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A pure Fantom driver for MongoDB

fantom mongodb-driver

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A pure Fantom driver for MongoDB




# Mongo v2.1.8

[![Written in: Fantom](](
[![pod: v2.1.8](](
[![Licence: ISC](](

## Overview

Mongo is a pure Fantom driver for [MongoDB](

Mongo driver features:

* Developed against the MongoDB Stable API v1 from MongoDB 5.2+ (compatible with MongoDB 3.6+)
* Support for multi-document, multi-collection transactions
* Support for retryable read and write operations
* Support for Replica Set connection URLs
* Pooled Connection Manager for multi-threaded use and automatic topology scanning and connection fail over
* Pluggable authentication with a default [SCRAM-SHA-1 over SASL]( implementation
* `zlib` wire compression

Mongo API features:

* Standard CRUD commands: `insert()`, `find()`, `update()`, `replace()`, and `delete()`
* Special commands: `count()`, `aggregate()`, `findAndUpdate()`, `findAndDelete()`
* Index support commands: `create()`, `ensure()` and `drop()`
* Large query cursor support
* Text indexes and text searching
* Simplified Query DSL syntax>
**ALIEN-AID:** See [Morphia]( for a complete Fantom to MongoDB object mapping library!

## Install

Install `Mongo` with the Fantom Pod Manager ( [FPM]( ):

C:\> fpm install afMongo

Or install `Mongo` with [fanr](

C:\> fanr install -r afMongo

To use in a [Fantom]( project, add a dependency to ``:

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afMongo 2.1"]

## Documentation

Full API & fandocs are available on the [Eggbox]( - the Fantom Pod Repository.

## Quick Start

1. Start up an instance of MongoDB: C:\> mongod

MongoDB starting
db version v5.2.0
waiting for connections on port 27017

2. Create a text file called `` using afBson::BsonIO
using afMongo

class Example {

Void main() {
mongoClient := MongoClient(`mongodb://localhost:27017`)
collection := mongoClient.db("friends").collection("birds")

documentIn := [
"_id" : ObjectId(),
"name" : "Emma",
"score" : 9

emma := collection.find.toList.first

echo(BsonIO().print(emma, 20))


3. Run `` as a Fantom script from the command line: C:\> fan

_____ ___ ___ ___ ___
| | . | | . | . |
|_|_|_|___|_|_|_ |___|

Connected to MongoDB v5.2.0 (at mongodb://localhost:27017)

"_id" : ObjectId("57fe499fa81320d933000001"),
"name" : "Emma"
"score" : 9,

## Usage

[MongoClient]( is the main entry point into `Mongo`, with [MongoConnMgr]( underpinning everything. From there you can access all other components of MongoDB, namely [MongoDb](, [MongoColl](, [MongoIdx](

MongoConnMgr : Connection Pool
+-- MongoClient : Client
+-- MongoDb : Database
+-- MongoColl : Collection
+-- MongoIdx : Index

## Connecting

`MongoClient` may be created with a [MongoConnMgr](, which manages your connections to MongoDB for application wide, multi-threaded use:

connMgr := MongoConnMgr(`mongodb://localhost:27017`)
client := MongoClient(connMgr)

When you create a `MongoClient` it immediately connects to MongoDB and verifies the version:

. Fantom-Factory
_____ ___ ___ ___ ___
| | . | | . | . |
|_|_|_|___|_|_|_ |___|

Connected to MongoDB v5.2.0

Note that `MongoConnMgrPool` will always query the supplied MongoDB host(s) to find the primary node, on which all read and write operations are performed.

## Queries

Mongo works with BSON documents.

BSON documents are represented in Fantom as a Map of type `[Str:Obj?]`. All document keys must be strings. Document values can be any valid [BSON]( type.

MongoDB stores BSON documents in Collections. Use the `find()` methods to query a collection. Using the `friends` database in the [QuickStart Example](#quickStart) we could do:

collection.findOne( ["name":"Emma"] ) // --> return the doc where 'name == Emma'
// ('Emma' must be unique)

collection.find // --> return ALL docs in the collection
collection.find( ["name":"Emma"] ) // --> return all docs where 'name == Emma'
collection.find( ["score": ["\$gt":7]] ) // --> return all docs with 'score > 7'

The `$gt` expression is an example of a [Query operator](

This driver also supplies a little DSL for creating queries, in the form of [MongoQ](, which can make Mongo queries much easier to write.

// query using standard BSON
query := [
"\$and" : [
["\$or": [["price": 0.99f], ["price": 1.99f]]],
["\$or": [["sale" : true ], ["qty" : ["\$lt": 20]]]]

// same query using afMongo's DSL
query := MongoQ {
or( eq("price", 0.99f), eq("price", 1.99f) ),
or( eq("sale", true), lessThan("qty", 29) )


To iterate over *large* result sets without loading it all into memory, use a [Cursor]( `Cursors` download documents in batches, behind the scenes, as and when required. Create and use a `Cursor` by using the `find()` method:

cursor := coll.find( ["score": ["\$gt":2]] )
cursor.batchSize = 10

while (cursor.isAlive)
doc :=


## Write Commands

The `insert()` command is simple enough and is demonstrated in the [QuickStart example](#quickStart).

`update()`, `replace()`, and `delete()` are similar in that they both take a query that describes which document(s) are to be updated / deleted. For most usages this will a simply be the id of the document in question:

collection.replace( ["_id": objId], [ doc...] )

Mongo will throw a `MongoErr` should a write error occur.

## ObjectId

All documents held in a collection need a unique id, held in a field named `_id`. If the `_id` field does not exist, MongoDB will create one for you of type [ObjectId](

Note that `_id` does not need to an `ObjectId`, it can be any BSON type. It just needs to be unique in the collection.

Like [marmite](, people tend to have a love / hate relationship with the `ObjectId`. The good comments revolve around it having a natural sort that (roughly) corresponds to creation time. The bad is that it's a large human-unfriendly 24 char identifier, and in *humongous* collections it eats up precious bytes which means the [index may not fit into RAM](

If sequential integers are more your thing when it comes to IDs, then [MongoSeqs]( contains helper methods that use atomic updates on a named Collection to keep track of generated IDs.

## Connection Fail Over

The `MongoConnMgrPool` accepts a replica set URL with multiple hosts (with optional ports):


When `startup()` is called, the hosts are queried to find the primary / master node. All read and write operations are then performed on this primary node.

When a connection to the master node is lost, all hosts are automatically re-queried to find a new master.

## Remarks

The Fantom-Factory MongoDB driver was inspired by [fantomongo]( by Liam Staskawicz.

If you're looking for cross-platform MongoDB GUI client then look no further than [Robomongo]( / Robo 3T / Studio 3T Free!