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Vue component for selecting business hours. Supports days of the week, holidays and any other special business hours.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Vue component for selecting business hours. Supports days of the week, holidays and any other special business hours.




# Vue Business Hours


Vue component for setting business hours in an administration panel. Option to use a text `` and `` component with 'autocomplete' functionality for greater flexbility to define business hours. Or a `` component to limit options to predetermined times in 15, 30 and 60 minute increments.


## Install

### NPM

Install with NPM

npm install vue-business-hours

Then in your `main.js` or other entry point register as a plugin.

import BusinessHours from 'vue-business-hours';


Or register as a component.

import BusinessHours from 'vue-business-hours';

Vue.component('BusinessHours', BusinessHours);

### CDN

You can also add this component straight to an HTML page with a `` tag along with Vue and Moment.js.

<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js">


## Usage

This component can be used for regular business hours, holiday hours and/or other special hours with simple configuration changes.


Business Hours

Holiday Hours


In your `main.js`, `App.vue` or in `` tags on your HTML page.

new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
days: yourDaysObject,
holidays: yourHolidaysObject

Here's an example in an `App.vue` file fetching the `days` object with an Axios API call.

<h1>Business Hours</h1>
<section v-if="errored">
Oops, something went wrong. Please check the console for more details.
<section v-else>
<div v-if="loading">Loading...</div>
<business-hours v-else :days="businessHours"></business-hours>

import axios from 'axios';

export default {
data() {
return {
businessHours: {},
loading: true,
errored: false
created() {
data => (this.businessHours = data)
methods: {
getData: function(endpoint) {
return axios
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
this.errored = true;
.finally(() => (this.loading = false));


The width of the component is set by its containing element's width. For default usage, we recommend setting the containing element to 660px. If you adjust the toggle switch via the `switchWidth` prop to a value greater than the 90px default, you may need to set the containing element to wider than 660px.

## Properties

| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| ------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| days | Object | yes | | An object with days and business hours to be set by the component. See below for format. |
| name | String | no | `businessHours` | The name of the key which will correspond to the saved business hours. |
| timeIncrement | Number | no | `30` | The number of minutes to increment the dropdown time options. Allowed values: `15`, `30` or `60` minutes |
| type | String | no | `datalist` | The type of input component used. Allowed values: `datalist' or 'select' |
| color | String | no | `#2779bd` | The color of the toggle switch and Add hours button. Must be in hex color format leading with a`#` |
| localization | Object | no | [see below](#localization) | An object of all texts used in component |
| switchWidth | Number | no | `90` | Width of toggle switch |
| hourFormat24 | Boolean | no | `false` | Use 24 hour format |

**Reminder**: Prop names [should always use kebab-case]( in templates and JSX.

### Data

The `days` property should be supplied with a JSON object in the following format. The `open` and `close` time values must be in the 24 hour format with no colon. Midnight can be designated by `2400`. `24hrs` is also valid. The `id` property must be unique for each entry. The `isOpen` property should only be false if both `open` and `close` are empty.

Please note that the data object days keys must match the defaults found in the localization object [below](#localization). The most common holidays that US businesses usually close or have special hours have been included. If you wish to add any additional holidays or special days you will have to add them in a localization file, match their keys to the ones in your data object and pass them to the `localization` prop.

sunday: [
open: '',
close: '',
id: '5ca5578b0c5c7',
isOpen: false
monday: [
open: '0800',
close: '1700',
id: '5ca5578b0c5d1',
isOpen: true
tuesday: [
open: '0800',
close: '1700',
id: '5ca5578b0c5d8',
isOpen: true
wednesday: [
open: '0800',
close: '1700',
id: '5ca5578b0c5df',
isOpen: true
thursday: [
open: '0800',
close: '1700',
id: '5ca5578b0c5e6',
isOpen: true
friday: [
open: '0800',
close: '1700',
id: '5ca5578b0c5ec',
isOpen: true
open: '1900',
close: '2200',
id: '5ca5578b0c5f2',
isOpen: true
saturday: [
open: '24hrs',
close: '24hrs',
id: '5ca5578b0c5f8',
isOpen: true

### Localization

Set texts in the object to match your locale. Use appropriate `switchWidth` to fit your `switchOpen` and `switchClosed` text.

Please note that if you only intend on changing a few values such as adding holidays not found below, you must still include all the other defaults or they won't display. It is recommended to start your localization file by copying/pasting the defaults below and change/add values from there.

switchOpen: 'Open',
switchClosed: 'Closed',
placeholderOpens: 'Opens',
placeholderCloses: 'Closes',
addHours: 'Add hours',
open: {
invalidInput: 'Please enter an opening time in the 12 hour format (ie. 08:00 AM). You may also enter "24 hours".',
greaterThanNext: 'Please enter an opening time that is before the closing time.',
lessThanPrevious: 'Please enter an opening time that is after the previous closing time.',
midnightNotLast: "Midnight can only be selected for the day's last closing time."
close: {
invalidInput: 'Please enter a closing time in the 12 hour format (ie. 05:00 PM). You may also enter "24 hours" or "Midnight".',
greaterThanNext: 'Please enter a closing time that is after the opening time.',
lessThanPrevious: 'Please enter a closing time that is before the next opening time.',
midnightNotLast: "Midnight can only be selected for the day's last closing time."
t24hours: '24 hours',
midnight: 'Midnight',
days: {
monday: 'Monday',
tuesday: 'Tuesday',
wednesday: 'Wednesday',
thursday: 'Thursday',
friday: 'Friday',
saturday: 'Saturday',
sunday: 'Sunday',
newYearsEve: 'New Year\'s Eve', // prettier-ignore
newYearsDay: 'New Year\'s Day', // prettier-ignore
martinLutherKingJrDay: 'Martin Luther King, Jr. Day',
presidentsDay: 'Presidents\' Day', // prettier-ignore
easter: 'Easter',
memorialDay: 'Memorial Day',
independenceDay: 'Independence Day',
fourthOfJuly: '4th of July',
laborDay: 'Labor Day',
columbusDay: 'Columbus Day',
veteransDay: 'Veterans Day',
thanksgivingDay: 'Thanksgiving Day',
christmasEve: 'Christmas Eve',
christmas: 'Christmas',

### Event Emitter

Vue Business Hours comes with an event emitter `@updated-hours` that allows you to access the updated values whenever hours are added, removed, reset or changed in the component.

Example usage in `App.vue`:


import yourDaysObject from './path/to/yourDaysObject';

export default {
data() {
return {
days: yourDaysObject,
methods: {
updatedHours: function(val) {
// do whatever you want here


Check out the last example in the [demo]( to see this in action.