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Plugin for fast swap between upper and lower case in your command line. (ZSH-only)

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Plugin for fast swap between upper and lower case in your command line. (ZSH-only)




# ZSH Change Case Plugin

## Table of contents

1. [Instalation](#instalation)
1. [Antibody plugin manager](#antibody-plugin-manager)
2. [Using Git](#using-git)
2. [Usage](#usage)

## Instalation

### Antibody plugin manager

To install using Antibody, just add this in your `~/.zshrc`:

# your .zshrc file
antibody bundle mtxr/zsh-change-case

### Using Git

Install `zsh-change-case` by cloning the repository:

$ git clone ${HOME}/.zsh-change-case

After cloning, just laod it to your `~/.zshrc` adding this line:
# your .zshrc file
. ${HOME}/.zsh-change-case

## Usage

I recomend you to use the following bindkeys (inspired by VSCode and Sublime Text):
* Ctrl+K + Ctrl+U to uppercase
* Ctrl+K + Ctrl+L to lowercase

bindkey '^K^U' _mtxr-to-upper # Ctrl+K + Ctrl+U
bindkey '^K^L' _mtxr-to-lower # Ctrl+K + Ctrl+L

In case of trouble, you probably need to unbind Ctrl+K. Just add this before the bindings you will use:

bindkey -r '^K'
