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Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.

device-detection mobile-detect mobile-redirects php user-agents

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.




![Mobile Detect](

# MobileDetect, PHP mobile detection class

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Mobile Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets).
It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.

- MobileDetect class is a
[server-side detection]( PHP class that can help you with your RWD strategy,
it is not a replacement for CSS3 media queries or other forms of client-side feature detection.
- Can detect the difference between a mobile phone and a tablet by using regexes.
- The **accuracy** and **relevance** of the detection is kept by running [tests]( to check for detection conflicts.

## Before you install

There are three versions of MobileDetect.
`4.8.x` is the main version that is ALWAYS going to be updated first.

| Version | Tests | Namespace | Code | PHP Version | Status |
| 2.8.x | [![5x](]( | `\Mobile_Detect` | [2.8]( | \>=5.0,<7.0 | Deprecated |
| 3.74.x | [![7x](]( | `Detection\MobileDetect` | [3.74]( | \>=7.4,<8.0 | LTS |
| 4.8.x | [![7x](]( | `Detection\MobileDetect` | [4.8]( | \>=8.0 | Current, **Recommended** |

## Installing

- Install via [composer]( `composer require mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib`
- Include the dependency in the `composer.json` file:
"require": {
"mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "^4.8"

// 1. Include composer's autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Detection\MobileDetect;
// Instantiate the class.
// Here you can inject your own caching system.
$detect = new MobileDetect();
// Set the user agent string from HTTP headers or manually.
$detect->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 14_7 like Mac OS X) ...');
// Finally, check for "mobile".
$deviceType = ($detect->isMobile() ? ($detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone') : 'computer');

## Project structure

├── .github # Definitions of GitHub workflows.
├── scripts # Various utility PHP scripts for dev purposes.
├── src
│ ├── Cache
│ │ ├── Cache.php # PSR-16 cache array implementation.
│ │ ├── CacheException.php
│ │ └── CacheItem.php # Cache item that holds key, value and ttl.
│ ├── Exception
│ │ └── MobileDetectException.php # Generic exception.
│ └── MobileDetect.php # Main library PHP code.
├── tests
│ ├── Benchmark # Performance tests.
│ │ └── MobileDetectBench.php
│ ├── providers
│ │ └── vendors # Mobile vendors (Acer, Apple, Samsung, etc.)
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── bootstrap.php
│ ├── CacheTest.php
│ ├── MobileDetectGeneralTest.php # Unit tests
│ ├── MobileDetectVersionTest.php # Unit tests for $detect->version("...")
│ ├── MobileDetectWithCacheTest.php # Unit tests for caching system.
│ ├──
│ ├── UserAgentTest.php # Integration tests using User-Agents. These prevent collisions.
│ ├── phpunit.xml
│ └── ualist.json
└── MobileDetect.json # Use this file to create a 3rd-party project.

## Performance

Results are taken from a PC with 32GB RAM, i7-10700KF CPU, Win11 Pro, PHP 8.x (xdebug: yes, opcache: no)

| benchmark | subject | set | revs | its | mem_peak | mode | rstdev |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsMobileAgainstBestMatch | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 16,211.566ops/s | ±0.43% |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsMobileAgainstWorstMatch | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 2,327.531ops/s | ±0.25% |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsTabletAgainstBestMatch | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 104,689.667ops/s | ±0.42% |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsTabletAgainstWorstMatch | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 5,151.454ops/s | ±0.39% |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsIOS | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 52,449.311ops/s | ±0.38% |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsIpad | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 52,261.416ops/s | ±0.40% |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsSamsung | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 37,232.133ops/s | ±0.41% |
| MobileDetectBench | benchIsSamsungTablet | | 1000 | 10 | 1.866mb | 46,380.775ops/s | ±0.49% |

## Contribute

1. **Submit your User-agent** by visiting [:iphone:]( on your device.
2. Submit a code patch, see []( guide.
3. Creating a 3rd party library. The file [MobileDetect.json]( is a model representation of this PHP script. \
It contains all the information necessary to create a "mobile" detection script in any programming language. \
You can auto-import this periodically in your repository by checking the `version` property, which is updated on each release.
4. [Donate :+1:](
I'm currently paying for hosting and spend a lot of my family time to maintain the project and planning the future releases. I would highly appreciate any money donations.

Special thanks to the community :+1: for donations and the JetBrains team for the open-source licenses.

## Credits

* [Serban Ghita]( - maintainer, lead dev
* [Nick Ilyin]( - developer 2.x, 3.x-dev
* [Victor Stanciu]( - developer first version
* [Dragos Gavrila]( - logo design

## Modules, plugins, ports

[Submit new module, plugin, port](,%20Link%20and%20Description%20of%20the%20module.)


* mobile-detect.js - A [JavaScript port]( of Mobile-Detect class. Made by [Heinrich Goebl](

**Varnish Cache**

* [Varnish Mobile Detect]( - Drop-in varnish solution to mobile user
detection based on the Mobile-Detect library. Made by [willemk](
* [mobiledetect2vcl]( - Python script to transform the Mobile
Detect JSON database into an UA-based mobile detection VCL subroutine easily integrable in any Varnish Cache
configuration. Made by [Carlos Abalde](


* [mobile-detect.lua]( is a port of Mobile-Detect to Lua for
NGINX HTTP servers. Follows closely to mobile-detect.js. Supports all methods that server-side
mobile-detect.js supports. Fully unit-tested and synced with Travis CI (Build Passing badge included).
Made by [Mark Walters](



* [Mobile Detect for WordPress]( - WordPress has a built-in function
(`wp_is_mobile()`) to detect mobile devices. There is (at least) one catch, though. It considers iPad (iPad pro,
and any tablet) as a mobile. So, this 3rd party module changes the way `wp_is_mobile()` works with the help of
Mobile Detect PHP library!
Made by [Pothi Kalimuthu](

* [WordPress Mobile Detect]( - Gives you the ability to wrap that
infographic in a `[notdevice][/notdevice]` shortcode so at the server level WordPress will
decide to show that content only if the user is NOT on a phone or tablet.
Made by [Jesse Friedman](

* [mobble]( - provides mobile related conditional functions for your site.
e.g. `is_iphone()`, `is_mobile()` and `is_tablet()`. Made by Scott Evans.

* [WordPress Responsage]( - A small WordPress theme plugin that allows
you to make your images responsive. Made by [Adrian Ciaschetti](

* [WP247 Body Classes]( - Add unique classes to the `body` tag for
easy styling based on various attributes (archive, user, post, mobile) and various WordPress "is" functions.
Mobile attributes include type of device, Operating System, Browser, etc. Examples: .is-mobile, .is-not-mobile,
.is-tablet, .is-ios, .is-not-ios, .is-androidos, .is-chromebrowser.
Made by [wescleveland56](

* [Adaptive Content]( for WordPress provides the most
intuitive set of shortcodes for including/excluding content on mobile devices, tablets desktops and other
more specific device parameters. This lightweight plugin lets content writers and theme authors choose when
WordPress should or shouldn’t show any give content item using shortcodes and quicktags or theme elements using functions.
Made by [AddFunc](

* [AddFunc Mobile Detect]( for WordPress redirects
mobile traffic to your mobile website and, basically, gives you loads of control over your mobile redirects.
Made by [AddFunc](


* [Drupal Mobile Switch]( - The Mobile Switch Drupal module provides a
automatic theme switch functionality for mobile devices, detected by Browscap or Mobile Detect.
Made by [Siegfried Neumann](

* [Drupal Context Mobile Detect]( - This is a Drupal context module
which integrates Context and PHP Mobile Detect library.
Created by [Artem Shymko](

* [Drupal Mobile Detect]( - Lightweight mobile detect module for Drupal
created by [Matthew Donadio](


* [yagendoo Joomla! Mobile Detection Plugin]( - Lightweight PHP plugin for Joomla!
that detects a mobile browser using the Mobile Detect class.
Made by yagendoo media.

* [User Agent Detector plugin]( - This system plugin detects the user
agent of your website visitor and sets a session variable accordingly. Based on the user agent, the plugin detects if the
site is running on a desktop pc, tablet or smartphone. It can also detect if the visitor is a spider bot (search engine).
Session variable that is set: `ualayout`. Possible values: desktop, tablet, mobile, bot.
Made by @ReneKreijveld.


* [Magento helper]( from Optimise Web enables
the use of all functions provided by Mobile Detect. Made by [Kathir Vel](

* [Magento 2 Mobile Detect Theme Change]( is an extension for Magento 2
that will change the theme or redirect to a different URL. Also containing a helper to check for the device type.


* [PrestaShop]( is a free, secure and open source shopping cart platform. Mobile_Detect
is included in the default package since 1.5.x.


* [Agent]( is a user agent class for Laravel based on Mobile Detect with some
additional functionality.
Made by [Jens Segers](

* [Laravel Mobile Detect]( is a package that enables you to use device detection right in your Laravel Blade templates. (Utilises the well-known, constantly updated PHP mobile detection library.)
Made by [Barnabas Kecskes](

* [BrowserDetect]( is a browser and mobile detection package, collects
and wrap together the best user-agent identifiers for Laravel.
Created by [Varga Zsolt](

**Zend Framework**

* [ZF2 Mobile-Detect]( is a Zend Framework 2 module that provides
Mobile-Detect features (Mobile_Detect class as a service, helper for views and plugin controllers).
Made by [neilime](

* [ZF2 MobileDetectModule]( facilitates integration of a PHP MobileDetect
class with some ZF2-based application. Has similar idea like the existing ZF2 Mobile-Detect module,
but differs in initialization and provision routine of the actual Mobile_Detect class.
Appropriate view helper and controller plugin also have different conceptions.
Made by [Nikola Posa](


* [Symfony3 MobileDetectBundle]( is a Symfony bundle to detect mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version. Made by [Théo Attali](

* [Symfony2 Mobile Detect Bundle]( is a bundle for detecting mobile devices,
manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version.
Made by [Nikolay Ivlev](

* [Silex Mobile Detect Service Provider]( is a service provider to
interact with Mobile detect class methods.
Made by [Lhassan Baazzi](

**Slim Framework**

* [Slim_Mobile_Detect]( implements Mobile_Detect lib for different
responses write on Slim Framework App.


* [EE2 Detect Mobile]( is a lightweight PHP plugin for EE2 that detects
a mobile browser using the Mobile Detect class. Made by [Gareth Davies](

**Yii Framework**

* [Yii Extension]( - Mobile detect plugin for Yii framework.
Made by [Alexey Salnikov](

* [Yii Extension]( - Mobile detect component for Yii framework
1.x version which supports composer package manager. Made by [Candas Minareci](

* [Yii2 Device Detect]( - Yii2 extension for Mobile-Detect library.
Made by [Alexander Nestorov](


* [CakePHP MobileDetect]( is a plugin component for
CakePHP 2.x. Made by [Gregory Gaskill](


* [Special Agent]( is a FuelPHP package which uses php-mobile-detect to
determine whether a device is mobile or not. It overrides the Fuelphp Agent class its methods.
Made by [Robbie Bardjin](


* [px_mobiledetect]( is an extension that helps to detect
visitor's mobile device class (if that’s tablet or mobile device like smartphone). Made by Alexander Tretyak.


* [PageCache]( is a lightweight PHP library for full page cache,
with built-in Mobile-Detect support. Made by [Muhammed Mamedov](

* [Statamic CMS Mobile Detect]( is a plugin.
Made by [Sergei Filippov]( of Haiku Lab.

* [Kohana Mobile Detect]( is an example of implementation of
Mobile_Detect class with Kohana framework.
Written by [Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro](

* [MemHT]( is a Free PHP CMS and Blog that permit the creation and the management online
of websites with few and easy steps. Has the class included in the core.

* [concrete5]( is a CMS that is free and open source. The library is included in the core.

* [engine7]( is PHP Open Source Framework. The Mobile_Detect class is included in
the engine.

* [Zikula]( is a free and open-source Content Management Framework, which allows you to run
impressive websites and build powerful online applications. The core uses Mobile-Detect to switch to a special
Mobile theme, using jQueryMobile.

* [UserAgentInfo]( is a PHP class for parsing user agent strings
(HTTP_USER_AGENT). Includes mobile checks, bot checks, browser types/versions and more.
Based on browscap, Mobile_Detect and ua-parser. Created for high traffic websites and fast batch processing.
Made by [quentin389](

* [LJ Mobile Detect]( is a simple implementation of Mobile Detect
for Craft CMS. Made by [Lewis Jenkins](

* [Detect Craft]( is a Craft CMS wrapper for the Mobile_Detect library. Made by [Mikkel Rummelhoff](

* [Grav Plugin Mobile Detect]( is a simple implementation
of Mobile Detect for Grav CMS. Made by [Dimitri Longo](

* [Mobile_Detect module for UliCMS](
Made by [derUli](


* []( is a Perl module for Mobile Detect.
Made by [Sebastian Enger](


* [pymobiledetect]( - Mobile detect python package.
Made by Bas van Oostveen.


* [mobile_detect.rb]( is a Ruby gem using the JSON data exposed by the
php project and implementing a basic subset of the API (as much as can be done by the exposed data).
Made by [Karthik T](


* [GoMobileDetect]( is a Go port of Mobile Detect class.
Made by [Shaked](


* [ua-lua]( is a small lib written in LUA providing device type detection.
ua-lua is detecting mobile or tablet devices based on user-agent inside nginx daemon.
Made by [Frédéric Robinet](


* [mobile-detect]( is a .Net partial port written in C#.
Made by [Valentin Dide](


* [MobileDetect]( is a CFC port of the
Mobile_Detect PHP Library. Made by [Giancarlo Gomez](

**Experiments** :bulb:

* [Mobile Detect Fast]( (See: [#474]( is a class to increase the performance of Mobile Detect lib. Made by [LanaGuani](

## About

See [the history]( of the project.