/wificonfig/set` will update the sent properties
make sure to send the data as a JSON string in the POST-Body

##### Updating existing networks
* Networks are based on the `ssid`-property
* Existing networks do not have to be sent if they should remain unchanged.
* If the update for a network contains `"delete": true`, the networek will be deleted
* If the update for a network contains a `psk` it will be updated otherwise left untouched

## Automatic update of the webserver content
* You can run [`update_w.ps1`](./update_w.ps1) (windows-powershell) or [``](./ (bash) to download the latest release of the [gb-printer-web]( and automatically unzip it to the correct folder
* After doing so upload the content of that folder to the ESP via the [arduino-esp8266fs-plugin]( in the Arduino IDE.

## Hardware Setup
Gameboy Original/Color Link Cable Pinout
| 6 4 2 |
\_5__3__1_/ (at cable)

| Link Cable | ESP8266 |
| Pin 1 | D8 |
| Pin 2 | D7 |
| Pin 3 | D6 |
| Pin 5 | D5 |
| Pin 6 | G |


Additionally an [OLED Display]( can be added via D1 -> Display SCL / D2 -> Display SDA

## ToDos
Enhance performance while saving (maybe by constantly writing all data to a single file instead of buffering and flushing it)

## Links / Research
* Best "all in one" pcb for this project is [cristofercruz's gbp-esp-shield-pcb](
* Original GPB-Emulator by [mofosyne: Arduino Gameboy Printer Emulator](
* Tutorial on how to work with an ESP8266 by [ttapa: ESP8266 Beginner's Guide](
* Potentially faster library for data transfer [applefreak/esp8266-gameboy-printer](
* ESP8266 D1 Mini [Pinout](
* SPIFFS/LittleFS [Filesystem Docs](
* [Link cable breakout board](
* [Lots of helpful GameBoy and GameBoy Camera resources](

## OLED Display
You can add a [tiny oled display like this]( or [(probably) this](
To use it, you need to uncomment `#define USE_OLED` and the following lines
The display will show the current wifi-config while in server mode, as well as the number of printed images when in printer mode
**Please note the image count in printer mode only regularly updates while idle, and not while printing a batch of images**

## Demo Video
~~An earlier version of this code did stream the received image-data to a browser via websockets. This is shown in [this older video](
### ⚠ Take care ⚠
You should not power the ESP from the GameBoy, as this might damage the GameBoy itself. What you see in the video was meant as a proof of concept which is basically not implemented anymore